
1. **清热解毒**:鸭舌草性凉味苦,能够有效清热解毒,对于各种热毒性疾病如感冒高热、肺炎、急性扁桃体炎、咽喉肿痛等都有一定的治疗效果。

2. **抗菌消炎**:鸭舌草含有黄酮类化合物和植物鞣质,这些成分可以抑制细菌的生长和繁殖,对于细菌感染有一定的治疗效果。

3. **凉血**:鸭舌草具有凉血作用,适用于治疗因血热引起的各种病症,如吐血、尿血等。

4. **利尿**:鸭舌草还有利尿的功效,对于治疗热淋、尿血等症状有一定的帮助。

5. **治疗痢疾与肠炎**:鸭舌草对于痢疾和肠炎等肠道疾病有显著的治疗效果。


6. **治疗疮肿与毒蛇咬伤**:外敷鸭舌草可用于治疗疮肿和毒蛇咬伤,有一定的止痛和消炎作用。

7. **提高免疫力**:鸭舌草能够提高人体免疫力,对于长期久坐不动、抵抗力差的人群尤其适合。

8. **其他功效**:鸭舌草还可以用于治疗百日咳、丹毒、疔疮、牙龈肿痛、风火赤眼等疾病。



1. **蛋白质补充**:黄豆含有丰富的植物蛋白,对于需要增加蛋白质摄入的人群(如素食者、老年人、儿童等)非常有帮助。

2. **膳食纤维**:玉米和黄豆都含有膳食纤维,有助于促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘。

3. **维生素和矿物质**:豆浆中含有的维生素(如维生素B1、B2、B3、B6、E等)和矿物质(如钙、铁、镁、钾等)对维持人体健康至关重要。

4. **降低胆固醇**:黄豆中的植物固醇有助于降低血液中的胆固醇水平,预防心血管疾病。


5. **抗氧化作用**:豆浆中的抗氧化物质可以清除体内的自由基,减缓细胞老化。

6. **预防癌症**:黄豆中的异黄酮具有弱雌激素活性,可能有助于预防乳腺癌、前列腺癌等癌症。

7. **增强免疫力**:豆浆中的营养成分有助于增强人体免疫力,提高抵抗力。

8. **适合多种人群**:黄豆玉米豆浆适合各个年龄段的人群饮用,尤其适合需要补充营养、提高免疫力的人群。

9. **方便快捷**:制作豆浆简单方便,适合忙碌的现代人。




1. **健脾开胃**:麻鸡的肉质细嫩,脂肪发达,皮薄骨软,食用时不仅口感好,还能促进食欲,对于胃口不佳、消化不良的人群尤其有益。

2. **补虚填精**:麻鸡具有补虚填精的作用,对于体质虚弱、特别是中老年男性可能出现的性功能减退问题,适量食用麻鸡可以起到温中补气、增强性功能的效果。

3. **营养价值高**:麻鸡富含硒、维生素E和肌苷酸等营养素,以及OMEGA-3不饱和脂肪酸和磷脂,这些物质有助于胆固醇的代谢,对保护心脑血管有益。与普通肉鸡相比,麻鸡的微量元素硒含量更高,对提高免疫力、延缓衰老也有积极作用。

4. **适宜孕妇食用**:麻鸡富含优质蛋白、维生素和微量元素,有利于孕妇的营养需求,促进胎儿的生长发育,增强孕妇的抵抗力和免疫能力。


5. **缓解关节疼痛**:麻鸡具有健脾开胃、打通血脉、活动筋骨的功效,对于腰酸背痛或关节疼痛的人群,适量食用有助于缓解症状。

6. **改善胃肠功能**:对于胃肠功能不佳的人群,麻鸡的健脾开胃作用可以帮助改善消化吸收,增强食欲。

7. **适合炖汤**:麻鸡适合用来炖汤,其汤汁鲜美,营养丰富,易于吸收,是滋养身体的佳品。





1. **清热解毒**:荸荠性寒,具有很好的清热解毒作用,适合在夏季或身体有热毒症状时食用。

2. **凉血解热**:荸荠能够帮助降低体温,适用于发烧病人,有助于清热生津。

3. **止咳润肺**:荸荠具有润肺的功效,适合用于治疗咳嗽,对于肺部不适有一定的缓解作用。

4. **解酒作用**:荸荠被认为有解酒作用,适合饮酒过量后食用,有助于缓解酒精带来的不适。

5. **抗菌作用**:荸荠中含有一种名为荸荠英的抗菌成分,对金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌等多种细菌有抑制作用。

6. **降低血压**:荸荠英成分对降低血压也有一定效果。

7. **抗癌作用**:荸荠英成分对肺部、食道和乳腺的癌肿有防治作用。

8. **预防传染病**:荸荠在春季可以预防麻疹、流行性脑膜炎等急性传染病。

9. **促进生长发育**:荸荠中含有丰富的磷,是根茎蔬菜中最高的,有助于人体生长发育和维持生理功能,对牙齿骨骼的发育有很大好处。

10. **调节代谢**:荸荠能促进体内的糖、脂肪、蛋白质三大物质的代谢,调节酸碱平衡。

11. **润肠通便**:荸荠有助于消化,可以促进肠道蠕动,有助于润肠通便。

12. **化湿祛痰**:荸荠有助于消除体内湿气,对于祛痰有一定的效果。


13. **消食除胀**:荸荠能够帮助消化,对于减轻食积和腹胀有一定的作用。

– 荸荠不宜生吃,因为其生长在水田中,可能含有寄生虫和化学物质。
– 煮荸荠时不宜使用铁锅,以免影响荸荠的味道和营养价值。
– 荸荠性寒,脾胃虚寒者应适量食用。




1. **时间象征**:在许多文化中,钟是时间的象征。一口钟可能被描述为拥有使时间静止或者倒流的神奇力量,帮助人们逃避灾难或者完成某项重要任务。


2. **预示未来**:一口钟可能被描绘成能够显示未来的神秘物品。人们相信通过敲击一口钟,可以听到未来的声音,从而得知即将发生的事情。

3. **守护平安**:在某些故事里,一口钟可能被认为具有保护家庭或社区免受邪恶侵害的力量。人们相信只要一口钟响起,邪恶势力就会被驱散。

4. **心灵治愈**:一口钟的声音可能被认为具有治愈心灵的作用。在某些传说中,人们相信敲钟的声音能够带来平静和安宁,甚至治愈疾病。

5. **沟通工具**:一口钟可能在某些故事中被描述为一种特殊的沟通工具,人们可以通过敲钟与神灵或者其他神秘生物交流。



1. **利水消肿**:黄根具有利水消肿的作用,对于治疗小便不利、水肿、浮肿等症状有一定的效果。

2. **利湿退黄**:它能够利湿退黄,对于黄疸的治疗有一定的帮助。

3. **散瘀强筋**:黄根还有散瘀强筋的功效,可用于治疗跌打损伤、风湿性关节炎等。


4. **凉血作用**:黄根能够凉血,适用于治疗衄血、呕血、便血、崩漏等出血症状。


5. **促进乳汁分泌**:对于哺乳期妇女,黄根还有助于疏通经络,促进乳汁的分泌。

6. **抗菌作用**:黄根具有很强的抗菌作用,对金黄色葡萄球菌、炭疽杆菌等都有抑制作用,对于一些细菌感染性疾病有治疗作用。

7. **治疗矽肺**:通过动物实验和临床试验,黄根对矽肺有治疗作用,可抗石英、石棉等。


8. **对心脏的作用**:黄根能够降低离体大鼠心脏的心肌收缩力、冠脉流量和心率,并能削弱离体大鼠心脏对缺氧的耐受力。

9. **对呼吸系统的作用**:黄根对呼吸系统有一定的保护作用,具有祛痰效果,并且对动物的药物性引喘具有保护作用。

10. **治疗白血病、再生障碍性贫血等**:黄根对于白血病、再生障碍性贫血等血液系统疾病也有一定的治疗效果。


This decision goes against the order of the king of Yuanzuo County, and he will be severely punished.

But if we keep any more reservations, all of them will die here
This world war I has ordered face and dignity to be life and death.
Only the winner can leave alive!
As soon as Stone’s voice fell on the battlefield, there was a burst of strong fluctuations in gods.
Twenty-two of the remaining prisoners were glued to Su Mo’s eyebrows, flashing light, and almost at the same time, Yuan Shen’s occult skills broke out!
Su Mo looked afraid.
After the Six Teeth Divine Power, the root of his divine power is not weaker than that of the Nine Terraces Fairy!
A Long Lin emerged in the middle, filled with a heart-rending smell.
Many gods know the occult sciences, and this Long Lin collides together quietly, but the whole world seems to be still!
There is a valley water curtain shaking slightly, and there is a wave on it.
Watching the Panlong Mountains, millions of monks followed their hearts throbbing slightly, staring at the battlefield and looking nervous.
The most dangerous thing is for Yuan Shen to fight for the front. A little carelessness may be the death of the body!
Four fairy mind followed up.
They knew before that Sumo Yuanshen had a high realm, but it was still run against them to kill 22 Weiyuan Yuanshen in secret arts.
When this Long Lin emerged, a carriage in the crowd, plain clothes, suddenly blurted out, "lamella!"
The carriage girl’s mind almost didn’t hear clearly on the battlefield.
Plain clothes woman whispered, "I’m going to die."
At the same time
The Long Lin, which was floating in the middle of the valley, appeared a series of cracks and then broke with a bang!
And twenty-two punishments kill Weiyuan God’s occult sciences, and only twelve are broken.
There are still ten ways left to impact Su Mo!
it’s over
Seeing this scene, Panlong Mountain came to a sigh.
"I didn’t expect this person to escape the punishment and defend the final punishment."
"The Six Terraces Immortal Immortal Immortals entangled this and killed so many executioners. He was proud even if he died."
"Even if he can live in the future, it will not be better than the death of Yuan Shen, which is a good result for him."
It has been discussed in the crowd.
However, the four immortals in the middle school, the king of Yuanzuo County, the lone star and other people with high eyesight did not speak. They were still looking at the battlefield, and the shock became more and more obvious!
Plop! Plop!
On the battlefield, there are 12 executioners with dim eyes and flat faces. The breath of life has passed quickly and they have fallen!

Fahai Lei Yin sighed, "You are right. It seems that you have won."

Luo Qiubai said in his heart, old friends, none of us won and we all lost.
But there was no export. Before the war, the tension obviously disappeared a lot.
The two of them arrived at Wang Chuanshan but didn’t know where they were.
Luo Qiubai has no heart, because Wang Chuanshan will not come, he will shoot at the most critical time.
At the end of the sea, the moonlight reflected and glistened on the sea. A huge stone tablet was as high as a thousand feet, like a giant peak leaning on the sky and an Excalibur slowly emerging. The bright moonlight fell on the stone tablet, but it seemed like a floating island. After the moon was clear, it was a dragon head. The monster opened his mouth and a row of teeth gave off sharp cold.
This is the’ bully camel monument’!
Chapter 13 The Soul of the Emperor of Heaven
One of the dragons born nine is called the dragon head turtle, which is physically poor.
This bully is based on the fact that the real dragon and Xuanwu copulated to give birth to a god beast. In ancient times, Dayu met a water conservancy.
At the beginning, Naha’s ferocity caused the wind and waves to harm the sky, and he was accepted as the hero of water control by Yu Wang. Later, Yu Wang was afraid that Naha would once again set up a stone tablet with a weight of hundreds of millions of kilograms. Remember that Naha’s merits in water control are to prevent him from running around, and secondly, if one day Naha meets the great avatar again, he hopes that the other party will read it as meritorious in water control and spare his life.
At the moment, this bully is carrying seven "kills" on the stone tablet surface that is not Yu Wang’s water control, but it is like a lonely peak and a cliff, and the iron-painted silver hook is so murderous that it is disheartening and dare not raise eyebrows.
The seven words’ kill’ are bloody and don’t disperse. When the moonlight falls on the surface, it becomes a bloody halo, which makes people sick at the sight.
"Everything is born to support everyone, and everything can be reported to heaven." The strange sharp sound pierced the original seven-killing monument with a black Chinese man with long hair flying and cold eyes, and the slim figure was stretched to the end.
Kill the footstone! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!
Seven bloody "kill" words suddenly became seven pieces of blood, and all the ghosts were roaring.
The full moon seems to be covered with a layer of blood.
This generation of fierce fiends can finally have a good time today, but I don’t know if the three great masters can catch a few moves.
Luo Qiubai disappeared without saying a word, but his body disappeared and turned into a rainbow in the sea rock with the unity of sword and light.
Other people’s swords have disappeared, and in the end, the combination of others can destroy the light of the immortal and the sword.
There’s blood in the sword. That’s hero blood, not ghost blood.
Luo Qiubai finally entered a wonderful realm at this moment, which is an unimaginable realm. It seems that he can give birth to thousands of firm but gentle enemies in front of him in an instant.
This kind of enemy force can turn over the river at will.
In this power-led, his heart was not violent and fierce because of the sudden rise in strength, but his heart was quiet and there was no thought.
He has forgotten that the old demon in Montenegro has forgotten himself, or that his thoughts have been integrated into this day, this place and this sea. One thought is that things have changed. This is the power of time. This is the enemy’s power. This is the power of nature in heaven and earth.
The birth of life touched the sea and changed the field, and it was magnificent and eulogized.
In a flash, in this life, every picture flashed in my heart.
Every move in life, every second hits the idea of standing still in still time.
If the sky is affectionate, the sky is old, and those touches even move this sky, this land and this sea.
I can’t stop thinking about it. It seems like a quiet volcano erupts suddenly and an undersea earthquake reflects the exhausted tsunami power.
In this life, in this life, Luo Qiubai will not be stronger than this moment.
Li Zhichang silently watched all this in a distant place. Here is emptiness. Here is emptiness. There are countless stars behind the table, and many people are tiny.
But those huge stars will be shaken by the great power of Luo Qiubai. Even if the ephemera shakes the tree with the determination to die, it is impossible for the tree to have no movement at all.
Luo Qiubai is Luo Qiubai. At this moment, he is ashamed of the sword god. His first move is naturally suspicious, but if he can make the old demon in Montenegro injured or show flaws, Fahai Lei Yin, the Tathagata, has nowhere to be found, and Wang Chuanshan can take advantage of the gap and strike.
Thousands of firm but gentle swords are born in the emptiness of flint, and each firm but gentle sword is equivalent to a sword fairy blow.
These tens of millions of swords burst out like drops of water and gathered into a vast river soup.
The old demon in Montenegro is still cold in the face of this firm but gentle look, and even his eyelids are not raised. The gas mask was born before him.
This is the sky, the blood and the moon, and the color is darker. In some other places, the night seems to be covered by something. Only the suzaku behind the old demon in Montenegro lights up for seven nights like a big bird that is about to soar.
Poor shock wave is like rain hitting banana and hitting the gas wall, and it keeps melting without a ripple.
The thick gas wall seems to be composed of white flames, and the firm but gentle waves are used as fuel.
Luo Qiubai, the virtual energy of heaven and earth condensed into a firm but gentle shock wave, and all the oil droplets were sprayed on the fire, which not only failed to put out the fire, but also contributed to the fire.
Sword rainbow dissipates, Luo Qiubai stands in a virtual robe, and his face turns pale.
Fahai Lei Yin Tathagata did not move, because just now he was as poor as the tide in those terrible shock waves, and he did not let the old demon in Montenegro show his flaws.
The first demon title in the world really has no false moisture.
Fahai Lei Yin Tathagata sighed in his heart that this old demon is too unfathomable. If the old demon gets Monty’s seven evil spirits after tonight, it will be difficult to meet Monty’s ancestral spirit when he can return to his body. More strength needs to be restored by 30%, that is, the statue of pharmacist Wang Buddha can also be tolerated.
Unfortunately, except for the heaven, it is impossible for anyone except the moral Buddha and Amitabha Buddha to surpass the level of Jin Xian. Of course, the old demon in Montenegro is an exception.
Luo Qiubai’s eyes are like swords, and he stares at the old demon in Montenegro through layers of obstacles. It seems that he wants to see the most powerful opponent in his life clearly.
The old demon in Montenegro gently raised his right hand, and there was a violent gas strength erupting from his palm, like a jet jet spewing out a powerful gas, which was one hundred times and one thousand times more powerful than the jet spewing out of air billow.
No unnecessary change is the original force.
In the end, all fighting methods are competitive.
Luo Qiubai held high the tears and blood, but firm but gentle as a rainbow, and resisted the horrible extreme gas wave, and then the stalemate followed by the surging vitality explosion.
Smoke and water dispersed in the sea, and a huge black hole was born, and the sea water flowed in.
At the same time, Fahai Lei Yin Tathagata also lost some of his Buddha’s light. In the end, he still made moves and failed to shake the old demon in Montenegro.
This is evident from the peerless earth of the old demon in Montenegro.
His eyes are indifferent, but now he is looking at this and that yuan explosion to create a black hole.
A figure came unsteadily from the bottom, wrapped in rags like a refugee who had just escaped.

There, it’s not easy to measure, and then look at Huang Shitian, but it’s a face of wonder, "My previous life …"

"It should be a true fairy" Huang Shitian said with a straight face.
The expression of measurement is very complicated, and the word’ lying groove’ is marked on the face in capital.
Wei Yingwu looked at Huang Shitian in shock.
"Although the boss didn’t say anything about fighting, you are really going too far." Li Jade Bird looked around at the blood gurgling on the ground and then looked at the measurement. "Now that you are ready, it’s my turn to talk to you, then take my sword!"
Li Qingniao’s body suddenly burst into a beautiful shock wave like a waterfall.
Although her character is simple, her sword is full of ancient and wild breath.
Like a bird with a flame and fireworks, it rushes away to measurement.
"Has entered the realm of God" Lin Chong looked at this sword and commented that although he practiced, he saw much more realm of God. This sword activated the spirit of heaven and earth, so that all the gods could see it.
It seems that the battle of Wan Fa gave Li Qingniao a lot of experience, and it took only a few months to break through the boundaries and enter the sacred land.
"God? !” Wei Yingwu’s eyes will pop out.
Is that pretty and a little dull girl a divine power? !
But the divine realm is just a bird in front of scattered immortals.
Measurement didn’t begin to count the number of divinatory symbols as a shield, and the sword light was eliminated inch by inch before Li Jade Bird spread its wings like a fire phoenix, and the divinatory symbol light walked around Li Jade Bird and inspired Zi Long to envelop Li Jade Bird like a punishment.
"ahhh!" Li Qing birdman wrapped around her in a semi-purple flame, and she was as tight as a dragon, making her cry miserably.
"Sister!" Huang Shitian released his magic weapon of candlelight, but it was chopped back by a divinatory image.
The gap is too big.
Like a child transforming gold steel
"Today is the daylights out of me …" Metrology said coldly.
Lin Chong is greeting Lin’s thoughtless hand.
At this time, the words were measured and circled, and the moonlight suddenly went out, and he fell from half.
As soon as the moonlight went out, the dragon fire wrapped around Li Qingniao lost its dependence and dissipated. Li Qingniao fell to Rehmannia glutinosa and quickly stood in front of her to measure.
The measurement is extremely angry. He didn’t know who to talk to in situ. "Didn’t I give you enough blood sacrifice? What suddenly took away power! Monty! What are you doing? ! If you break your promise, you will be eaten by Luo Tian! "
"What did you say … this woman … what happened to her?"
"Why can’t you touch …!"
"I entered your mother …"
Measurement is like a person at the moment. He shouted and cursed and jumped, and finally calmed down his emotions and fixed his eyes on Li Jade Bird with hatred.
"Who the hell are you? !”
Although Li Qingniao was bleeding from the corners of her mouth for a while, the baby was not hurt. At this moment, she was holding a sword proudly, and the facade asked and answered, "I am Li Qingniao, the agent of the seventy-sixth peak of Wanfaxian Sect!"
"I asked you and monty what … forget it!" Metrology beckoned and summoned a bright moon to fly to the sky again, and the whole dress entered the state of scattered fairy after the robbery. "Nine robberies of true fairy reincarnation can go, and that woman can go …"
Measure looked at a linchong.
"A mortal will join in the fun. Get out."
Shrimp … Wei Yingwu can walk around. What about him? He was the first to see that the situation was not good. Why should he go there?
"Even a small clay pill can plug a gap" is measured at Wei Yingwu’s "Save your life"
After that, a divinatory image floated on Wei Yingwu’s head, and a purple dragon and snake fire spewed out to turn Wei Yingwu into ashes.
At the moment, Huang Shi-Tian is guarding Li Qingyi, and Li Qingyi is staring at the measurement. Both of them didn’t come to protect Wei Yingwu. Wei Yingwu was quick to react. The instrument in his hand sprayed a layer of water curtain to protect the whole body, but this is like a firefly facing Godzilla. It is impossible to prevent it.
It’s over … Wei Ying’s heart is in despair. He is unwilling!
At this time, one hand gently protected Wei Ying’s five heads.
The dragon and snake fire suddenly dissipated when it met this hand, just like escaping into the air.
Wei Yingwu heard a warm language again and turned to see the old man Bai Hu, who regarded mortals as the old man’s house.
"You … who are you?" Wei Yingwu said with trembling lips
"I’m Gandalf." Lin Chong walked over and said that he had informed Lin Buzhou to launch the "Fengyun World" avenue.
I saw a heavy color instantly crossing the whole Taiyi Village.
The whole Taiyi village has changed in an instant, but the temperament is completely different, and the gods are more sensitive to this.
Especially Li Qingniao, who was like a startled cat, was suddenly tightened all over, finding with horror.
"pipe dream … two worlds apart? !” Round in the bright moon, the true fairy measurement said with horror.
At this moment, Lin Chong pointed a sword at the measuring way, "Sword 23".
Chapter two hundred and twenty-three Monty blood sacrifice
I once cut the sword of Qingyun out of the dream of yellow sorghum, and now I see a virtual shadow breakthrough in Guanghua. The sword is inserted in the measuring body at the same speed as it is beyond the time …
Plug it in
The disillusionment of the measurement figure seems to have never appeared in a big dream.
It’s the same as when I cut the eyebrows.’ Lin Zhou confirmed that’ Monty possessed’
"If you don’t upgrade, you can’t keep up with the pace of progress in this world." Lin Chong sighed with emotion. How long has it been? It was once the downfall of all laws in one battle, and now it has become a bad thing to catch anyone.
Then you’d better give me an upgrade!’ Lin buzhou snorted,’ Look for Zer to study the upgrade method of Huang Liangxian!’
This is an interesting topic. How can an immortal become an immortal? How can the QR code go further? Now that Lv Zu has become a fairy, there must be a further way …

Heavenly Queen Shen said, "Brother Dao said that the dazzling Buddha is insignificant, that is, there is someone else behind him. If I am poor, I will definitely get that person out of heaven. How many people can make me worry about the Jade Emperor? Murphy that yao spirit Buddha really Chinese … "

Marshal Zhenwu, however, said, "I don’t know how many years have passed since the Jade Emperor and Heaven Emperor crossed each other, and the empress of Ziwei is naturally clear. How can she doubt his loyalty to the Jade Emperor?"
The heavenly queen felt upset. At present, although the celestial world is unstable, it has not had to fight a situation when Di Jun and Xingtian were fighting for the position of Heaven Emperor. Although the Western Tai Chi Emperor has ambitions, he still wants the Chinese Emperor in the north and the immortal emperor in the south to be on the side of the Jade Emperor, and the Western Emperor naturally does not dare to make a move.
Of course, there is no need to say that the Antarctic fairy has no infidelity, so what does she have to worry about?
Not only the Queen Mother, but even Mrs. Wei behind her felt that Marshal Zhenwu’s words were really a bit bizarre. Unless the person behind the dazzling Buddha was the Chinese Emperor, what can’t be said?
Marshal Zhenwu said in a low voice, "The Empress has been given by Yuan Tianzun to Fang Tianyuan to be in charge of the three immortals, but if I say that there is another fairy ranking in the Empress, do you think it will be nonsense at the end?"
Mrs. Wei lost her way. "Marshal, don’t talk nonsense. The empress belongs to all the immortals. How can it be …"
The heavenly queen turned around and held down Mrs. Wei’s hand and face.
Marshal Zhenwu added, "What if that fairy is not only ranked as the empress, but also I dare not ignore the law and listen to whatever she asks me to do?"
The heavenly queen stood there, breathing slowly and her chest fluctuated.
Marshal Zhenwu bowed down and said, "Please forgive me, Empress, for leaving at the end."
The heavenly queen silently waved her hand and asked Mrs Wei to send him away.
Mrs Wei hurriedly called Huang Lingwei and Ling Ning, and Huang Lingwei sent Marshal Zhenwu and Ling Ning out when the Central Committee displayed the apricot yellow flag.
After they left, Mrs. Wei stood behind the heavenly queen and whispered, "Empress …"
The heavenly queen hesitated for a long time and finally managed to meditate. "China, please send someone to take Miao Miao and Fei Qiong back, and they must not stay in the demon spirit world."
Mrs. Wei hesitated for a long time, but she couldn’t help asking, "Is there really such a person in heaven as Marshal Zhenwu said?"
I don’t know that the Queen Mother has always been the head of many fairy goddesses, but now she is the wife of the Emperor of Heaven and the mother of the Three Realms, Mrs. Wei. How can any fairy dare to pretend to be the Queen Mother?
The heavenly queen sighed lightly, "You were born after the war for God, and it is normal not to know that person. Even though I have never seen her for more than 10,000 years, I almost forgot that she still remembers that woman in heaven."
Mrs. Wei said, "Who the hell is she?"
The heavenly queen smiled wryly. "She is the first day of the celestial world of Tai Chi Emperor Ziwei Emperor’s mother, Emperor Tiandi and Imperial Princess … Hook Lady Chen Gong Ziguang!"
Chapter seventy-six Lovely mermaid
The quicksand Tianshui is different from the ordinary water. Not only will the dead branches and leaves fall into it, but they will all sink, even the immortals will also make the escape technique. It is precisely because of the quicksand Tianshui’s protection of the Jiao Ren family in the Dragon Kong Palace that they have not been oppressed by the glorious Buddha for the time being.
Xu Feiqiong, the soul of the wind, swam in quicksand and Tianshui in the same way. Fortunately, they waited for a while by Yaohu Lake. Jiao Ren found them, and soon Mrs. Sakura sent someone to take them into Longgan Palace.
Although the outside of Longgan Palace is surrounded by quicksand and water, the other part is ordinary water vapor and has been enchanted. It is up to everyone to swim or walk.
Two people followed a guide mermaid into the hall, and Mrs. Sakura and Jian Tian were already waiting there.
Although the wind soul has explained to Xu Feiqiong, Xu Feiqiong can’t help but pick his eyebrows when he sees Jiantian there. After all, Jiantian almost killed Wang Miaoxiang.
Pearls all over the ground shed luster, and Kethleen accumulated blue light.
Lady Sakura took them to sit in the coral garden behind the house and asked about the wind soul and Xu Feiqiong’s purpose.
The wind soul told the story that Shi Daoxuan, who was besieged in Hoping Mountain, still fell into the hands of the glorious Buddha, and so on. Mrs. Sakura sighed unceasingly.
Lady Sakura arranged for the wind and soul to live in the horse, so she sent someone to inquire about the development. Wang Miaoxiang and the red line and the spirit set down in Wufengtan. There are many waterways leading to other places, and many slave demons wearing forbidden spirit hoops secretly have some connections with her.
Because Xu Feiqiong’s dress broke many places, Mrs. Sakura gave her a dress woven by Jiao Ren. The clothes made by Jiao Ren people are not only better in texture than those worn by fairies in the celestial world, but also exquisite and beautiful. The wind remembered that the red line had lost its original red color, and the clothes had already been broken, so she also had the cheek to ask Mrs. Sakura for two pieces of clothes for her daughter’s home, a bright red flower and a white as snow.