

1. **补气养阴**:人参具有补气养阴的作用,适用于气虚体弱、面色苍白、食欲不振等症状。参糖中的人参成分可以补充人体所需的元气,增强体力。

2. **提高免疫力**:人参中的有效成分可以增强人体的免疫功能,提高抗病能力,对于容易感冒、抵抗力低下的人群有一定的辅助治疗作用。

3. **改善心血管功能**:人参对心血管系统有一定的保护作用,可以降低血脂、抗凝、改善血液循环,对于心血管疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

4. **增强记忆力**:人参可以促进大脑血液循环,改善脑细胞代谢,有助于提高记忆力,对学习、工作压力大的人群有一定的辅助作用。

5. **调节血糖**:人参具有一定的降血糖作用,对于糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

6. **抗疲劳**:人参具有抗疲劳作用,可以缓解身体疲劳,提高工作效率。

7. **抗氧化**:人参中的有效成分具有抗氧化作用,可以清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老。


– 体质燥热者:人参性温,体质燥热者食用可能会加重症状。
– 有高血压、心脏病等疾病的患者:人参可能会影响血压和心脏功能,应慎用。
– 孕妇和哺乳期妇女:人参成分可能会影响胎儿或婴儿的健康,应避免食用。



– 适量食用:过量食用可能会导致不良反应。
– 早晚食用:人参具有滋补作用,早晚食用更利于吸收。
– 结合饮食:保持均衡饮食,适当运动,提高身体素质。



### 药效:

1. **降糖作用**:二甲双胍通过减少肝脏产生葡萄糖,增加肌肉和其他组织对葡萄糖的摄取和利用,从而降低血糖水平。
2. **减轻体重**:二甲双胍可以帮助患者减轻体重,这对于2型糖尿病患者来说非常重要,因为肥胖是糖尿病的一个风险因素。


3. **改善胰岛素敏感性**:二甲双胍可以提高身体对胰岛素的敏感性,这意味着身体需要较少的胰岛素来维持正常的血糖水平。
4. **降低心血管风险**:有研究表明,二甲双胍可能有助于降低心血管疾病的风险。

### 影响:


1. **副作用**:二甲双胍可能引起一些副作用,包括恶心、呕吐、腹泻、口苦、胃胀等。这些副作用通常在开始用药后几天内消失。
2. **乳酸酸中毒**:虽然非常罕见,但长期或过量使用二甲双胍可能导致乳酸酸中毒,这是一种严重的代谢紊乱,需要立即医疗干预。
3. **肾功能损害**:由于二甲双胍可能影响肾脏,肾功能不全的患者需要谨慎使用,并定期监测肾功能。
4. **与其他药物的相互作用**:二甲双胍与某些药物(如磺酰脲类药物、胰岛素等)合用时可能增加低血糖的风险。

### 其他新发现:

1. **骨折愈合**:最近的研究表明,二甲双胍可能有助于加速骨折愈合,这可能与其对骨组织的作用有关。
2. **血管生成**:二甲双胍可能促进血管生成,这对于改善某些疾病(如糖尿病视网膜病变)可能有益。




1. **净化心灵**:药珀被认为具有净化心灵、消除负面情绪的作用,有助于缓解焦虑、抑郁等心理问题。


2. **增强免疫力**:有说法认为药珀可以增强人体免疫力,提高抵抗力,对预防疾病有一定的帮助。

3. **缓解疼痛**:对于一些慢性疼痛,如关节炎、腰痛等,佩戴药珀被认为可以缓解疼痛。

4. **改善睡眠**:药珀有助于改善睡眠质量,对失眠患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

5. **调节内分泌**:药珀被认为可以调节人体内分泌系统,对一些内分泌失调引起的症状,如月经不调、更年期综合症等有一定的缓解作用。

6. **促进血液循环**:佩戴药珀有助于促进血液循环,对心血管系统有一定的保健作用。

7. **增强视力**:药珀被认为可以增强视力,对近视、远视等眼部疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。



1. 选择正规渠道购买,确保饰品的质量。

2. 避免长时间暴露在高温、潮湿的环境中,以免影响药珀的品质。

3. 定期清洁和保养药珀饰品,以保持其光泽和美观。


1. **疏风清热**:蝉蜕具有很好的疏风清热作用,适用于治疗风热感冒、咽喉肿痛、咳嗽音哑等症状。


2. **透疹利咽**:对于麻疹、风疹等皮肤疾病,蝉蜕可以起到透疹的作用,同时也有助于缓解咽喉肿痛。

3. **退翳明目**:蝉蜕能够退翳明目,对于因风热引起的目赤肿痛、翳障等眼部疾病有一定的治疗效果。

4. **祛风止痉**:对于小儿高热惊厥、癫痫等神经系统疾病,蝉蜕具有祛风止痉的作用。

5. **解表透疹**:在治疗疹疾如麻疹、猩红热等疾病时,蝉蜕可以帮助疹子顺利透发,减少出疹不畅和痛痒等症状。


6. **止咳平喘**:蝉蜕对于哮喘等呼吸系统疾病也有一定的疗效,能够熄风止痉,提高呼吸功能。

7. **抗惊厥、镇静镇痛**:现代药理研究表明,蝉蜕具有抗惊厥、镇静镇痛的作用,对于一些容易出现惊厥的病症有辅助治疗作用。

8. **抗过敏、抗肿瘤**:蝉蜕还具有抗过敏、抗肿瘤的作用,能够使心率减慢,对过敏性疾病和肿瘤有一定的辅助治疗作用。



1. **清热解毒**:妇乐片具有清热解毒的功效,能够帮助清除体内的热毒,对于因热毒引起的各种症状有缓解作用。

2. **凉血**:该药具有凉血作用,可以减轻血热引起的症状,如月经不调等。

3. **消肿止痛**:妇乐片对于局部肿胀和疼痛有很好的缓解作用,如盆腔炎、附件炎等疾病引起的疼痛。

4. **抗菌消炎**:药理学研究表明,妇乐片具有抗菌和消炎作用,对于盆腔炎、子宫内膜炎、附件炎等妇科炎症有显著疗效。

5. **改善局部微循环**:妇乐片能够改善局部微循环,有助于促进炎症部位的恢复。

6. **增强免疫力**:通过增强机体的免疫力,妇乐片有助于预防和治疗感染。


– **妇科炎症**:主要用于治疗盆腔炎、子宫内膜炎、附件炎等妇科炎症,对缓解炎症引起的下腹部疼痛、白带增多等症状有良好效果。


– **产后调理**:对于产妇体质较弱,如子宫颈因恶露造成脱落未能及时关闭,或者胎盘在子宫腔内脱落等引起的感染有治疗作用。

– **人流术后感染**:可用于药物流产、人工流产、自然流产后的感染,以及无菌手术后的不卫生引起的感染。

– **其他妇科疾病**:如月经过多、产后恶露不净、上节育环后引起的月经量过多、阴道出血等症状,妇乐片也有一定的治疗作用。


– **遵医嘱**:在医生指导下使用,不要擅自更改剂量和疗程。

– **注意饮食**:服药期间,饮食宜清淡,避免辛辣刺激性食物。

– **禁忌人群**:孕妇禁用,脾胃虚弱者应慎用。

– **不良反应**:个别人可能出现胃肠道不良反应,如恶心等,一般不影响药效。



1. **丰富的蛋白质**:茶干主要由大豆制成,含有丰富的植物蛋白,对于需要补充蛋白质的人群来说,是一种很好的食物来源。

2. **氨基酸的提供**:茶干中含有人体必需的十八种氨基酸,有助于维持人体正常的新陈代谢和生理功能。

3. **多种微量元素**:茶干中还含有钙、镁、钼、锰、硒、锶、铜等十几种微量元素,这些元素对于维持人体健康和生理功能至关重要。

4. **维生素的摄入**:茶干中含有维生素A、维生素E等,有助于增强身体的抵抗力,促进健康。

5. **润肠通便**:适量食用茶干有助于润肠通便,对于经常便秘的人群具有一定的改善作用。


6. **提神醒脑**:茶干中的某些成分具有提神醒脑的效果,对于疲劳和精神不振有一定帮助。

7. **保健功能**:在第五届全国微量元素与人体健康学会上,茶干被一些著名的营养专家鉴定为色、香、味具佳、老少皆宜的营养保健食品。

8. **辅助减肥**:茶干中含有一定的膳食纤维,有助于促进大肠蠕动,增强身体代谢功能,从而起到一定的减肥作用。


9. **适合不同人群**:茶干作为一种高端豆制品,不仅适合成人食用,也适合儿童和老年人,是一种老少皆宜的食品。

10. **地方特色**:不同地区的茶干有其独特的制作工艺和风味,如安徽的采石茶干、铜陵茶干、如皋的白蒲茶干等,不仅美味可口,还富含地方特色。


Perhaps the birds saw Su Mo and others crawling up, and they didn’t want to continue with Xiao Pang’s three people, flapping their wings violently and whistling in the wind.

Xiao pang couldn’t bear to fall from the middle first, and the shield was blown away and disappeared.
"Ah ah ah!"
Xiao pang was so scared that his face was livid and his teeth bared. He shouted and said at once after seeing Su Mo, "Big Brother, there is a big bird on the run!"
Xiao Pang’s falling direction is not far from Sumo.
Su Mo had a good impression of Xiao Pang, so he couldn’t from ruin, so he moved his body and stuck it on the mountain wall and moved it continuously, dragging Xiao Pang from the middle school.
Xiao pang rolled his eyes and drooled at the corner of his mouth, which seemed to frighten him into fainting.
Sue ink frowned.
He has climbed halfway up the mountain, and it will take some trouble to let Xiao Pang go.
Xiao Pang is heavy, but Su Mo’s waist and cold moon are nothing compared with the blood crystal bow on the back of the knife.
On this, Su Mo dragged Xiao Pang with one hand and continued to climb with two feet and one hand, with almost no reduction in speed.
Su Mo didn’t see clearly until he was close.
This is a crane. It looks young and still in its infancy. Its eyes are full of agility and excitement.
It seems that shooting down all the climbers is the most interesting game for it.
The crane dived and leaned out, and its paws landed on the ice cover of the white-shirted woman.
The broken ice cover was easily scratched by the crane.
The wind blew through the white woman and fell from the flying sword. Her eyes were dim but she didn’t say anything. In an instant, rolling in the deep.
The aloof man followed closely in the crane offensive, but after three breaths, he fell from the middle and looked unwilling.
The crane looked up and sang softly, and his eyes were full of pride.
Chapter sixty-six A monkey
See even the arrogant man and the white-shirted woman fall into the abyss. Su Mo doubts again in his heart.
People in rolling in the deep will definitely not die.
The two men have variation spirit root has alarmed dimly discernible peak first how can die so easily.
However, it is not known what Sumo will experience in rolling in the deep.
Su Mo continuously moved horizontally to avoid the sight of the crane and quickly fled to the top of the mountain.
Although he has one hand, Su Mo’s five toes are flexible and his fingers dig into the mountain wall after taking off his shoes. Climb quickly in the room
Crane induction is very keen. In the middle, he made a turn and came to Su Mo’s head to sing. His eyes were full of banter and he seemed to laugh at Su Mo Xiaocong.
One man and one crane are finally right
On the other side, on the top of an aura mountain, there are two elegant middle-aged Taoist priests sitting opposite each other, both dressed in white robes, but one has a flying sword tattooed on his cuff and the other has a hexagonal logo tattooed on his cuff.
Two people carefully tea look carefree.
Beside two middle-aged Taoist priests, a thin Taoist boy looked excited and said something.
"hmm? Mutant spirit root? Or two? "
One of the middle-aged Taoist priests looked slightly different and raised eyebrows with a teacup.
Thin child nodded.
Another middle-aged Taoist asked, "What are the spiritual roots?"
The thin Taoist replied, "One is Fenglinggen and the other is Binglinggen."
I heard that two middle-aged Taoist priests smiled at each other and seemed very satisfied.
"Wenxuan, you Lingfeng will have two geniuses again."
There are six peaks in the dimly discernible peak. The highest peak is the truly dimly discernible peak seen outside.
There are five peaks around the misty peak, namely Lingfeng, Danfeng, Fufeng, Array Peak and Device Peak.
Calling Taoist Wenxuan is the man with the flying sword logo tattooed on his cuff, but it is the first place in Lingfeng.
Another name, Xuan Yi, is the first one of the array peaks.
Those who can sit in the first seat of the Five Peaks must be then real people.
Although the five peaks have their own strengths, Lingfeng has the most brothers. What Lingfeng has learned from rebuilding the realm is the fight of the true.

Chapter one thousand six hundred and thirty-seven Tit for tat

"What do you mean by the dark wizard?"
The God Emperor frowned and asked, "Do you really believe what this junior said?"
The ghost witch emperor and others were unmoved by their expressions.
The God Emperor took a deep breath and said, "The Archaean War was all the work of my protoss ancestors. They are old and they did make a big mistake, but we!"
"The protoss has grown and developed in the wild mainland over the years and has long regarded itself as a wild man. Isn’t our friendship for so many years better than this junior in a few words?"
"We’ve been friends for so many years and you’ve never told us the truth."
The Sun Fire Emperor said coldly, "If it weren’t for today’s events, our five fierce families would be kept in the dark even if they were held at gunpoint!"
"Hey hey!"
Ghost witch emperor also strange smile without a word.
No one in the presence of the emperor is stupid.
Now that we know the truth of the Taikoo War, the origin of the protoss is naturally guarded against the protoss.
The Blood Emperor also sneered, "If the God Emperor is in a scuffle, his strength will be weakened, and then the mainland of God will invade and occupy the famine, will you still call us brothers?"
In a blink of an eye, the situation of this national conference has changed dramatically!
Originally, the six fierce families joined forces to be extremely aggressive.
Terran has almost no way out.
But now Su Mo wakes up and tells the truth of the ancient war, directly disintegrating the alliance of the six fierce families and isolating the protoss!
"In this case, our fierce clan should join hands today to suppress the protoss and avenge the ancestors of Archaean times!"
Barbarian said homicidal.
"I agree!"
Kun Huang also looked cold.
In Archaean times, the taboo of Kunpeng’s death was actually calculated by protoss, which made Kunhuang feel furious!
Emperor Kun said, "The protoss is a huge hidden danger in the wild mainland, and it should be eradicated as soon as possible!"
Chen dragon emperor didn’t speak.
He has lived so long that he can see the present situation more thoroughly.
He knows very well that even if he knows the truth about the Taikoo War, it will not be so simple because people’s hearts are complicated.
Ghost Wu Huang smiled and said, "That’s true. At the beginning, the protoss was the culprit in the tragic deaths of Dragon Phoenix and Kunpeng, two taboos in Taikoo."
"You dragons, Kun clan and barbarians have joined hands to destroy the protoss."
The barbarian frowned. "What do you mean?"
Ghost Wu Huang laughed. "Don’t worry, you will kill the protoss. I will never help the protoss."
"I, the sun clan, will not come forward."
The sun fire emperor followed said
The blood vine clan, Luo Cha clan, and Emperor Eye clan also expressed their views.
The abacus of these five emperors is easy to guess.
They just want to stay out of it and look on coldly and let the dragon, Kun and barbarian protoss fight and fight to the death!
Kun Huang Shen said, "We, the great fierce clan, can kill the protoss at the least cost. What does this mean now?"
The Ghost Witch Emperor waved his hand and said, "After all, the Protoss was an alliance before us, and it’s really unethical that I can’t help it."
The God Emperor looks gloomy.
He knows very well that if it weren’t for his strong fighting power, he would pose a great threat to the ghost witch emperor and others, and the protoss would probably be destroyed today!
Eye situation has evolved into a dragon, Kun, barbarians in one side.
Wu, Sun, Blood-vine, Eye-Eye, Luo Cha, five fierce clans joined hands.
Protoss isolation
The three camps have scruples about each other, and no one is willing to make moves.
Dragon, Kun and barbarian have a great possibility to destroy the protoss.
But the three fierce families in the first world war must be weakened, and the dragon emperor Shou Yuan is likely to fall on the spot!
Who can protect this dragon phoenix then?
The five fierce families, such as the Wu clan, are afraid of the God Emperor, and naturally they will not easily make moves. It is best to take advantage of the fishermen.
Yu protoss is not stupid enough to take the initiative to challenge the fierce clan.
The three camps faintly form a delicate balance.
Chen Dragon Emperor coughed a few times and said slowly, "In this case, let’s all sit down and talk about it in this meeting of all ethnic groups. The mainland is eager to invade at any time. The most favorable pattern for the famine is that all ethnic groups should not ignite the war again!"

But how did the other party find themselves?

Don’t ….. Owl elder brother put himself out?
Less than three minutes later
Lin Nianlei was brought out with her hands handcuffed and covered with black cloth.
"Go faster"
"Don’t touch me!" Lin Nianlei struggled angrily. "I warn you that it is easy for you to take me away, but it is difficult for you to send it back to me. If there is no saying about this, I … I will find my father when I step on the horse!"
"You are quite fierce, aren’t you? !” The sports man went over and grabbed Lin Nianlei’s hair and shouted, "You be honest or you will suffer …"
"You let me go"
"pa!" The sports man slapped Lin Nianlei on the head. "If she shouts again, give her a mouth."
Lin Nianlei was completely silent after being beaten again.
Che Qinyu shouted, "What are you doing? ! She knows nothing. "
"Then you know?" Driver heckles
"That woman is a reporter, you …"
"Bang bang!"
Before Qin Yu’s words were finished, the strong men on the left and right sides of the back seat pulled his back neck and aimed his right fist at his stomach, which was a fierce fight
After half a minute.
All the cars hurried away.
all the way
Qin Yu was holding his head and couldn’t see clearly on both sides of the road, so he didn’t know where the other car was going.
It took about half an hour for the team to slowly stagnate.
The door was pushed to the right to watch Qin Yuqing took the lead and bowed his head and took out the handcuff key. He first handcuffed Qin Yu’s left hand and handcuffed it to his left hand before opening his mouth and yelling, "Come on!"
Qin Yulian immediately looked up and took a glance around after being dragged into the car, only to find that he was taken to Songjiang to get out of the card garrison, because he could see a big name not far from the side.
"Bow your head" When the young man saw Qin Yu look in all directions, he immediately reached out and pressed his head again. "If you don’t know the rules, don’t say I’ll put chains on you and make you bend over."
Qin Yuxin was shocked that the other party would bring himself to the garrison compound.
They hurried all the way through the two training areas in a row and then came to the engine room area.
Qin Yu looked up and took a glance at the fact that he had been stagnant for a long time. After the helicopter, his heart was suddenly cold. At this moment, he finally knew what weight it was for Brother Owl to kill those two old men.
Ten minutes later, the helicopter took off and went straight to Changji.
police superintendent
Zhu Wei took a drink and asked, "floret, are you sure Qin Yu was caught?"
"I’m sure," said floret, the butcher, in a hurry. "Several people came to the hospital and were taken away. Oh, and the little girl who was close to Qin Yu recently was caught. I saw it with my own eyes at the door."
Zhu Weiwen looked puzzled. "Lei Lei was also caught? What’s going on here? !”
Chapter III The efficiency of handling cases after the death of scum
An hour and five minutes later, the helicopter landed on the roof of the main building of a trading company in Changji city.
At this moment, the hot sun has risen from the east and shone on the roof and the roof is golden.
After Qin Yu was taken by helicopter, he went downstairs along the rooftop elevator, and the escorted personnel were on the second floor. It was a makeshift information room, because there was no iron chair here. There was an information desk, a few worn radiators and several chairs.
Qin Yu was handcuffed to the radiator, his eyes were stupefied and his head was stupid.
He has many questions in his mind at the moment, such as how did the arresting sergeant find himself? Brother Xiao didn’t even send a message before he was arrested. He should be able to inform himself before he can, but he hasn’t moved anything. Is it that I was caught in an instant or that Brother Owl has bitten himself out? And the two old men who were killed in the welfare home, who could let the troops help arrest people?
Qin Yu carefully analyzed these problems in his mind, but he couldn’t get a clue
In this way, it took about two hours before the iron gate was suddenly pushed, and then the superintendent of Fenglin District, who was called Li virgin by others, came in with four or five people.
Qin Yu looked up at them without saying anything.
Everyone sat around the information desk, drank saliva, intervened at Qin Yu and asked, "Name?"
Qin Yu frowned and lied to "Qin Zheng"
"Does the occupation hold permanent residence in Songjiang?" Li asked again
Qin Yu was a little at a loss when he heard this, because he observed the other person’s expression and found that his speech did not arouse his disgust.
"I don’t have a permanent residence in Songjiang," Qin Yushun replied. "My place of residence is arranged by my friends."
Li Chu immediately turned around and exchanged a few words with the director after smelling it.
Qin Yu watched each other’s forehead was covered with sweat.
"Do you understand what I asked?" Li turned to look at Qin Yu again and said
As soon as Qin Yu saw each other, he didn’t know his identity. He instantly realized that Brother Owl shouldn’t have vomited, otherwise the other party must have known his name, identity and position.
Thought of here, Qin Yu pretended to timidly replied, "Listen … I understand"
"Are you clear about the welfare home case?" Li Chu-wen
"What welfare home?" Qin Yu plays dumb.
"You still don’t realize the seriousness of the matter." Li pointed to Qin Yu. "If you don’t spit, just say that you are also the principal in this case, and the nature will be different."
"I don’t understand what you said? What case is what nature? !” Qin Yu stared at each other intensely and responded
Li Chu pondered for a long time and reached for the inquiry desk to wrap the mobile phone in a plastic bag and whispered, "Do you know which department is asking you now?"
"unclear" Qin Yu shook his head.
"Self-introduction 1" Li Chu said flatly, "I’m the director of the third field army in the ninth district and the director of the military intelligence department in Kyrgyzstan. My name is Li."

Tibetan plain area

Jiang Xue sitting in the car with words frown scold a way "his mama want you to have? ! Can’t the regional military personnel find a few mixed ground? Don’t tell me a few reasons. I’ve given you the general scope of the initial route of the car. This day has passed and there is no news. What do you eat? I’ll give you five hours at most. If there’s no way to lock you up, you should pack up your bedding and get out of the unit. I’ll change people to do it. "
"I’m sure I’ll write back to you in five hours," the other party replied immediately
In the area, Jiang Xue got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity from the Dragon War, that is, the job of rescuing Gu Taian turned him from an unknown small military officer into a core member of the new military intelligence department, and he was highly valued by the higher authorities.
After Jiang Xue’s words, he repeatedly said, "Mom, the opportunity is spelled out. Let’s go first before we wait."
The driver considered for a long time and suddenly asked, "Is it reliable for the director to follow a woman to do things?" In case she makes a mistake …! "
"You still don’t understand that this woman not only has a high position in Sichuan government, but also … should be a little special with my benefactor, Mr. Qin … with this layer, she is wrong and I have to follow suit." Jiang Xue’s mouth also shows the superior temperament of the old licking dog. "Besides, I think her thinking is a bit interesting …"
"She and Qin teachers don’t generally have any influence on us. We are district military personnel. What’s this to do with Sichuan government …?"
"You fucking pig brain? Where is the tuyere now? In salt island! And who is the leader of the salt island? That’s the commander-in-chief and Qin teachers. "Jiang Xue hates iron and does not produce." What impact does it have if you don’t want to take off? ! Let me tell you this. Now Mr. Qin can always be responsible for the actions of Yandao in one sentence, understand? "
The driver thought for a long time and immediately replied, "Does the director want to say high or high?"
"Don’t lick it. Let’s go first." Jiang Xue waved his hand and urged.
Pauline played for ten minutes and turned around and walked back at Jia Yan and said, "I answered in person that you are responsible for helping out in the periphery. We will do the work in Feng Li ourselves."
Jia Yan smiled. "Did General Manager Yu send someone to do it?"
"No, she seems to want to come by herself." Pauline replied with a dignified face. "Feng Li is very important and we don’t know anything about him. We are always afraid that something will go wrong and we have to come in person."
Chapter 1716 Corruption
Jia Yan hesitated and asked, "When will she come?"
"Listen to Feng Li talking to Feng as if he was in a hurry over there," Pauline replied with a frown. "It is estimated that you should get up after the total call, or the other party will leave after the call."
"Also," Jia Yan nodded slowly. "Should I let Feng Xian go here and let him go to Feng Li to feel the situation?"
Pauline seriously thought for a "forget it, Feng didn’t sell Feng Li until he got the money. Generally, it would be troublesome if he left and leaked the news."
Jia Yan’s expression was slightly weird when he heard this. "Alas, people are not moral these days. There are too many mothers if they have milk."
"Yes," Pauline sighed and chimed in.
"Then I won’t let Feng go first, which means that he will always arrive and then let him lead the team to Feng Li?" Jia Yan tried and asked
"Good" Pauline nodded.
"Ok, that’s settled." Jia Yan walked over and said to him, "Brother, you can also tell me my difficulty. It’s not that I don’t want to be the main force. It’s really hard for these people to play with."
"can understand"
They talked heart to heart and went to the second floor.
At ten o’clock in the middle of the night.
Little mourning and others escorted Coco to more than 30 people near the Mae River, and nearly ten cars quietly drove on extremely difficult dirt roads.
Che Keke, wearing thick down bread shoes, dialed the number of Baolin in a slightly silly way like an armed tooth bag.
"You told Jia Yan that we had arrived near Xingnan Life Village, and you asked him to send someone to pick us up." Coco said without doubt.
"Okay, I know." Pauline hung up the phone as soon as she answered.
The car lost less and looked back at Coco. "I don’t understand. Don’t you worry about what you’re doing with me?"
"Don’t trust" cocoa decisively replied.
“……!” Slight words of mourning
"This is not our place." Coco looked at the loss and was quite wronged. The expression clearly explained, "I don’t know if anyone in the periphery is staring at this bait and won’t bite the fish."
Zhaier building
Bao Lin told Jia Yan the news of Cocoa’s arrival, and the latter immediately replied, "Brother, you give me the message and I will communicate with the general manager."
Pauline stretched out his hand and dialed the cocoa number and handed the phone over.