

1. **高蛋白质**:鸭血含有高质量的蛋白质,这些蛋白质中包含了人体必需的氨基酸,有助于增强体质和维持身体的正常功能。

2. **低脂肪**:鸭血脂肪含量极低,对于需要控制脂肪摄入的人群,如患有“三高”的人群,鸭血是一个不错的选择。

3. **微量元素**:鸭血含有丰富的铁、锌、铜、硒等微量元素,这些元素对于维持身体健康、增强免疫力至关重要。

4. **维生素**:鸭血中还有多种维生素,如维生素B12、叶酸等,有助于促进血液循环和神经系统健康。

5. **血红素铁**:鸭血中的铁元素主要以血红素铁的形式存在,这种铁质更容易被人体吸收,对于预防和治疗缺铁性贫血有很好的效果。


1. **补血**:鸭血含有丰富的铁元素,对于预防和治疗缺铁性贫血有显著作用。

2. **解毒**:鸭血中的血浆蛋白在消化过程中能分解出一种具有解毒功能的物质,有助于清除体内的有害物质。

3. **利肠通便**:鸭血具有润肠通便的作用,有助于清除肠腔中的沉渣浊垢。


4. **调节血糖**:鸭血中的磷脂有助于调节血糖水平,对糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

5. **养肝**:鸭血性平,营养丰富,有助于养肝血,对贫血患者和需要养肝的人群有益。

6. **适合特定人群**:孕妇可以适量食用鸭血,因为它有助于补血,同时,鸭血低脂肪、高蛋白的特点也适合血脂高的人群。

7. **烹饪简便**:鸭血易于烹饪,可以做成多种美食,如麻辣鸭血、鸭血豆腐煲等,既美味又营养。



1. **严格的质量控制**:无限极一直重视产品的品质管理,从原料采购到生产过程,都遵循严格的国家标准和国际质量管理体系。通过引进高端设备和先进的制造工艺,无限极确保了产品的高品质。



2. **天然中草药成分**:无限极的产品多采用天然中草药成分,这些成分在传统中医中有很高的药用价值,经过科学配比后能够发挥最大的保健效果。

3. **科学研究与临床试验**:无限极的保健品均经过科学研究和严格的临床试验,确保其药效和安全性,使得产品具有可靠的效果。

4. **广泛的应用效果**:
– **调节免疫抗疲劳**:如无限极增健口服液等,可以帮助提升免疫力,减少疲劳。
– **调节血脂、血糖、血压**:针对心血管健康的保健品,有助于维持健康的血脂、血糖和血压水平。
– **延缓衰老**:通过中草药成分和科学配比,帮助延缓衰老过程。
– **改善记忆、睡眠**:如某些保健品有助于改善记忆力,提升睡眠质量。
– **改善胃肠功能**:针对胃肠健康的产品,有助于改善消化系统功能。
– **护肝、养肾**:如男仕口服液等,针对男性健康,具有护肝、养肾的效果。

5. **用户反馈**:根据用户的反馈,无限极产品如增健口服液在感冒、肠胃不适等方面表现出良好的效果,得到了消费者的认可。


6. **特殊案例**:如脑淤血中风的病人使用无限极产品后康复的案例,显示其产品在特定疾病上有一定的疗效。

7. **安全性**:无限极产品不含激素、兴奋剂等成分,安全性高,适合长期服用。



1. **健脾养胃**:小米被誉为“脾之果”,具有健脾养胃的功效。对于消化不良、腹泻、肢体乏力等症状有一定的缓解作用。小米中的淀粉和纤维可以促进消化系统的健康,适合脾胃虚弱的人群食用。

2. **补肾安眠**:小米性味甘咸,入肾经,对于肾虚、失眠、多梦等症状有较好的改善作用。小米中的镁元素有助于改善睡眠质量。


3. **抗氧化作用**:小米含有丰富的抗氧化剂,如多酚、黄酮类化合物等,可以清除体内的自由基,预防多种慢性疾病,如癌症、心血管疾病等。

4. **控制血糖和体重**:小米中的膳食纤维有助于控制血糖水平,适合糖尿病患者食用。同时,高纤维食物有助于增加饱腹感,对于控制体重也有积极作用。

5. **预防骨质疏松**:小米中含有丰富的钙和镁,有助于维持骨骼健康,降低骨质疏松症的风险。


6. **改善心情**:小米中含有5-羟色胺,有助于舒缓情绪,改善心情。

7. **预防哮喘**:有研究表明,小米中含有有助于预防和减轻哮喘症状的营养素,适合哮喘患者食用。

8. **促进新陈代谢**:小米中的维生素和矿物质有助于促进新陈代谢,增强体质。

9. **降低心血管疾病风险**:小米中的膳食纤维和抗氧化剂有助于降低总胆固醇、甘油三酯和体重指数(BMI),从而降低心血管疾病的风险。

10. **增强免疫力**:小米中的多种营养素有助于提高免疫力,预防感冒等疾病。



1. **润肺止咳**:雪梨和枇杷都具有润肺止咳的作用。雪梨性寒,可以生津润燥、清热化痰,适合用于治疗肺燥咳嗽、痰多等症状;枇杷性味甘凉,富含果酸和β-胡萝卜素,能生津润燥、清热化痰,特别适合秋冬季节食用。


2. **清热去火**:雪梨和枇杷都有清热去火的效果,对于体内有热、口干咽痛、口腔溃疡等症状有缓解作用。


3. **滋阴养血**:冰糖能够滋阴润肺、养阴生津,有助于缓解肺燥咳嗽、口渴阴伤等症状。

4. **生津止渴**:冰糖炖雪梨枇杷能够生津止渴,适用于口干舌燥、津液不足的情况。

5. **提高食欲,促进消化**:冰糖炖雪梨枇杷中的糖分和营养成分有助于增加食欲,提高肠胃的消化能力,对消化不良和食欲不振有改善作用。

6. **增强免疫力**:雪梨和枇杷都含有丰富的营养成分,可以增强人体的免疫力。

7. **缓解便秘**:枇杷和雪梨含有大量的水分,有助于改善便秘现象,促进肠道蠕动。



1. **温经通络**:艾草茶具有温经通络的作用,对于因寒底症导致的肤色晦暗、手脚冰凉、四肢关节疼痛等症状有改善作用。

2. **驱寒调经**:对于女性来说,艾草茶可以用来治疗宫寒引起的痛经,对月经不调、腹痛等妇科疾病有一定的调理作用。

3. **祛风散寒**:在感冒期间饮用艾草茶,可以帮助祛风散寒,有助于治疗风寒感冒。

4. **促进气血循环**:艾草茶可以促进脾、肾、肝气血循环,有助于改善因气血不畅引起的各种症状。

5. **抗菌消炎**:艾草具有天然的抗菌功效,适合用于处理粉刺、炎症湿疹等皮肤问题。


6. **护肤美容**:艾草富含维生素A、B、C和钙、铁等元素,有助于保持皮肤水润,促进肌肤再生,强化新陈代谢,对改善肤色苍白及过度泛红有积极作用。

7. **提振精神**:艾草茶的香气很足,有助于提振精神,保持活力。

8. **增强免疫力**:艾草茶中的营养成分有助于增强人体对疾病的抵抗能力。


9. **其他功效**:艾草茶还能用于治疗风湿病引起的腰腿痛、疮疡疖肿、冻伤、癃闭、不孕症、扭挫伤等疾病。



1. **清热燥湿**:黄苓具有清热燥湿的功效,可以用于治疗湿温、暑温等热病,以及胸闷、呕恶、湿热痞满等症状。

2. **泻火解毒**:黄苓能泻火解毒,适用于治疗高热烦渴、肺热咳嗽、热毒疮疡等热毒病症。


3. **抗菌抗炎**:黄苓具有较强的抗菌和抗炎作用,对革兰阳性菌、致病性皮肤真菌以及流感病毒、乙型肝炎病毒等有抑制作用,可用于治疗急性感染性疾病。


4. **对血液系统的作用**:黄苓可以抑制血小板的聚集,抗凝血,同时具有抗变态反应的作用,对于血热妄行等血液系统疾病有治疗作用。

5. **镇静解热**:黄苓具有一定的镇静和解热作用,可以缓解紧张不安、精神过敏、神经衰弱等症状。

6. **保肝利胆**:黄苓对肝脏有一定的保护作用,可以用于治疗急性胆道感染等疾病。

7. **安胎**:黄苓可以用于治疗胎动不安,常与白术、竹茹等药材配伍使用。

8. **治疗其他病症**:黄苓还可以用于治疗肺炎、痢疾、咳血、目赤、高血压、痈肿疖疮等症。


– **禁忌**:脾胃虚寒或久咳患者不宜使用黄苓,且不宜长期服用,以免影响身体健康。

– **配伍**:黄苓常与其他药材配伍使用,以增强疗效,如与黄连、栀子等配伍治疗热病,与知母、桑白皮等配伍治疗肺热咳嗽。

– **用法用量**:黄苓的用量和服用方法应根据个人体质和病情进行调整,建议在医生指导下使用。


Everyone looked around.

See Sue ink palm holding a huge mana ball Ye Tiancheng yuan god trapped in it could not move panic.
"Sumo let people go!"
Road flyover Yuan Zong return to virtual reaction to come over and shouted.
Ye Tiancheng Yuan Shen can crush it in the palm of Su Mo’s hand.
He dared not make a move when he was fishing for the boat.
Lan Yue Dao Jun took a deep breath and slowly got up and sank. "Su Mo, since the outcome has been divided, you will let people go."
"Ah …"
Su Mo’s eyes flashed a trace of mockery, turned around and looked at Tao Jun, who was high in Lan Yue, and asked, "If I were in the other place, would the Lan Yue patriarch plead with me?"
Lan Yue Dao Jun’s face sank.
Ye Tiancheng Su Mo although the first world war has been said to be personal, she has thousands of cranes and how much contact.
But if you can save Ye Tiancheng’s life, it will be sold to Yuan Zong as a favor.
In the heart of Lan Yue Dao Jun, if Su Mo puts it in another place, she will never intercede with Su Mo to offend Yuan Zong and other super clansmen!
Lanyue Daojun suppressed his anger and said, "I’ve been there before, junior, and I advise you that you are too sharp-edged to worry about being killed in the future!"
"fatal disaster?"
Su Mo smiled indifferently. "I have a lot of disasters and I don’t care about one more!"
"Su Mo, you and I have no vendetta, but it’s the first true gentleman’s name. I’ll give it to you! You don’t have to kill me! "
Ye Tiancheng has been terrified, begging for mercy, and his voice trembled slightly with fear.
Group repair sigh
It’s really embarrassing that the first true gentleman in Zhongzhou at the top of the list is reduced to this step.
Not many people can calm down before death.
"If Ye Tiancheng competes for the first true gentleman, I’m too lazy to make moves."
Su Mo’s eyes turned and stared at Yuan Shen in the palm of his hand and said faintly, "But you shouldn’t be cold and soft!"
Hearing this, Ye Tiancheng felt a chill in his heart.
Su Mo has raised his head and looked at all the people in Yuan Zong coldly. "Since Emperor Yin wants to lead me out, I will give him a big gift today!"
Su Mo holds the palm of his hand.
Ye Tiancheng Yuan Shen was crushed and died on the spot!
Chapter nine hundred and sixty God knowledge attack
Tongxuan courtyard instantly fell into silence.
Looking at this scene, everyone opened their mouths slightly and looked complicated. The mood could not be calmed for a long time.
The top of the open vision was praised as the first true gentleman in Zhongzhou, and Ye Tiancheng died in front of everyone!
In addition to shock, everyone’s heart also gives birth to some sighs and regrets.
This is the fix true boundary.
What about tianjiao?
So what about Uber?
There is still a danger of being strangled at the peak of the wild mainland!
The arrogance of death will eventually be forgotten.
It won’t take too long. I’m afraid not many people still remember Ye Tiancheng.
He is too young.
It’s only a few decades since I rose like a comet, but I didn’t expect to meet a more terrible Uber, which ended like a flash in the pan.

There is a statue in the middle of the hall, which is very high and has a height of more than ten meters. The statue is a young man of valor, but he is the ancestor of Taiping Road, that is, the granddaddy.

Looking further, there is a plush chair at the granddaddy’s foot with dozens of seats on both sides. It must be that the gathering of elders is held here on weekdays.
As you walk into the hall, Jade Duxiu first sees a middle-aged man standing in front of the middle seat. This man looks handsome and wears a cassock. Naturally, there is a genuine taste. At first glance, it makes people feel inexplicable and intimidating.
"True brother Miao Xiu took little sister to see Zhang Jiao" Jade Duxiu saluted Zhang Jiao.
The man didn’t talk, but a pair of eyes kept scanning the jade show over and over again, and his face remained the same as before.
After a cup of tea, the middle-aged man slowly said, "You are my true brother in Taiping Dao, and your mood is one in a million. I doubt that the letter from the elder Chong Xu praised you to the sky. I didn’t expect it to be really excellent. Seeing that your bones are faint and crystal clear, obviously there are few impurities. Doubt is a natural Taoist body, but a good seedling."
Speaking of this, the middle-aged man caressed the bar. "You have told me this time after the elders. If I have made meritorious deeds, I should punish you for your outstanding performance. I can’t be too stingy to teach you."
Speaking of which, I saw that Zhang Jiao looked solemn and said, "Taiping Dao’s true brother is wonderful and beautiful."
"Brother leads the law", Yu Duxiu’s unique ceremony is equally unsmiling.
"Taiping Daodi’s wonderful show has successfully completed my Taiping Daodi’s trial and completed the important clan, which has greatly increased the arrogance of hostile clans. Today, I specially allow you to choose a secret method to practice in our Taiping Daoku."
Jade Duxiu smell speech is one leng, but he is shocked by the wisdom of the two people around him. He suddenly knows that this secret method looks simpler than a little stingy, but it is definitely not simple. The number of secret methods taught by Taiping Taoist Sect is as vast as the sea. The only reason why there is such a reward is that this reward is not simple as it is very simple.
"Thanked the palm to teach" Jade Duxiu hurriedly gave a gift to the palm to teach.
"Now that you have returned to the mountain, you should practice your own clause. I Taiping Road occupies Li Mountain, but there are very few true brothers. You can choose one place to build a clause, and no one is allowed to quarrel."
Jade Duxiu nodded "I remember"
Zhang Jiao nodded and then looked to one side. "At the beginning of each month, it is the first time that many elders have heard that you have to show your way."
"I know" Dao Tong said.
Zhang Jiao nodded with satisfaction and turned to Yu Duxiu. "Let’s ask Tong Er to take you to the selected courtyard and then go to the library."
Then he took out a jade waist tag. "This is the entry certificate. You need to be careful not to lose it."
"I know" Yu Duxiu took the jade brand and looked respectful.
"Well, let’s go back. This Mount Li is full of aura. You should practice hard. It’s my Taiping Road. Now it’s an eventful autumn. It’s all kinds of interpersonal resources that need your brothers to get your talent by virtue of things. Although it’s good, you need to pay twice as much if you want to go further." The founder warned.
Jade Duxiu nodded seriously and said, "My brother’s practice in this life is immortality, but anyone who has a little longevity will not miss it. People who seize my brother’s longevity are my brother’s enemies. Please rest assured."
Zhang Jiao nodded. "Recently, the real brother will arrive in Lishan one after another, and the elders will recruit the younger brother one after another. You have great talent, but you can’t get in the way when choosing the younger brother’s seat. Both sides are in love with you, and I want to test your own eyesight. Remember that once you choose, you can’t repent."
Jade Duxiu nodded "I know"
Jade Duxiu secretly pondered whether to find an opportunity to ask someone to find out which Presbyterian Church will come out to recruit younger brothers in Yiping Road after returning, and which Presbyterian Gate should he choose? A reliable master can get closer to Changsheng Road faster and get more resources and opportunities.
When Zhang Jiao heard this, he turned around. "You can’t say more. It’s a sect rule. You need to think about it yourself."
With that, he turned around and looked at the granddaddy, no more words.
The boy played it by ear and made a sign to Yu Duxiu to signal him to go out, but Yu Duxiu shook his head and then looked at Zhang Jiao, "Zhang Jiao’s younger brother and younger sister also have a heart for seeking Tao, so please teach Zhang Jiao compassion to accept her younger sister."
Zhang Jiao waved his hand but didn’t turn around. "Needless to say, if you worship the teacher in the future, someone will give you advice and act as you like. When your sister is placed, your master will naturally handle it properly."
Chapter 7 Mysteries of Children’s Point Library
Facing the palm teaching and answering Yu Duxiu’s bow and retreat.
In the face of palm teaching, no one is qualified to bargain except those elders who are high above them.
Is palm teaching a person? In charge of the whole Taiping Road, he said so, so naturally, we will have to wait for the opportunity.
Yu Duxiu bowed down and quit. The child followed Yu Duxiu. "Brother, please come with me."
Jade Duxiu took Jade Ten Niang and followed the little monk to the side room, but there were many fireworks and gas rooms with abnormal decoration.
When you walk into the room, you see a big table, which is made of a century-old tree, and the most important thing is wood.
The table is thick, and I saw a familiar sand table in the table, a regular sand table in the battlefield of later generations.
The Taoist boy came to the sand table with a stick in his hand and pointed to the places where the sand table was marked with red lines. "These places are marked with red lines, or there are elders living in seclusion or elder brothers who need to find those places that are not marked."
Jade Duxiu looked at this lifelike sand table, in which the whole Li Mountain and a thousand miles of mountains were mapped out. There were places in secluded forests and ancient trees, but there was a yard.
"What if you choose a place without a hospital?" See the eye sand table jade Duxiu looked up at the child.
Tong Yixiao: "It’s not simple. The Zongmen temporarily allocated that place for you to live in. It’s Zongmen, but it won’t build a clause for you. You still need your own build house, and all the clauses in Zongmen are left to be recovered by Zongmen after the predecessors built the clause."
Yu Duxiu looked at the sand table for a long time without saying a word, then raised his hand and rowed at the location of a waterfall. It rained in Long Xing, and naturally chose a swamp place, which was conducive to his own practice. His body contained the true blood of his ancestors, and he could get close to heaven and earth and feel the vitality of the water avenue. Yu Duxiu naturally wouldn’t miss it.
Tong Wenwen nodded and struck the stick in the sand table, then pinched a jade card in his hand and injected mana. After that, the jade card with a unique waist flashed green and passed.
"The information has been blessed. It belongs to your brother’s territory. Without the brother’s permission, all the younger brothers can’t trespass. Of course, you can’t trespass in other people’s clause. This clause is the real brother’s private field. It’s the clan door. Keep the true brother quiet and cultivate his younger brother’s points without the interference of his younger brother."
Speaking of this, Tong Dao said, "In the future, you will find that the gap between true brothers and ordinary brothers in big religions is really great. The stronger the sect internship, the greater the gap between true brothers and ordinary brothers."
Children took a meaningful look at Yu Duxiu’s eyes and turned towards the gate. It seems to be intentional. It seems to mean that "the strength of the patriarchal clan is different, and it is different to occupy resources in this world. The stronger it is, the more resources it occupies. What is the root of a patriarchal clan? Is it true that all the resources of the younger brother should be given priority to the practice of the younger brother? It is also the first true brother, but how should the resources of the younger brother be distributed? "
Tong didn’t continue to say more about leaving this profound topic for Yu Duxiu. The door is not as beautiful as he imagined. That’s why practitioners struggle for their lives. How can they be the kind of hidebound generation?
"I have supernatural powers and have been afraid of others" Jade Duxiu’s heart andao
I’m thinking about it, but I’m already out of the hall. The child looks at Yu Duxiu. "Do you want to go to the temple first or see for yourself where you must live?"
"Go to the temple" Jade Duxiu didn’t even think about it.

Ling Ning’s face turned red and said, "The Emperor said that if I wanted to, I would worship your teacher and I would call you a master."

"Ling Ning, you have to think clearly." The wind soul stared at her. "You also saw that if you fail, you are likely to die here because of the fire poison."
Ling Ning’s novel says, "But if I succeed, I will never be like this again. No matter where I go, I can learn more. I can go wherever I want with my sword like my red sister. I don’t want others to worry all the time. I have to be carried everywhere."
The wind soul thought, "Even if you have broken your legs and managed to cure you like a red line, you will still succeed in law. However, daoist magic and the five elements of evasion are really learnable, and since Mu Gong wants me to accept you, there must be something for me to grant you the magical power alone."
Ling Ning hesitated when he saw that he didn’t talk, so he said, "You, you don’t worry about me. Even if I really made a mistake, I will never regret Master if I die here … If you were me, would you rather live a sick life like me now or take some risks in exchange for a more exciting future?"
Seeing that her mind was made up, Feng Soul didn’t want to persuade her again. He smiled, "Do you want to be my apprentice and just call me like this?"
Ling Ning saw that he knew that he was going to play tricks on himself again, blushing and saying, "Well, then I’ll give you a word of thanks."
She moved to the right position and prepared to kowtow to the wind spirit, but stopped "who is sitting in the teacher?"
Ling Ning wronged tunnel "I, I also want to kneel but …"
The wind soul pointed to his face. "If others kneel, you can kiss others and kowtow to the teacher for three times. Just kiss me for three times!"
Ling Ning Qiao’s face is blushing. "Which, which one has such a master?"
The wind soul said, "It’s up to me to decide if you want to enter our door."
Ling Ning said, "Then close your eyes."
The wind soul closed his eyes and soon his face came. The soft touch kissed his three cheeks, and he was about to retract his body. The wind soul hugged her and smiled, "It was the disciple who kissed the master just now, and now the master has kissed the apprentice."
Ling Ning pushed him shamefully. "Master, you are playing tricks on people!"
Chapter 55 Genius girl
Now that we have decided to help Ling coagulate the "operation" according to the method of Mu Gong Liu, there will be more things to do. Feng Ling will first play chess and give birth to Nanlihuo according to the casting method of Mu Gong Liu, and then cast the crystal sand collected from the bottom of the Lielong Cave to produce many fine needles.
After refining the needles, he let Ling Ning untie his clothes. Ling Ning has made up his mind to untie his clothes without shyness and obedience. Seeing her jade-like peak, the soul dare not have more children. The idea is to stab those needles near her heart to ask for holes and then pick the jade on her chest.
As soon as Xuanyu takes fire to poison the horse, she will spread the condensate, burning like a fire. She is so uncomfortable that she sweats. Knowing that those needles can temporarily protect her heart, Xuanyu quickly clings to the right side of her navel and gives her palm at the same time.
Xuanyu penetrated Ling Ning’s right kidney through flesh and blood.
This is equivalent to making her kidney suddenly have a big stone. If she doesn’t hurt? The wind soul saw that she was shivering, but she didn’t dare to delay. She hugged her mouth and kissed Ling Ning, brimming with pain, and the wind soul took this opportunity to lure her kidney moisture.
The kidney in the five zang-organs is a mixture of water and mysterious jade with extremely yin and qi, and the water vapor in the five elements of the spirit condensate naturally becomes full, and the wind soul leads the strong water vapor to the liver but dares not really let it enter the liver.
The liver coincides with the East. Party A and Party B should carefully swim the water vapor along the periphery of Ling Ning’s liver in the spring breeze. aquatic wood urged her body to be woody. As soon as the wood gas was filled, he immediately left Ling Ning and put his hands together to send out the fine needles of Ling Ning’s heart pulse.
His horse took Ling Ning back and kissed her again.
However, this time, Ling Ning was so painful that he clenched his teeth. The wind knows that this is the most important moment. How can he squeeze his teeth with his tongue?
In addition to desperately calling her name at the bottom of my heart, the wind soul was helpless at this moment.
Fortunately, Ling Ning finally opened a small mouth by will and let him take the yuan tolerance in.
However, it is this delay that the fire poison has attacked her heart, and the wind spirit must not only stop the fire poison, but also guide her to stimulate her own anger. The heart belongs to fire and fire poison are mixed, so this is the most difficult step.
It’s dull, but it doesn’t rain, which makes thunder ring over their heads again and again.
The wind soul didn’t know how much effort it took to force Ling Ning not to be poisoned by fire.
After the heart is full of internal heat, it is followed by the rustic flavor of the spleen. This time, the wind soul did not make the spirit coagulate its internal heat, but guided the fire poison to promote the rustic flavor by fire poison, which made it more mellow.
In this whole process, the wind soul is the root of xuanhanyu, which produces water, wood and fire, and the fire poison produces rustic gas. These four gases are naturally far beyond the load that ordinary people can bear. Fortunately, the spirit coagulation is the fairy constitution and can barely bear it after years of soaking in Tianchi cold water.
However, what she really lacks is not water, wood, fire and earth, but the gold gas in her lungs is occupied by fire poison.
If one line of the five internal organs corresponds to the five elements in a person’s body, it is very easy to get sick. What’s more, she has been angry for years and lost her gold. If it weren’t for Xuanyu’s protection, she would have died long ago.
The wind soul gave a part of its own golden bearing to her body, and then mixed the cold of Xuanhanyu with her spleen and rustic, carefully cultivating this golden spirit.
This process is extremely slow.
He is worried that if she passes out in a coma or shuts up in pain again, everything will be white, and the five elements of qi in her body will be completely in a mess, and the meridians will burst because of the law.
I don’t know how long it took, but in the end, the spirit of the condensate gradually filled up and regained her lungs, and the fire poison was forced out of her lungs, while her own five elements of qi echoed each other.
The wind soul took the opportunity to dissolve the fire poison into her heart fire bit by bit, and the other four qi formed an endless process, and finally reached the balance of body and five qi.
The so-called "fire poison" is not really poison, but because it is too overbearing, it can take people’s lives with a little touch, which naturally becomes "poison". In fact, everything is so harmful to the human body, so it is not poison, but poison, which has nothing to do with the body composition of that thing.
This is like the "poisoned milk powder" incident that caused a sensation at that time when the wind and soul came. Some dairy vendors mixed melamine into milk. Although it is toxic, it is similar to talcum powder, but many babies can easily form stones in their bodies after drinking the milk, which leads to death.
So melamine became "poison" and milk powder mixed with it was naturally poisoned milk powder.
In fact, the poison is not melamine, but the "people’s heart" that ignores the interests of consumers in order to make money.
Similarly, the Candle dragon fire was naturally a "fire poison" when the condensate harmed her life, but now it is a part of her body when the condensate fuses with the heart fire and the other four qi support and restrict each other, so it is naturally no longer a "poison".

"I’m good at finding people." The little girl held her crystal ball higher. "I can find it even if I cross people!"

The wind soul heart suddenly jumped.
At this moment, the word crossing is very harsh in his ears. Although he doesn’t believe it at all, the disappearance of Zhixin is indeed an explanation.
Did she really cross it?
"Let me see who you are looking for." The little girl stared at the crystal ball in a decent way. "It turned out that my sister was missing."
The wind soul looked at the little girl, and now he felt that the little girl was really weird. She looked like a little girl of eleven or twelve years old. Her hair actually hung down to her waist and she wore a small bun. She wore bubble sleeves and her eyes smelled of thieves’ laughter.
"Do you know where she is?"
"Well," the little girl put the crystal ball to her ear and shook it. "It told me that your sister went through her to the Tang Dynasty!"
Tang dynasty?
The wind soul heart jump again.
He remembered an incident when he was a child.
If Zhi Xin crossed to the Tang Dynasty, it is indeed possible. Maybe it wasn’t crossing … She went back!
"Do you want to go too?" The little girl asked, "I’m an expert at helping people cross over. I’ll count you very cheap."
The wind took a deep breath.
"Wait for me!"
He ran back all the way to his home, but this time he found that his home was destroyed in a mess. The sofa was broken into two walls and there were traces of sharp objects everywhere.
He ran into his bedroom, but fortunately it was still intact. He rummaged in the cupboard for a while until he found a small box that had been hidden for a long time.
There is a jade in the box.
This is an arc-shaped Yu Pei, with a small hole in the center and a dragon carved on the left and right. The difference is that their snake-shaped bodies are also carved with wings.
Hiding Jade behind her, the wind soul returned to the little girl again.
"Are you ready?" The little girl walked to the other side of the street with a crystal ball. "Then come with me."
She seems to be very happy to hum strange songs while walking. At the edge of her skirt, a fluffy and lovely tail sticks out from behind her hip and shakes it.
She took the wind spirit into a building and kept walking along the roof.
By the time I got to the fifth floor, the wind soul was exhausted. Although Go was barely classified as a sports category, after all, the real requirement for chess players was intelligence and endurance, not athletic ability.
"Which floor do we want?" He couldn’t help asking
"top floor"
"This is the twelfth floor …"
"… why not take the stairs?"
"ladder?" The little girl opened her eyes wide.
The wind soul sighed. He pushed the little girl to the front of the ladder, pressed the button, and then pushed her in after the door was hit.
They arrived as soon as they turned on the light on the top floor.
"awesome!" The little girl wagged her tail excitedly.
"…" This girl from which era?
On the top floor, the little girl still walked.
The door to that rooftop is a lock.
"Sesame Gate!" The little girl drew a circle towards the iron gate.
The door is closed.
Wind Soul is now convinced that she must be a fox spirit.
All the way to the edge of the rooftop, the little fox fairy looked at him with a smile. "Jump and you will cross!"
"…" Is she serious?
"Do you want to change the way?" Fox fairy said, "Being struck by lightning? Was cut 26 times? Gas explosion? Drink water and die? "
The wind soul turned around and left.
"All right, all right," cried Fox Fairy. "Let’s find a way that’s not so bad."
The wind soul squinted at her. "You seem worried that I won’t cross?"
"How did that happen? Ha, ha, ha. "Little Fox Fairy pulled him back." He refused to jump off a building, and we didn’t change the way of safety. Now look there … yeah, that’s the moon. Take a breath and close your eyes … "
then what Wind Soul does as she says.
"Then," Little Fox Fairy put the crystal ball aside, took a step back and jumped up suddenly. "I’ll just push you!"
The wind soul tumbled down.
"Success" Fox Fairy clapped her hands and hummed a song.
Just then a sword light flew in the night.