
1. **丰富的维生素C**:沙糖桔含有丰富的维生素C,这种维生素有助于增强免疫系统,预防感冒和其他感染。此外,维生素C还有助于皮肤健康和伤口愈合。

2. **抗氧化作用**:沙糖桔中含有多种抗氧化剂,如类黄酮和维生素E,它们可以帮助抵抗自由基,减少氧化应激,从而降低患慢性疾病的风险。

3. **促进消化**:沙糖桔中的膳食纤维有助于促进肠道蠕动,改善消化系统功能,预防便秘。

4. **维护心血管健康**:沙糖桔中的抗氧化剂和维生素C有助于降低血压和胆固醇水平,从而维护心血管健康。

5. **有助于减肥**:沙糖桔热量低,富含水分和纤维,有助于增加饱腹感,从而有助于控制体重。

6. **预防癌症**:沙糖桔中的抗氧化剂和其他化合物可能有助于降低某些类型癌症的风险。

7. **改善血糖控制**:研究表明,沙糖桔中的某些化合物可能有助于改善血糖控制,对糖尿病患者有益。


8. **改善口腔健康**:沙糖桔中的维生素C有助于保持牙齿和牙龈健康,预防牙周病。


9. **促进皮肤健康**:维生素C有助于合成胶原蛋白,这是一种保持皮肤弹性和光泽的重要蛋白质。

10. **促进大脑健康**:沙糖桔中的抗氧化剂和维生素C可能有助于改善大脑功能,预防认知障碍。



1. **补肾壮阳**:淫羊藿叶性温味辛甘,归入肝、肾两经,具有补肾壮阳的功效。它能够有效改善肾阳虚的症状,如阳痿、早泄、遗精等。

2. **祛风湿,强筋骨**:淫羊藿叶具有祛风湿、强筋骨的作用,适用于治疗风湿痹痛、筋骨痿软、麻木痉挛等症状。

3. **改善性功能障碍**:淫羊藿叶中的淫羊藿甙和挥发油等物质能够促进雄性激素分泌,对改善男性性功能障碍有显著效果。

4. **治疗肾阳虚引起的咳喘**:淫羊藿叶对肾阳虚所引起的咳喘有较好的治疗效果。

5. **调节血压和血糖**:淫羊藿叶具有一定的抗高血压和降血糖作用,对于高血压和糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。


6. **抗炎和抗菌**:淫羊藿叶具有抗炎和抗菌作用,对于慢性气管炎、神经衰弱等疾病有一定的治疗作用。

7. **促进血液循环**:淫羊藿叶中含有糖原和黄酮类物质,可以帮助促进血液循环,改善血液黏稠度。


8. **改善骨质疏松**:淫羊藿叶中的一些成分能促进骨髓细胞进行DNA合成,有助于防治骨质疏松。

9. **调节女性更年期症状**:淫羊藿叶对于妇女更年期的高血压有一定的改善作用。



– **适宜人群**:适合阳痿、宫冷不孕、高血压、更年期等人群。
– **禁忌人群**:易上火、发烧、尿黄、尿血、咽痛、月经过多等人群不宜食用。
– **用量**:内服煎汤,每次3-9克。
– **不宜同食**:不宜与螃蟹、花生、奶油、羊肉、狗肉等同食。
– **正确使用**:应在正规医师的指导下使用,不宜自行服用。



### 营养价值

1. **蛋白质含量高**:鹅肉含有丰富的蛋白质,其含量甚至高于鸭肉、鸡肉、牛肉和猪肉,对于维持身体组织的生长和修复具有重要作用。

2. **低脂肪、高不饱和脂肪酸**:鹅肉的脂肪含量较低,且含有较高比例的不饱和脂肪酸,特别是亚油酸,这对心血管健康有益。

3. **多种维生素和矿物质**:鹅肉含有多种维生素(如维生素B1、B2、A等)和矿物质(如铁、锌、硒、钙、磷、钾、钠、镁、铁、铜、锰等),这些营养素对维持身体正常生理功能至关重要。

4. **抗氧化作用**:鹅肉中的维生素E具有抗氧化作用,有助于防止细胞损伤,延缓衰老。

### 功效与作用

1. **补虚益气**:鹅肉性平、味甘,归脾、肺经,具有补虚益气、和胃止渴的功效,适用于中气不足、消瘦乏力、食欲不振等情况。

2. **增强免疫力**:鹅肉中的蛋白质和多种维生素有助于增强人体免疫力,提高抵抗力。

3. **防治感冒和气管炎**:鹅肉对于预防和治疗感冒、急慢性气管炎等疾病有一定的疗效。


4. **暖胃生津**:鹅肉可以用于治疗口渴、乏力、气短等症状,具有暖胃生津的作用。

5. **辅助治疗糖尿病**:常食鹅肉对于老年糖尿病患者有控制病情发展和补充营养的作用。

6. **预防心脑血管疾病**:鹅肉中的不饱和脂肪酸有助于降低血液中的胆固醇含量,预防心血管疾病。

7. **辅助治疗癌症和胆结石**:鹅血、鹅胆、鹅肫等制成的药品可用于癌症、胆结石等疾病的治疗。

### 食用建议

– 鹅肉可炖、红烧、熏烤、酱、煨汤等多种方式烹饪。
– 鹅肉炖萝卜有助利肺、止咳、化痰、平喘。
– 但有寒喘、热喘、胃肠功能不好、湿热内蕴、高血压、疮疡等病症的人应避免过多食用鹅肉。



1. **丰富的营养成分**:葵花籽每100克中含有热量约597千卡、蛋白质23.9克、脂肪49.9克、碳水化合物13克,以及钙、铁、磷、钾、钠、铜、镁、锌、硒等多种矿物质,以及维生素A、维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素E、叶酸、烟酸等。

2. **维护心血管健康**:葵花籽含有大量不饱和脂肪酸,特别是亚油酸,可以降低胆固醇,预防心脏病,维护心血管健康。

3. **预防贫血**:葵花籽中含有丰富的铁和锌,这些微量元素有助于预防贫血。

4. **安神去疲、美容护肤**:葵花籽中的维生素B1和维生素E有助于缓解疲劳,同时具有美容护肤的功效。


5. **促进消化**:葵花籽富含纤维素和油脂,有助于润滑肠道,预防便秘。

6. **抗氧化作用**:葵花籽中的维生素E和硒等抗氧化物质有助于保护身体细胞免受自由基的伤害,预防多种慢性疾病。

7. **降低血压和血糖**:葵花籽中的镁和蛋白质可能有助于降低血压和血糖,对于有高血压或糖尿病风险的人群有一定的辅助作用。

8. **支持甲状腺健康**:葵花籽中的某些营养素可能对甲状腺健康有益。

9. **抗癌和抗炎**:葵花籽中的某些成分,如维生素E和类黄酮,可能有助于对抗癌症和炎症。




### 营养价值:

1. **蛋白质**:红豇豆含有高质量的植物蛋白,对于维持肌肉质量和身体组织修复至关重要。
2. **纤维**:红豇豆是膳食纤维的良好来源,有助于促进消化和预防便秘。


3. **矿物质**:富含钾、铁、镁、锌等矿物质,这些元素对心脏健康、免疫系统、骨骼健康等都非常重要。
4. **维生素**:含有维生素C、B族维生素等,有助于维持身体的正常代谢和免疫功能。
5. **抗氧化物**:红豇豆含有抗氧化物,如类黄酮,可以帮助抵抗自由基,减少氧化应激。


### 作用:


1. **促进消化**:丰富的膳食纤维有助于促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘。
2. **控制血糖**:红豇豆的血糖生成指数(GI)较低,适合糖尿病患者食用。
3. **心血管健康**:豇豆中的钾有助于降低血压,而膳食纤维有助于降低胆固醇。
4. **增强免疫力**:丰富的维生素和矿物质有助于维持免疫系统的正常运作。
5. **维持骨骼健康**:钙和镁等矿物质有助于维持骨骼健康。
6. **减肥**:低热量、高纤维的食物有助于增加饱腹感,从而减少总热量摄入,有助于减肥。



1. **强筋健骨**:杜仲味甘、性温,归肝、肾经,具有补肝肾、强筋骨的作用。对于腰脊酸疼、筋骨无力等症状有很好的缓解效果。


2. **补肾养肝**:杜仲能够补益肝肾,对于肾虚腰痛、遗精、滑精等症有显著的治疗作用。

3. **安胎**:对于孕妇来说,杜仲有安胎的功效,可以用于治疗妊娠漏血、胎动不安等症。

4. **降血压**:杜仲含有的多种有效成分能够降低血压,对于高血压患者有辅助治疗作用。

5. **降血糖、降血脂**:杜仲能够改善血糖、血脂水平,对于糖尿病、高血脂症有一定的辅助治疗作用。

6. **减肥**:连续服用杜仲可以降低人体皮下及内脏周围的中性脂肪含量,有助于减肥。

7. **通便利尿**:杜仲茶中的桃叶珊瑚甙具有利尿、通便、增强肠道蠕动作用,能够有效清除体内垃圾,分解胆固醇和固性脂肪。


8. **增强免疫功能**:杜仲具有一定的抗病毒功能,能够增强机体非特异性免疫功能。


9. **调节心血管功能**:杜仲有助于调节心血管功能,参与心血管系统的调节。

10. **抗炎、抗病毒**:杜仲具有一定的抗炎、抗病毒作用,可以提高垂体-肾上腺皮质系统的功能。

11. **保护肝脏**:杜仲雄花中的桃叶珊瑚甙具有护肝活性,能促进肝细胞再生,抑制乙型肝炎病毒DNA的复制。

12. **补肾壮阳**:杜仲雄花能增加吞噬细胞活性,促进免疫、兴奋垂体肾上腺皮质系统,增强肾上腺皮质功能。


"I didn’t expect you to fight for so long today. The protector of the seven-nation alliance and the fierce sword of the Warring States period are really not as famous as meeting each other!"

Lu Li’s words are full of provocation and ridicule. In such cases, he is still mocking the other party. No one can see his true thoughts.
After putting away the double swords, he looked at several people with his head held high. In an instant, the blood evil force in his left palm condensed into a bloody lotus. The lotus brilliance flashed impressively and became seven blood lotus flowers at a distance of 30 feet away from home. They were connected by blood lines, and the blood evil force had turned pale, which made people puzzled.
But then, it was a speech that said, "The seven-nation alliance likes to threaten me, so I will learn from your methods. From now on, if one person crosses this blood line, I will kill 10 thousand Warring States soldiers. If you don’t believe it, you can try!"
The custodian of Xuanwu smells the words and sneers repeatedly. His three Warring States gas refiners are already deployed to seal up Fiona Fang’s thousand feet. At the same time, the custodian of Xuanwu throws out a charm whose brilliance flashes with a butterfly imprint. This unique charm of the custodian of Xuanwu has this blessing in this seal enchantment. He believes that land separation is definitely the way to escape.
After leaving the land, he didn’t show weakness, but he was still provocative, which puzzled everyone. At the same time, he seemed to say a problem. This white-haired boy is definitely no longer the man he used to be. This time, he really rose and was able to enter the ranks of masters.
The power of the curse of the left palm turned into a dark face, and the lotus flower in the right palm flashed with evil spirits, which was manipulated by him, so that he was like an evil incarnate and fought alone.
Chapter two hundred and fifteen Sacrifice and kill
Closed enchantment exhibition moment Qinglong dharma keeper and White Tiger dharma keeper attack at the same time. The two of them cooperated tacitly and were experienced. They once jointly killed and killed the masters of various countries.
Tsing lung dharma took the lead in challenging him. He was extremely light and boiled like a dragon. He appeared outside the land in half a flash and directly crossed the blood line. Tsing lung dharma looked at the land away from the white tiger with grim eyes. It was also in no particular order. He even made seven fingers and made seven efforts to turn the land away into the seven bloody lotus flowers. At the same time, the clouds filled the air and held the white tiger dharma body behind him, which directly broke the land away and formed a double-edged potential.
It seems that this attack is not enough for the threat of land separation, and there are 12 gas refiners who come in through the seal enchantment. The only reason they can come in is because the Xuanwu dharma keeper controls the land separation and wants to wear it directly.
There are strong enemies before and after, and the twelve gas refining experts who joined the war are by no means ordinary people. They are the masters of the pioneer camp, and soon they are laying a six-ding, six-jia array outside the body. Sixteen people have the same breath, and the strength of twelve people is superimposed together. After the increase of the array, it is faintly possible to compete with each other. Such forces converge into a stream and condense into a dark enchantment with a diameter of 16 feet.
These gas refiners are what ordinary gas refiners call evil ones. They are taking an evil road, not an ordinary gas refiner. There are many ghosts flashing on the surface of this barrier, and the eyes seem a little scary. The barrier is also instantly divided into several forces. Its twelve tentacles of light and shadow directly come out like ghost hands, but it seems to be illusory. The light and shadow are extinguished, which makes people unable to judge clearly. Its trajectory is madly rushing towards the land as if to tie him up.
In this situation, instead of retreating, the whole person is also a sudden increase in pathogens. On that day, the anger of the left palm disappeared and the soul symbol came to the fore. One of the tentacles touched each other. When the squeal and evil ghost hand met this unmelted soul symbol, it was judged that the ghost hand would be sluggish in an instant, and one of the twelve refined gas men was also suddenly injured with one mouthful blood.
From the unpredictable angle of the three ghost hands, I suddenly attacked from behind, but I saw the black mans flashing cloak behind me. The evil light flash was actually played, and the three ghost hands were directly swallowed up and refined.
It’s three evil men whose mouths are full of blood, but they are all hurt by the self-destructive force of this move. They are all evil men who came from evil backgrounds and murdered several gas refining men, but they didn’t expect to suffer losses in the hands of the land today.
The war was as fierce as thunder and angry. "You wait for the sacrifice to kill the land!"
Twelve evil scholars smell speech without the slightest hesitation, and the first six-six-six-six-six-six array was completely disintegrated by them in an instant, but the breath of these people was weakened in an instant, and their aura dissipated crazily, their eyes were distracted and their expression was depressed. At the same time, there was a crack in the sky, and even the so-called dark cloud world was hit with a gap, as if there was a statue of a peerless strong arrival.
This will be a big conspiracy. If he doesn’t guess wrong, including the Xuanwu dharma cloth to defend the Qinglong and the White Tiger, the front and back attacks of the two dharma protectors are all empty shakes. One shot belongs to feint, and the attack of these twelve evil men is really aimed at their own things.
The great protectors of the fierce battles are all schemers, and people will not be hurt by the death of the land. In this case, the so-called sacrifice tactics of these twelve evil men should be extremely horrible!
Lu Li thought about it and decided to use the soul-breaking knife when necessary. His eyes are not familiar with the cultivation of knife tactic, and he failed to reach the position of self-confidence. If he hastily cast his knife and broke his life, it would be equivalent to ruining his last chance.
If you want to display the magical power that the night rain burns your heart, you need to destroy the flesh, so there is no chance of change. He doesn’t believe that several dharma protectors will have no means of self-protection
At the end, the twelve evil men were all twisted and twitching, and at the same time, the sky shot a ray of light. Suddenly, they looked up and saw at the top of the sky that there seemed to be a virtual shadow of a magic soldier, but it was very vague, but its breath was as strong as a mountain soldier. The virtual shadow alone could emit such coercion across the poor and high sky, which made the pressure on the land increase greatly. He had to resolve the deadlock in the shortest time or face the sacrifice of the other party.
At this moment, we must decide immediately.
His eyes swept the twelve evil men, and his eyes changed slightly. Because he was fond of detaining monks, Yuan Shen was very sensitive to the soul. He clearly judged that these twelve evil men were actually going to sacrifice their own souls, including their physical bodies, and turned them into a powerful force, which seemed to be in exchange for a virtual blow from the magic soldier.
Judging from the eyes of the magic soldier, the virtual shadow has the strength of the strong in the late fairy period, which is somewhat similar to that of the strong in the early Lingxu period, but it is not weak compared with the protector of Qinglong. Such a virtual shadow can’t be picked up by itself.
At present, he can play against the strong in the middle and late period of fairy tales, but it is absolutely not enough to see the strength gap in the face of Ling Xu’s master.
When the body shakes, the shadow of flowers diffuses to leave the body, and the move is to conjure up several figures, and their respective brilliance flashes and fades. This move is not a drunken flower, but a separation of twelve people to interrupt each other’s sacrifice and thus resolve each other’s attack.
Because the sacrifice of these twelve people is too sudden, it is also necessary to display their long-hidden busy and ever-changing strategies here.
This ever-changing tactic is a combination of self-dharma tactic and master Chu Yun’s magic avatar tactic, so as to blend one dharma tactic. At the same time, each avatar exerts a different trick, and each avatar force can burst into 30-story real power in an instant due to the reversal of the Heart Sutra. It can be described as a very tough dharma tactic.
Immediately is Guanghua bright figure all over the sky and launched a strong counterattack.
Chapter two hundred and sixteen Gas refined silk
It is very common for the twelve avatars to attack the land in one fell swoop. However, due to their cultivation method, each avatar can burst into a very strong practice.
Moreover, what Lu Li has learned is more complicated than his tactics, which are strange and unpredictable. The deification of the cultivation of immortals can be said to complement each other. Twelve figures roared out and rushed to those twelve evil men who were about to sacrifice themselves to resolve everything.
The protector of the white tiger hurriedly moves to his protector of Qinglong to create opportunities for the twelve evil scholars.
This kind of sacrifice is very strange and cruel. Twelve evil men must sacrifice their bodies and souls, and sacrifice everything to exhaust all their vitality. But its explosive power is also terrible. Even the protector of Qinglong is not 100% sure that he can meet them. They believe that if this blow is successful, even if it is immortal, it will take off a layer of skin, which is much better than blind siege.
Protecting the White Tiger is a malicious move. He rushes forward and flies out with a statue of a light tiger, which contains strong qi and tears. This is the true qi that condenses the killing move. There is no falsehood, but it is hard to touch.
And the blow of the white tiger protector is accompanied by a roar that shocks the mind like a Buddhist lion’s roar. If it is a little careless, it will hurt the mind. If there is no real collar, it will be a rotten bone.
The land in vitro is not far from the central area. If it rushes out blindly, it is hard to imagine that the white tiger protector will attack him. He also dare not despise the five heart sutras and at the same time urge the Taiji heart sutra to be rigid and flexible, which can resolve all kinds of qi and strength and be transported out by him. The remaining reversal of the Heart Sutra, the source of transport capacity, and the real yuan are constantly surging, and the worries flow like a clear spring in the mind. The tiger Pao Wei is suddenly dissolved, and the remaining killing heart Sutra is distributed like a sword outside his body, counting the killing gas and condensing the other side. If you want to kill the land, you must taste the killing knife.
In addition, the fifth heart sutra is what I learned from my own practice, and it has never been named. I summed it up in the sad stone forest and turned it into some obscure feelings, which seemed to be a state of mind and a kind of control that he remembered in his heart.
The more contact techniques are, the more I feel that his own perception is unusual. But if I call it a singularity, I can’t say for sure, but when the cursing power of the body is ready to move, I will leave and move. This unknown heart sutra can actually control the wrath of heaven, evil thoughts and evil flowers in turn.
The five heart sutras unite into a colorful nebula outside the land, and five forces with different natures rotate with its source at a high speed, which makes the land like an extremely strong person, and the five heart sutras finally merge into an enchantment like an iron wall, which will kill the white tiger protector and resist and block its offensive steps.
The twelve detached avatars attack in various ways, such as sword, fist and palm force, but when they bombard the bodies of the twelve men, they are like mud cows entering the sea, and even the phantom of the twelve detached avatars is torn, which makes the twelve masters who are in sacrifice seem to be absorbed into the void at the last end without any force.
Tsing lung dharma keeper looked at the change of landing separation in amazement. At this point, LiXiaoYi in his mouth was already ejected, and his body followed the example of landing separation, constantly releasing true elements while rotating at high speed.
This time, the dharma master of Qinglong used a set of subtle and abnormal fists, which was several times more than that of the land-based Qinglong fist, and every punch blasted out the true qi and strength, which was divided into several filaments. Its meaning was very obvious, that is, to explore and find the landing flaw in every punch. Once there was a flaw in the land-based Qinglong dharma master would be hit hard by the land-based Qinglong.
Tsing lung dharma practice is an anomaly of the earth, which is not inferior to that of Taikoo Men’s venerable figure. Even if the proud arrow comes here, it is roughly the same. He has already cut his own true qi into it with every blow, and constantly doped it into the colorful nebula.
This is a very deep method among the gas refiners. It is called gas refining soft silk, which will generally dope itself into the defense barrier or attack of the other side. When the time is ripe, it will bite back and ask the other side to survive. It is precisely this way that it is quietly attacking and landing away from the colorful nebula.
Lu Li knows the enemy’s way, and there are several layers of thoughts outside him. The waves are constantly escaping. How can he not know about Qinglong’s dharma?
However, Lu Li chose to ignore the five heart sutras, which prompted Lu Li’s mind to move, and turned Confucianism into a flaming lotus. Its burning power wrapped itself in the sacrifice of the twelve evil men, which must have a shocking evil.
Lu Li-yan is the unity of good and evil. On evil, he has a black cloak transformed by evil flowers and a curse of evil heart. If he is upright and upright, he will not be easily suppressed by evil.
He didn’t give up after the twelve places at once were torn apart, and the twelve places at once scattered out. This time, he chose a long-range attack, but a whirlpool emerged outside the figure of the twelve evil men. The whirlpools of red, brown, gold, cyan, green, black, purple and other colors shone in unison and rotated at a very high frequency to form twelve rounds of extremely strong defense masks, which prevented the land attack from falling again.
At the same time, the souls of the twelve evil spirits suddenly soared into the sky, and this scene clearly indicates that the sacrifice is already limited to completing the virtual shadow attack on the sky and may fall at any time!
When the two dharma protectors, Qinglong and Baihu, saw that the sacrifice was almost completed, they also changed their strategy immediately. Among them, the dharma protector of Baihu turned his eyes very alert and retreated. His body suddenly disappeared into the air and repeatedly retreated to the safe range. The dharma protectors of Qinglong and Xuanwu joined hands again.
Qinglong dharma protector Xuanwu dharma protector is waiting for the signal of White Tiger dharma protector, so the three people directly join hands with the closed enchantment in the three refined gods, and suddenly they suddenly shrink wildly, and several brilliance meet in one place to condense into a bright ball of light, which will envelop the three refined gas giants, and the ball of light will immediately tremble and shrink crazily to squeeze and trap the land.
Chapter two hundred and seventeen In danger
The three masters joined hands to exert such a crazy force, which is by no means acceptable to one person. If there is a breakthrough in the realm of Lu Li Xiu, it may be able to fight hard, but the eye situation is closely calculated by the other party, which makes Lu Li fall into an extremely unfavorable situation.
The fierce figure of the war flashes and disappears in the air. Obviously, the occult technique hides the figure, and it is necessary to launch a strong blow to personally slay the enemy when the land is the weakest.
The first world war shook Tianyu’s virtual shadow in the sky. On that day, the soldiers flashed around Guanghua. After absorbing the sacrificial power of twelve evil men, they suddenly turned a fierce knife into a sharp cut from the sky. This sharp knife is much stronger than all kinds of swords in the land. Unless it is the method of cutting the sky or the knife breaks the first type, it is extremely difficult to pick up the land.
The northern battlefield of Yan was far away from the Warring States and the four masters fought against each other. There was no specific name for this area, which was called northern Yuan Ye, but at this time, it was already devastated when ten thousand people were buried here and a few masters fought.
Half-dressed in black, filled with wind, roaring, roaring and knotting, the explosion at the edge of the knot converged into one body, and with a shocking evil spirit, it was almost distorted where several masters were, and the rest of them all retreated and suffered waves.

Chen Qiyi tried to get away from watching while secretly pondering and calculating the various methods of Hinayana magic. Although he also got several kinds of Hinayana magic cultivation formulas, he came from plunder and suppressed the rest of the curse spirits. It was only by relying on Taihua Dragon’s tactic body that the mystery of the curse spirits could be erased, which could make the Xuan Huang gas platform.

So when there was a gap, Chen Qi pondered that if these incantations and spirits were more powerful, the Taiji diagram did have ghosts and gods. After seven calculations, Chen Qi finally found out the safest method. When Xuan Huang’s gas turnover immediately evolved, a black coffin suppressed all the incantations and spirits.
This black coffin is a filthy black coffin, but this instrument has another name called the celestial demon coffin! There are many other wonderful things here, although it is also called by foul gas, but it was not born in the underground river, but it was born from this filthy black coffin, which is the source of all foul gas
Chen Qi, of course, has no way to find that filthy black coffin deep in the Seven Burning Boundaries. His bite was originally swallowed up by the dragon tactic, and the black light method and the master plan of the Great Brahma Purgatory evolved. Later, this filthy black coffin also became a part of the Xuan Huang Linglong Tower when Chen Qi was refined into the Xuan Huang Linglong Tower of heaven and earth. This bite is what Chen Qi re-evolved, that is, the demon dragon, the yellow dragon, the filthy black lotus, and the seven king worms have long been gone, but their achievements are far from the same.
Chen Qi evolved this evil spirit coffin, and the incantations on the back of it were like a cat seeing fishy smell, and all the incantations were drilled into this filthy black coffin. When Chen Qi suppressed all the incantations in this filthy black coffin, the black coffin was faintly colorful, and gradually colorful symbols emerged in the dark coffin. Chen Qi relied on the Taiji diagram deduction method to refine all the incantations into this filthy black coffin.
This vile black coffin is just a multiplier series, but after swallowing and absorbing the many highest-day series of Hinayana incantations, it immediately jumped to a magic weapon series and gave birth to a vast sucking force to swallow and absorb all kinds of incantations. When the thief saw it, he immediately sacrificed this vile black coffin. Immediately after being sacrificed, he spit out a large piece of black light mixed with colorful incantations and swept all the near incantations in vain.
Gradually, there is a demon tire condensing in the filthy black coffin. Chen Qi silently runs mana. At this time, his body pressure has been completely relieved. He secretly swims around and finds himself in the bottom of his heart and thinks, "Although the demon also controls the five or six hundred Hinayana spells of the highest day series, he has already spared no time to bombard me and compete with it to cultivate the demon tire in the filthy black coffin …"
Chen Qi, although this method is the most suitable for him at present and the most promising choice in the future, but because the Taiji diagram is still only the top-level multiplier series, although it contains several magical powers of the highest day, it is still not clear enough to calculate the magic weapon. Chen Qi also doesn’t know what this demon coffin can breed.
However, Chen Qi is not worried that this demon fetus will bite his own master because he has already put an idea into it. After this demon fetus is born, it will have his will, just like his fingers and toes, and it will not have his own thoughts. It can be regarded as a part of his body and an extension of my consciousness.
The little thief sacrificed the evil black coffin and attacked him with all kinds of curses. The innate pure Yang Bao Yuan Ling cried with indignation. It came as a magic weapon. Yuan Ling’s decision-making place was better than that of all creatures. As soon as he saw that he couldn’t abandon the interference of seventy-two demon ancestors, he simply abandoned all the uncontrollable curse spirits together, and those demon ancestors took them back to control, while it suddenly combined the self-curse spirits together and threw them into the evil black coffin.
How dare Chen Qi keep this thing? When the thief head did not consider that the demon fetus was not yet mature, he suddenly leaned out of the black coffin with a withered hand with the edge dead and dirty air. I don’t know how many Hinayana spells were wrapped around the five fingers, so he held this self-investment demon’s brilliance.
Although this demon fetus is fierce, the demons’ mana is still more than this demon fetus in Chen Qi, so this Guanghua school suddenly pokes the demon fetus out of the withered hand as soon as they earn it. Fortunately, Chen Qi’s powerful force is profound, which has prompted the Xuan Huang Qi to turn from the filthy black coffin and rediscover a withered hand that is more earth than just now. This reunited withered hand has condensed into a circle. Although this circle has not been completely deduced, it is also much more condensed than just now.
The demons still shattered this withered hand with a shock, but in Chen Qifa’s evil black coffin, he immediately leaned out of the third withered hand, and his mana became more earth.
Chapter five hundred and four Jin Gangzhuo curse
Chen Qi is proficient in thousands of kinds of spells, so he doesn’t think about refining these Hinayana spells into a spell ban, but refining a large array and breeding a beautiful demon tire from the source of the filthy black coffin. Although this large array has not been thoroughly deduced, it has been able to exert three or four points of power.
Chen Qi smashed the demons and wanted to burst his evil black coffin. The seventy-two demons saw the benefits and put themselves in control of the Hinayana curse. When the withered hand in the evil black coffin leaned out for the ninth time, the spell power manipulated by the innate pure Yang Baoyuan spirit could no longer be shattered.
Chen Qi has been suppressed at this time. Seeing that there is a winning machine, of course, I won’t miss my hands. When I hold on to a nine-nine-nine-nine-one magic spirit, I will brush the hundreds of strands of magic power to condense the light, and then I will brush a piece of magic spirit. The power is double. Chen Qi and the congenital pure Yang Baoyuan spirit are too aware, so it can’t be easily won. It is also very hard to be suppressed. Now this congenital pure Yang Baoyuan spirit is fighting with seventy-two magic ancestors. He naturally has a great development. When Chen Qi succeeds, he will
Chen Qi hid the wishful flying knife in the Taiji diagram, and the power of this blow has exceeded that of Yuan Shen’s incarnation of plough and nine-fold mana. Although the innate pure Yang Bao Yuan Ling has borne the mana, after all, it was caught by the seventy-two magic ancestors, and most of her energy was divided at one time, which was actually changed by Chen Qi’s sneak attack.
Although the demons are a group of curses, this degree of damage is just to break some vitality, but the congenital pure Yang Bao Yuan Ling also woke up to this matter, and it is no longer necessary to turn the two groups into a thousand miles away and suddenly flee to the Japanese palace.
It’s just that this bitter battle has come to the end. Chen Qi swallows several lifeless black coffins, and all kinds of incantations are also included in this vile black coffins. These vitality and incantations are supplemented, which makes the demon fetus in the vile black coffins rejuvenate again. It’s like the tide going out in circles and putting it together with the idea of seventy-two demon ancestors.
When Chen Qigang sneaked into the Heavenly Palace, he couldn’t resist the idea of a demon ancestor who was everywhere in this world. But now he has refined the mysterious and exquisite tower of heaven and earth, and refined the magic power of his heart for nearly half, which has become a lot of powerful means. Although he can’t resist the magic power of these demon ancestors, he can’t resist Chen Qi just by dividing his thoughts.
However, these seventy-two magic ancestors seem to have malicious thoughts, and in the end, they suddenly gathered together and poured a wisp of thoughts into the filthy black coffin.
Although this wisp of thought is of the earth, Chen Qi also asks himself that something will be refined, but he has sensed that the seventy-two magic ancestors are actually not malicious and have not defended the filthy black coffin. After all, it is not him. My consciousness is an idea to refine it. Even if I give this black coffin beyond the magic weapon series, it will not hurt his Taoist roots.
These ideas have crossed the virtual reality and gradually formed a mysterious abnormal array in the filthy black coffin. There are seventy-two spells intertwined to form this large array, which is powerful enough to tear up the virtual reality, which is much higher than the array deduced from Chen Qi’s own understanding.
Chen Qi’s mind was secretly surprised by the slight discrimination. Seventy-two spells are naturally Hinayana magic. Although there are flows in both the Seven Burners and the Heavenly Palace, it is almost unheard of that anyone knows the seventy-two Hinayana magic, especially those 72 Hinayana magic. I don’t know which great avatar has evolved the profound Daoism and refined a large array. The complexity of the mystery of this large array is that Chen Qi can’t study the white beard with his Tai Chi diagram, and it will take a long time to deduce the mystery.
"What on earth do these seventy-two demons mean by giving me the secret number of Hinayana magic?"
Chen Qiyi just listened to Yang Huer’s words and planned to take over the seven heavenly palaces after he became a Yuan God. The rest of his thoughts were cruel because of Hinayana magic. He has always been slightly partial to the congenital pure Yang treasure camp, but this time he came to the Tiangong community and met the innate pure Yang treasure. Yuan Ling separated his thoughts and pursued it, and he felt that the struggle between the seventy-two magic ancestors and the congenital pure Yang treasure immediately came for nothing. His position was not on one side but on his own.
The seven true immortals, the pure natural treasure, and the seventy-two magic ancestors all want to help themselves to achieve their own goals or slay themselves to safeguard their own interests. These people have different calculations, but none of them can think with him, so he has to rely on his own strength to safeguard himself.
Chen Qi sneered after some careful consideration, "Now I can be on an equal footing with the Seven True Immortals, just to see what they are going to do. It really annoys me that the Seven True Immortals may not be afraid unless they make moves together."
After Chen Qi built the Xuan Huang Linglong Tower of heaven and earth, if it hadn’t been for the innate pure Yang Bao’s idea to abruptly raise the magic realm of demons, the head of a small thief wouldn’t have been suppressed so badly. Maybe he would have broken through the array long ago and scraped all the magic spirits. Among the seven true immortals, he also met several Yue Yu and Wei Wu Lao, and he couldn’t resist it. Now he has built the immortal body to achieve the magic weapon. Of course, he is even more fearless. Although the other five Chen Qi have not seen their magic power, they can be roughly calculated. Otherwise, they are just the incarnation series of Yuan Shen
After Chen Qi repelled the demons, he was not in a hurry to go back to the seven-burning realm, but practiced in the virtual world once to stabilize the mana realm.
He built the mysterious tower of heaven and earth, but even after a fierce battle, he really didn’t have a chance to realize that he had built a new realm. Chen Qi put my consciousness into Tai Chi, and the body shone brilliantly. His body has been refined into an immortal treasure, and every inch of it is like a crystal of mysterious yellow. The thief can feel that his every breathing mana will grow, and his mana will surge almost completely in one of the most mysterious orifices in the body, and he can never know with one breath and one breath. Hundreds of millions of billions of virtual communication somewhere outside Wan Li, a magical twin stars converge into his mana, which makes Xuan Huang qi thicken after every breath. This growth is almost limitless for Chen Qi at present.
"Very fierce! This dragon tactic can turn the flesh into an immortal treasure, but it’s unheard of in ancient times … According to my calculation, this one-way tactic seems to be able to differentiate thousands of ways, but it’s a fusion of hundreds of ways. If I want to, I can still separate many ways. Without this dragon tactic, it will be a magic weapon and it won’t be a mysterious and exquisite tower of heaven and earth. "
Chen Qi’s understanding of Taihua Dragon Tactics has reached a very profound level now. This Taihua Dragon Tactics and the door gas refining technique have generally opened up a brand-new road. The door gas refining technique is to make the yuan gods immortal, but the ancient gods and demons are to make the immortal body. The body is immortal for hundreds of millions of years, and Taihua Dragon Tactics is to make the body into an immortal treasure, and to make the human body a magic weapon and finally make it a magic weapon, which will naturally lead to immortality.
Chen Qi pondered it carefully, and once deduced the Taiji diagram, he raised his hand and pointed out a dharma tactic from Taihua Dragon’s tactic to welcome thousands of words. This method is much simpler and easier to practice than Taihua Dragon’s secret. It is necessary to practice step by step to cultivate the physical body into a weapon. Although it is not the highest defense treasure, it can rebound all mana and contain all instruments. The higher the messenger’s mana level, the greater the power. If it can be cultivated into a magic weapon, it can not only prove immortality, but also have a fierce struggle.
After playing for a while, Chen Qiba put this mantra into a circle the size of Bai Sensen’s palm. Although he didn’t deliberately refine it, there were still 60 prohibitions that were born, which was equivalent to a seventh-order instrument.

Cang Lan, the old man, felt that the sun gave off enough heat to burn everything. At this time, although he was far away, he couldn’t bear to beat a dozen defense tactics in his body. He barely resisted the heat and gritted his teeth and endured a little closer. This was far from being respectful and shouted, "How are the ten too always?" Trail polite … "

The sun was born from the true fire of the sun. It is a rare spirit beast in the world and a demon race. Friars like Cang Lan are too detached. In their eyes, they are just ants. Where will they take it to heart on weekdays, and Godsworn is afraid of the status and cultivation of the sun? They are also respectful and dare not strike up a conversation easily.
Today, when I saw someone gather here, I couldn’t help but marvel at it. One by one, I gathered my wings and sat down, which was no longer the case. Just now, innocence was too majestic, but for a moment, I relapsed and fluttered one by one.
Looking at Cang Lan, who is flying in the sun, is still respectful in the distance. He frowned and shouted, "Are you here alone?"
Cang Lan’s old man was surprised and then respectfully said, "The villain is a refined gas man at the foot of Zhongnanshan Mountain. He had the honor of seeing Qitaiyi …"
It’s very inconvenient to talk when the two are far apart. It’s easy to say that the Sun Daoism is advanced, but the Canglan boss’s repair is not high, which is simply pulling his neck and shouting that both sides feel uncomfortable.
One is combing the feathers. The sun was startled and immediately spread its wings and looked at the old man Canglan carefully for a while. "Are you the one who is looking for materials to cast swords and repair them everywhere?" I remember you had a big fight with someone because of a piece of ore that day! "
When the old man heard this, he nodded repeatedly, "Seven is a mean person with a good memory." When he saw each other, he remembered that he had much hope for revenge.
The first time I saw the sun, it was really hard for the old man to talk to each other in front of anger, and it was not convenient to see the other person really get to know his people. Immediately, the right feather shook a golden light and broke into his body. Cang Lan immediately felt that the sun was no longer suffering from heat, but he felt an abnormal comfortable feeling. He couldn’t help but sigh.
At first, the sun laughed, "Your doll repair is really poor, but you haven’t stepped into heaven yet. Although it’s one step short, it’s hard to cross this step. You don’t understand. I’m afraid it’s hard to make it. Come on, what’s the matter here?"
The sun is well informed, knowing that if it weren’t for something, the other party would not have gone to the trouble to come here and ask immediately.
After listening to the words of the sun, Cang Lan felt sad from her heart and couldn’t help crying. She cried more and more when she thought of the sad place.
The seven taizui combed a golden feather on her back and whispered, "Tell me what happened to make you so down and out! Although you are not high, it is also rare for a master to drive you to such a point. The personnel can be seen. Say it out. You are destined to be your own boss. If you don’t say it, I am intentional and powerful. "
Canglan cried more and more sadly when he heard the joy in his heart. He knew whether he could take revenge or not, depending on whether the ten suns would make moves.
After a pause, I immediately cried and cried and told the story. Naturally, I was so arrogant and arrogant that I said that I wanted to visit the landlord and grandson and get a place to live. But the boy was bullying and even refused to be angry, but this was the only fight.
Seven wives couldn’t help but frown slightly. "It also blames you for the blessed land, which belongs to heaven and earth. It is said that Pangu Great God moved mountains and deliberately cultivated around it. It is said that Pangu Great God personally set up a law. Once it was launched, its power was poor.
I don’t know the name of the man in the valley, but I also smell that he really has a great magical power. The repair is earth-shattering, not necessarily in my father. Why did you provoke him? If others don’t do it, they will do it. If you do it, you will never leave a little mercy in the end. Therefore, although he is alive, he can’t name it as difficult … "
Cang Lan Lao Dao couldn’t help turning pale when he heard this. "So this is my revenge?" I couldn’t help crying when I thought of this.
Seven too shook his head. "It’s also your fault. Although I don’t know him, that person is not the kind of unreasonable person. If you wait for my name, he will definitely let you go …"
Pale blue thought please will be worse than parlour if you don’t provoke the sun even revenge hope immediately, "seven too I don’t know the situation on that day, so it’s better to teach too that I don’t have a good name, and that boy is even worse."
He said,’ You old man dare to come here with just a few golden crows to make noise. It’s no big deal for those crows. Although they are born in the sun’s true fire, they can’t get rid of the heterogeneous ones. If they dare to come strong and capture them as mounts, if the wine is thin in the future, it won’t hurt to hold the bird’s legs and chew the tendons …’ "
Cang Lan’s old man’s habit of talking straight to the ten suns, three bodies were so angry that they jumped one by one and poured out golden flames. Obviously, the temperature in Fiona Fang rose by several Baidu for no reason. Thanks to the absence of people in Wan Li, Fiona Fang, it didn’t cause a disaster.
The seventh wife was particularly angry and shouted, "Is that what the child really said?"
Canglan nods, "But it is so said that I don’t want to say such a shame, but the monks there really don’t put too much emphasis on it. They have long forgotten too much and know that they are arrogant."
The sun was not angry when he heard this. At that time, the phoenix tree was full of flames, which showed that all the sun was moved. It was really angry.
After all, the first sun is experienced and qualified as the boss. He is the first to calm down and ponder for a moment. "I’ll wait for that man to rule out the river, and he will humiliate me." Isn’t there some reason? "
The least the sun nu way "elder brother out of this? Regardless of whether he insulted us or not, he said that he occupied a land blessed with a cave-could he occupy that place? I might as well take the blessed land and let my father practice there with all his hands, just to strengthen my family’s strength, which is also a good way. "
The first Sun thoughtfully remained silent. The second Tai looked at him and said, "Brother, if the demon race is slandered by others, we will lose our title. Now the world knows little about us. We just took the valley to bully and let the world know that I am a demon race …"
The first sun heard a slight change in his face and shouted at him, "The younger brothers are young and knowledgeable, but it’s understandable that you have lived in vain at that age and are still so short-tempered." Don’t you know that we are the demon race and that every move represents the image of the race? If you provoke that person to win indiscriminately, people will say that if we bully others and defeat the world, will we lose face to the demon race? "
The old man’s face twitched slightly when he heard this. The other party was obviously very fine, but how could he miss this opportunity?
The old man adjusted his clothes and sank, "It’s too bad. The so-called good life is easy to be bullied. Although it’s too wide, it doesn’t mean that those people can appreciate it. They will think it’s too weak to bully. If this goes on, the reputation of the demon race will be trampled on by those who know it …"
After saying his word, the sun has jumped up angrily. "Brother, what are you hesitating about? If we don’t shoot together, I can handle the man myself. I’d like to see whether the characters are so arrogant. "
The first sun pondered for a long time and finally nodded, "You can test his reality. If the man has something to do, he can come back as soon as possible and take a long-term view."
The youngest sun nodded and agreed, and then went away with the pale blue. The light and heat emitted by the sun immediately swept away the cold light of the Jade Rabbit. Soon after it was dark, it lit up again. When it was really huge and hot, the sun really scorched the tip of the tall plant.
Ranked sixth, the sun never spoke, and even when other suns were angry, he didn’t show too much aggression. He looked at the first sun saying
"Eldest brother is ten years younger, even if he doesn’t know the weight of the man, I’ve been waiting for a long time. Even if my father and uncle are magical, I can’t figure out the man’s feet. I don’t know the depth. If I have a big loss … Although the man is less alive, I need to know that I have to send a few brothers to help Fang Baowan."
The first Sun Wei pondered and immediately said, "This is very good. In that case, you and your seventh and ninth brothers go to meet you, and your brother remembers to restrain them."
Old Six nodded solemnly. "Please rest assured that I should be careful. I’m not going to fight here, but I want to meet Xiao Shi. There’s no danger."
The greatest sun pondered for a long time and then took out a piece of sky-blue gem with a dense chill. He handed it to Liu Taidao, "We’ll bring the sun with us. If it’s light, it’s bound to kill people, but it’s not beautiful. This treasure is my uncle’s deliberate practice, but it can cover up our heat. Take it and be careful. If it’s really a fight and it’s not the other side’s opponent, remember not to fight."
The six wives graciously promised, and he also knew that practicing together didn’t mean everything. Although the origin of that man was little known, his practice time was much longer than theirs. In these years, he was able to occupy one of the best places in the world and live in peace, which shows that if he was sure of winning.
The three suns rose into the sky and brought a whirlwind. Because of the blue gem, the real fire of the hot sun did not emit and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.
The song "The Sun pondered for a long time, always felt uneasy, hesitated for a moment, turned around and said to the other Sun," You can’t leave me here and go to my father to report everything in case of any changes. "
Ertai sneered, "Brother is not too careful. That man is no match for Xiao Shi even if he wants to do something. You are not too careful."
The first sun said softly, "That man will never be that simple, otherwise he wouldn’t live today. I have a bad feeling that the tenth brother will be pound-foolish."
Ertai listened with a grain of salt but didn’t say anything.
Tai Tai knows that his mind is cold. "You may not know that there is a Pangu Great God who sets up a law to protect him. Even if my father and uncle move their magic weapon together, it will take a while to break it and ban Xiao Shi. Can you win it alone? I asked the man to fight with Xiao Shi outside the valley … "
Ertai said quickly, "Eldest brother made fun of my father and brother. Who else is the opponent besides Taoist Hung-chun? You’re exaggerating … "
Too cold way "you wizard is thinks? Why don’t they take the blessed land? Why didn’t their brother take the blessed land? Everyone knows that the man has been reluctant to start work. "
When this remark came out, he was surprised and angry at Tai Tai. "Then why do you want Xiao Shi to go?" Aren’t you pushing him to the wall? "
After all, Tai Tai is the head of the golden sun. He has his own reasons. He fluttered his wings and whispered, "That is really a good place. What if there is nothing wrong with that person?" Say wings a flap straight nine see sent emperor Di Jun.
The rest of the sun was also secretly surprised that it was the first time they saw Tai Tai, so they were a little more wary of practicing Li Suiyun in the valley.
Chapter 7 y is too much for me to move?
Let’s not say that the biggest sun went to see Di Jun, the emperor of heaven. Let’s say that the old man Cang Lan led the smallest sun to Li Suiyun’s seclusion. It’s strange to say that there is no name in such a blessed place.
This trip to the sun is a huge road. Although we try our best to restrain our own heat, it is inevitable that the trees will be scorched and the lives will be ruined.
Li Suiyun was meditating in the abode of fairies and immortals when he suddenly had a whim. I don’t know how long it took before he opened his eyes and pondered for a long time. He sighed and glanced at Xuanpu, who was in front of him. "You’re in trouble now. You say I’m so good?"
Xuanpu is playing with two magic weapons. Since he got these two magic weapons, he hasn’t had a chance to display them. After listening to Li Suiyun’s words, he couldn’t help but be overjoyed. "Master, if this is the case, just bring it to me to practice."
Li Suiyun listened to his heart and said, "Do you know who the other party is asking for help and will bring it to you to practice? He invited me because the demon race was born from the sun’s true fire. Even I have to be careful about him. But you have to fight him at the first glimpse of Xiandao Gate. It really is a newborn calf that is not afraid of tigers. "
Xuanpu couldn’t recognize Li Suiyun’s words and laughed at his white face. He was a little annoyed. "Isn’t the demon family a monk, too?" I can’t believe this is not his opponent … "
Li Suiyun couldn’t help but enlarge and say with smile, "Well, it’s just that the demon race is too new. The little demon is not afraid of the demon race. Don’t you think you think it’s too simple? I won’t say that his father is the Emperor Di Jun and his uncle is the Emperor Taiyi. Should you know that these two things are easy to provoke? "
Xuanpu was taken aback, but immediately cried, "Master, you don’t want to make moves, do you? In your case, you may not lose to the East Emperor and Di Jun. You don’t want your brother to fight against them by himself, do you? "

A chief didn’t say anything and stepped into the crowd.

Lu Baisen, the chief of staff of the military general political military vehicle, suddenly received the words "Hello?"
"Yan Botao called and said that the old item may have to be moved in the south gate!" The speaker spoke quickly and said,
Chief of staff shocked
The South Gate Self-Guard Battalion suddenly sounded armed and stood by, and 1,000 soldiers quickly tied up.
"All units have a target to serve the defensive area of Liu Zhengbu in the north south gate!" The leading officer shouted in front of all the soldiers, "Break through the gate there to welcome Zhou into the city!"
"yes! !”
The soldiers shouted in response.
"Let’s go!"
The officer reached the final battle order.
Yan Botao whispered to his family, "Lao Xiang, the king’s egg, has been threatening me with my son’s safety! Now that Lu is in town, this is the best time to get back at him! Catch him for jade! "
"white!" A middle-aged man in a suit nodded heavily.
Fifteen minutes later.
Fierce shots fired at the south gate of Fengbei, and a thousand famous city self-defense forces rushed to the defensive area of Liu Zhengbu.
out of town
A week officer heard the city gun suddenly some vacant "they are not a relief? What a fire! "
The words sound just fell and Zheng words directly entered the headquarters and said very quickly, "the city guard is ready to go to our door! ! You give me a new force and fight in! "
At the same time
Gu Taian flew straight to three san.
Chapter 222 One thousand will fly to Liuzhou.
The 1,000 Self-Defense Forces in Fengbei Nankou must have defeated Liu Zheng’s troops with two regiments, but their sudden attack can disrupt the battlefield and win the key attack opportunity for the troops outside the city.
out of town
Commander Zhou immediately drove out of the camp after learning that the city guards had participated in the war, and went to the forefront with all the generals.
Zheng saw Commander Zhou enter the battlefield and immediately urged, "I’m sure it’s no problem for you to go back to rest with the commander here …"
"I’m all right." Commander Zhou entered the trench with a deep foot and a shallow foot, reached for a long military telescope and looked at Fengbei City.
In recent days, the weekly attack has not been smooth. The wall of Fengbei Special Zone is too strong, and there are a large number of arms warehouses on the left and right sides of the south entrance. There are temporary remedies. A hole in the wall of the Special Zone is blown out. If it can’t be penetrated in one round, the gap will be blocked by steel plates, and then the enemy will build a temporary defensive position along the gap, which is difficult to break through here.
Commander Zhou was in a hurry. He frowned at Zheng in the trenches and said, "There are not many guards in the city. I can’t grasp this opportunity. When Lu people come in, they can’t fight."
"Yes, I have asked the frontier troops to step up their attack and prepare to blow up two big gaps along both sides of Nankou …" Low Zheng said his plan.
"I’m afraid that the Self-Defense Forces can’t hold on now when explosives are needed." Commander Zhou looked up at the wall of the special zone and said, "We can’t be stable at this time. You can inform our army to let the body count machine forcibly enter the south entrance to detect the fire density of the enemy defense units, and then let the helicopter formation infantry descend to the wall of the special zone, disrupting the door inside and then blowing a gap outside, and the battle will be over."
"Well, I’ll choose the soldiers who fight in the city." Zheng nodded at Commander Zhou and continued, "You’d better go back to rest. It’s a mess here …"
"No, I’m right here." Commander Zhou refused again. "I’ll see how you fight."
Zheng ao however, he turned and called the chief of staff to deploy the siege plan.
About ten minutes later, a small military airport was temporarily built near Xinxiang. Only a dozen enemy fighters left in World War II flew to Fengbei.
At the same time, a large number of soldiers with experience in cable landing were temporarily transferred from various ministries and entered the camp where the helicopter formation was located.
Zheng Junjun rushed to more than 1000 soldiers and immediately called out to the commanding officer, "Please ask the commander for instructions!"
Zheng stepped in front of all the soldiers and wanted to say a lot to cheer them up, but the words came to his mouth and he couldn’t say it.
Descending into the south entrance is a risky task. The city has supporting fire prevention and a large number of troops stationed. I don’t know how many people will survive when these people jump in.
There is some shame and shame in letting soldiers risk their lives, but if they want to win, there must be sacrifices.
Zheng stared at the crowd and saluted after a long silence and shouted, "It’s up to you whether Nankou can be taken smoothly!"
"The battle will win and the attack will be gram!" The officer in charge of commanding shouted with pride.
"The battle will win and the attack will be gram!"
The camp cry echoed for a long time.
"The area has participated in the war, and the Sichuan Army is also a member of the North. We can take this battle in the back road. Either our Zhou Army is annihilated or we will win!" Zheng Jing roared with a military salute, "Boarding and leaving! !”
Voice down more than one thousand people scattered rushed to their respective units.
After more than 20 minutes, Fengbei South Exit/Entrance.
Liu Zheng hand a colonel with words shouted "how long do you have to arrive? Zhou is ready to storm, and we may not be able to hold on. Please enter the venue as soon as possible! "
After saying this, the Yugoslav capital defense unit fired at the wall of the special zone by itself, and a dozen enemy fighters flew in instantly.
The bomb net was densely packed in the middle, and the enemy’s fleet suddenly rose to a high altitude, and the ground-to-ground missile stormed the Yugoslav capital firepower point.
The error rate in the war is too low, and a small operational error may lead to the tragedy of machine destruction and human death. What’s worse, this small-scale enemy-destroying fleet is still facing the military defense forces of the capital of the SAR.
"Bang bang!"
Two explosions sounded in Fengbei. After being shot, two enemy fighters chose to slide outward to avoid falling into the city to blow up people’s houses, but the body was out of control seriously. One of the enemy fighters crashed into the wall of the SAR and exploded into pieces when it was about to fall outside the city.
The helicopter formation quickly entered the scene when the fire department pulled the bomb net.