
1. **历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚**:龙须茶拥有300多年的历史,承载着武夷山茶人的智慧与传承。它不仅是茶艺的瑰宝,更是中国茶文化的象征。

2. **生态环境优越**:武夷山特殊的生态环境和气候条件为龙须茶提供了得天独厚的生长环境。这里土壤肥沃、气候湿润,有利于茶叶中营养成分的积累。

3. **独特加工工艺**:龙须茶的制作工艺复杂,包括萎凋、杀青、揉捻、整理、扎束、幼烘、摊凉回潮、再干、再回潮等环节。这种独特的工艺使得茶叶中的多酚性化合物在酶的作用下发生一定程度的转化,提高了茶的品质。

4. **丰富营养成分**:龙须茶含有丰富的茶多酚、氨基酸、维生素和矿物质等营养成分。其中,茶多酚具有抗氧化、抗衰老、抗炎、抗菌等多种生物活性,对身体健康大有裨益。


5. **提神醒脑,促进代谢**:适量饮用龙须茶可以提神醒脑,促进新陈代谢,有助于提高工作效率和学习能力。


6. **调节肠胃,增强免疫力**:龙须茶中的茶多酚和茶碱等成分具有调节肠胃、增强免疫力的作用,有助于预防疾病。

7. **保健养生,益寿延年**:长期饮用龙须茶有助于保健养生,提高生活质量,达到益寿延年的效果。

8. **社交礼仪,传承文化**:龙须茶在古代常作为庙茶、嫁妆、聘礼等,具有丰富的社交礼仪和文化内涵。如今,品饮龙须茶已成为传承和弘扬中国茶文化的一种方式。



### 1. 补血养血

### 2. 滋阴润燥

### 3. 延缓衰老

### 4. 润肺止咳

### 5. 调经安胎

### 6. 增强体质


### 7. 美容养颜

### 使用方法


### 注意事项



1. **清热解暑**:冬瓜性凉,具有清热解暑的功效,适合在夏季饮用,可以帮助降低体温,预防中暑。

2. **利尿消肿**:冬瓜含有多种维生素和矿物质,特别是钾离子,有助于排出体内多余水分,减轻水肿。

3. **增强体质**:冬瓜含有丰富的蛋白质、维生素和矿物质,有助于增强体质,提高免疫力。

4. **美容养颜**:冬瓜含有多种有益成分,如维生素C、维生素E等,有助于改善皮肤状况,具有美容养颜的效果。

5. **降血压**:冬瓜中的钾含量较高,有助于调节血压,适合高血压患者食用。

6. **护肝**:冬瓜中的蛋白质、氨基酸等成分有助于修复肝组织损伤,促进肝细胞再生。

7. **健脑益智**:鸡蛋含有丰富的卵磷脂,有助于提高记忆力,增强大脑功能。

8. **减肥**:冬瓜热量较低,有助于控制体重,适合减肥期间食用。

9. **补充蛋白质**:鸡蛋是优质蛋白质的来源,有助于补充身体所需的氨基酸,促进肌肉生长和修复。


10. **促进消化**:冬瓜中的粗纤维有助于刺激肠道蠕动,改善消化功能。

11. **补钙**:虾皮富含钙质,是补钙的良好来源,适合缺钙人群食用。

12. **抗衰老**:冬瓜中的某些成分具有抗氧化作用,有助于延缓衰老。



1. **杀菌作用**:雪花银对几乎所有细菌和胞外病毒都有抑制作用。银离子对人体无害,且不会产生副作用。

2. **鉴毒功能**:雪花银是试毒的好金属。人体每天都会排放一些毒素,银饰可以吸收这些毒素。这也是为什么有些人佩戴银饰会导致其变黑的原因。

3. **消炎作用**:雪花银具有很强的消炎和促进伤口愈合的功效。例如,佩戴银耳环可以防止穿耳洞后的发炎。


4. **净化水质**:银离子可以杀死650种细菌,因此雪花银水杯可以净化水质。

5. **促进伤口愈合**:银离子内用可以安神保健,外用于针灸覆盖伤口,可防止感染。


6. **防腐保鲜**:古代富贵家庭使用银制器皿存放食物以达到保鲜防腐的目的。

7. **泡茶**:雪花银水杯可以杀灭茶叶在存放过程中产生的细菌,消除茶叶异味,改善茶叶品质。

8. **社会地位象征**:在古代,使用银质餐具招待贵宾是一种尊崇和富有的体现。

9. **保健作用**:现代医学认为,银具有杀菌消炎、解毒、养生、延年益寿、促进新陈代谢、增强抵抗力的作用。

10. **检测有毒物质**:银与许多毒素会产生化学反应,使银器变黑,易于鉴别。


– 对银饰过敏者
– 婴幼儿
– 孕妇



1. **止血作用**:地念有很好的止血效果,可以用来治疗胃出血、大便出血以及外伤出血等问题。其使用方法是将地念煎制后服用,或者将地念的叶子捣碎后外敷在出血部位。

2. **活血止痛**:地念对于治疗女性痛经和产后肚子痛有显著疗效。它可以通过活血化瘀,缓解疼痛。

3. **清热解毒**:地念具有清热解毒的功效,可用于治疗咽喉肿痛、风火牙痛等症。

4. **治疗疔疮**:地念可以用来治疗疔疮,只需将地念的全草捣碎后敷在患处。

5. **治疗痢疾**:地念对痢疾也有很好的治疗效果,可以通过煎制鲜地念服用。


6. **治疗血崩和带下**:地念对于女性的血崩和带下问题也有一定的治疗效果。


7. **治疗胃出血和大便带血**:将地念煎制后分四次服用,每隔四小时一次,对于大便带血严重的情况,可以加入雉鸡尾和粗糠等药材,用白酒送服效果更佳。

8. **治疗腰腿痛和风寒湿痹**:地念的根和全草泡酒饮用,可治疗腰腿痛和风寒湿痹。

9. **园林观赏**:地念也是一种美丽的观赏植物,其浓密的叶片和多彩的花朵和果实,可以在园林中作为地被层或观赏植物。




1. **活血行气**:川芎具有活血行气的功效,能够促进血液循环,对于血瘀气滞引起的多种症状有缓解作用。

2. **祛风止痛**:川芎辛散温通,能够祛风止痛,对于头痛、风湿痹痛等病症有很好的疗效。

3. **开郁燥湿**:川芎具有开郁燥湿的作用,对于因湿气郁结引起的胸闷、恶心等症状有一定的改善作用。

4. **调经**:川芎对于女性月经不调、痛经、闭经等妇科疾病有很好的疗效。


5. **其他功效**:川芎还具有抗血栓形成、抗炎、抗菌、平滑肌解痉等作用,对于心血管疾病、脑梗死等血栓性疾病有预防作用。



1. **中医药发展**:川芎作为中医药的重要组成部分,其丰富的疗效和广泛的应用,对中医药的发展产生了积极影响。

2. **道地药材**:川芎被誉为“川药首药”,四川等地种植川芎的历史悠久,丰富的地理、气候条件及种植传统保证了川芎的道地品质。

3. **国际交流**:川芎的国际标准化,如ISO发布的《中医药—川芎》国际标准,为川芎药材国际贸易取得了规则上的主动权,促进了中医药的国际交流。

4. **现代药理学研究**:现代药理学研究发现,川芎中的川芎嗪、阿魏酸纳等成分具有多种药理作用,为川芎的深入研究提供了科学依据。

5. **保健食品**:川芎被原卫生部纳入保健食品目录,其应用范围得到进一步拓展。


Zhenyige occupies the largest six reefs in Ryukyu Sea City, and there are 13 golden bridges connecting each other. There are palaces and pavilions on the surface, which is a secluded place in the southeast corner of Ryukyu Sea City, but it gives birth to a charming charm of fairy home.

Jiao Fei and Feng Er arrived at Zhenyige by the sea urchin, and immediately there was a head with feathers like snow, and Shen Jun was very white. Ying Ge flew out and spread his wings. He said, "Welcome to Zhenyige from afar. Please invite two straight pavilions to take care of this ship!"
Jiao Fei chuckled and didn’t despise his hands because the other party was a bird. He said, "It’s so troublesome for you." He thought to himself that he had released the dark clouds into a ball of three or four feet before flying in the daytime. Fiona Fang’s dark clouds held himself together with Feng Er. This dark cloud bag was put in the largest size of five or six acres after being remolded, but it can be smaller if it is not all over.
Chicken son saw this multiplier and smiled gently. "Mr. Jiao Fei doesn’t refine the multiplier into a cloud. It’s dark and ugly." Chicken son’s tone is relaxed. It’s obviously a joke. It’s a joke to practice the cloud-dodging spell in the door. Ziyun once again has a colorful white cloud as a foil to the Taoist identity. On the contrary, those monsters are all riding the wind and accidentally realized that the cloud-dodging door can’t be changed. Therefore, nine and a half monsters who are proficient in the cloud-dodging method are driving dark clouds.
Jiao Fei couldn’t say that his dark cloud pocket was a good one. He laughed. "When I sacrificed this thing, I always thought that I would sacrifice more mana in a thunderstorm. By the way, after I collected the essence of thunder, it was such a color, but the multiplier was just as good as the external object."
Chicken son a pair of bright eyes bent up and couldn’t say how charming and pleasing she pursed her lips. "It’s better for you to send a good Tianhe sword. I want to make a unique multiplier, so many people say it’s not good, so it’s not a rule of the founder. It’s bound to be like this. It’s not a mistake."
Jiao Fei laughed. "That’s the love of your elders. The maximum number of monks is to sacrifice one or two instruments. Wouldn’t it be a lot of work if the sacrifice is wrong?"
Chicken son some dissatisfaction said, "if you want to refine the Yuan God, no matter how powerful the multiplier is, there is nothing wrong with it. Isn’t it the same? Isn’t it a wave of kung fu to practice the magic power of the Yuan God a hundred times higher than before? "
Jiao Fei kept silent. Feng Er’s tone was so straight that he regarded the avenue of immortality as a smooth road, but it didn’t make people feel that he was raving. Obviously, he was born in a very great family. The knowledgeable personage had more mana and heart, which was enough to make her feel that it was right. Jiao Fei sighed in her heart. "People in the door don’t know that it is easier to build a sacrifice and refine the multiplier than before, but who can say that they will be able to refine the Yuan God?" Gas refining has not been used for hundreds of years? This everyone can’t be better than me, even if I have full confidence, I can’t dare to say such words. "
When Feng Er saw Jiao Fei suddenly silent, her little hand gently pulled Jiao Fei’s sleeve, as if it were very natural to say, "The real pavilion is divided into six floors, and everything on each floor is different. This floor is all instruments. There is nothing to see. Let’s go to the first floor!"
Jiao Fei looked around and found that there were swords, musical instruments, handkerchief jewelry and so on hanging around this rocky mountain pavilion, but each piece had some mana fluctuations. Obviously, every piece was a sacrifice-refined instrument, but Jiao Fei also saw that none of these instruments was suitable for him, but it was too much for him to sacrifice three or four times, and it was mostly a demon’s prohibition. It was more a side door and a dirty instrument, which made Jiao Fei look at it.
"What did you say just now? These fears are that the refined waste utensils are not suitable for sale. If something is repaired here or one or two things can be selected, although I am incompetent, there are still dark clouds in my hand. Even Brother Su Zhen gave me a sword bag, which is higher than most utensils here. "
Jiao Fei didn’t think there was something wrong with Feng Er’s speech, but the brother on duty in this floor heard Feng Er’s speech with a big breath, but he was a little angry. A child with a pair of temples sneered, "We really don’t have a cabinet to collect instruments, but we don’t have to end up with a sentence. I have an instrument here. I wonder if you two can be interested!"
There are more than a dozen Taoist children in the real pavilion. Everyone holds a white jade plate covered with a layer of white silk. I don’t know what these children do, but when the speaker reaches out and uncovers the white jade plate, silk handkerchief and twenty-four bull’s-eye blue beads roll back and forth, releasing a layer of treasure to make Jiao Fei look. The child’s attitude is even more arrogant and lightly says, "I wonder if you two can recognize what this is?"
Feng ‘er chuckled, "It’s just a few thunder beads. I don’t recognize Mr. Jiao Fei. Do you recognize him?" Jiao Fei laughed. "I don’t know if this Lei Zhu smells like a dragon god. I wonder if it has anything to do with this kind of evil spirit!" The boy suddenly shook his face with disbelief. He replied in a low voice, "This is the first way to practice. I don’t know how many people have never recognized the two Li Jinhu who actually know me."
Jiao Fei ha ha smiled at the bottom of my heart, but he was ashamed of himself. "Thanks to Lao Wang’s uniting with the evil spirit of heaven, snake, yin and dragon, the evil spirit of dragon is refined, and the evil spirit of dragon, snake and phoenix wake up again. These 24 blue beads are a kind of thunder beads, or I don’t know what special instrument it is to return." Jiao Fei’s three years of exposure to Tianhe Sword School is very profound, although he can’t consciously recognize it, but in talking with people, these daily Chen Taizhen and Su Zhen are very knowledgeable.
Even Feng Er secretly admired her heart and thought, "Tianhe Sword School is really worthy of being tied with my family. This Jiaofei vision is also extraordinary."
In fact, it takes some practice to condense the elixir after the two levels of kung fu, such as the combination of the evil spirit and the gas coagulation of the thunder beads. However, these simple steps are not considered as refining the gas. When Lao Wang got Jiao Fei’s grant of the dragon god’s gang, he could practice the combination of the dragon god’s gang and the snake’s yin evil spirit into the dragon snake’s gang evil spirit. For one thing, he has a good talent, and for another, he got a set of formulas. Naturally, he wants to coagulate the gas overnight.
Today, when I saw this dragon snake, Lei Gang Zhu Jiao Fei suddenly gave birth to a state of mind and asked, "This boy doesn’t know that these Lei Zhu are refined by people?" Can I have the honor to see it? " When the boy named Li Jinhu saw Jiao Fei talking kindly and admiring his knowledge, he honestly replied, "These red beads are made by a senior, and he is the master of Daizhen Pavilion. It is not difficult for the two to see them until the last floor."
Jiao Fei thanked her hand and went to another reef with Feng Er. This is really a pavilion. Each floor is not like a castle, but it goes to another reef through Jinqiao. Generally, the second floor and the first floor are decorated with some broken pieces and a layer of gauze cage, which makes people unable to see these broken pieces clearly. However, there is a note before these broken pieces. Although it is only a few strokes, it can also make people know at a glance what the broken pieces of gauze are.
Jiao Fei was interested in these tactics, so he walked around in it, but there was also a book "Making God Tactics", which was slightly interested. This book is a kind of spell that can ban spells in the spirit beast, demon insect soul and drive it away. Jiao Fei read the commentary and said that this method did not have half a piece to exchange things and a four-fold plough to ban the instrument, but he lost interest.
With the experience on the first floor of Zhenyige, Jiao Fei knew which children holding white jade plates were the good things, so he smiled with Feng Er. "This floor is interesting. I have a sword tactic. I’ve always wanted to see if there is any chance." Feng Er smiled with Ying Ying and followed Jiao Fei to the first children’s place. The child smiled slightly. "I have a jade plate in my hand, but the lady next to me may like it!"
Jiao Fei heard that it was such a thing, so he stopped to look back at Feng Er, a girl in white, and smiled and shook his head. "I don’t like to wear it so luxuriantly." Jiao Fei saw Feng Er twice, and she was dressed in plain white. At most, it was a gold ring with her hair tied. Other jewelry must be a girl who advocates nature and simplicity. After listening to Feng Er, he was more and more sure that this section laughed. "It’s natural to be naive! Fenger, even if you are dressed in a plain clothes, you are as beautiful as a fairy daughter! "
Chicken son Ying Ying smiled and pulled Jiao Fei’s sleeve and went to the second children’s place. These children’s hands held tracts without any comments. Naturally, Jiao Fei even asked six or seven places or didn’t see an interested one. He laughed. "If it’s so easy, you can find half of the gourd sword. I’m really lucky. If I find it, I won’t change the Taoist method or just go to the next floor."
Chapter II Dragon and Tiger Xuantan
Jiao Fei hasn’t finished reading this layer of children’s hands holding a jade plate when she hears someone shouting, "This is it." I have seen a piece of "Tai Zheng Yi You Ling Zhao Bai Gui Zhu" for the first time. Isn’t it the most joyful spell to exchange a baby without value? This is the magic of the West Xuanshan Dragon and Tiger Sect, which somehow ended up here. "
Jiao Fei was also one leng when he heard it. He happened to move in front of the child and let him come to the West Xuanshan Dragon and Tiger School. The Authentic Taoist Record of the Taizheng League is unique among the nine schools of Daomen, unlike the Tianhe Sword School, which has three methods and four tactics, and the Lijiang Sword School, which has three Taoist methods. Everyone practices the general Taoist method and the West Xuanshan Dragon and Tiger School pays attention to the bloodline.
There are two kinds of magic streams derived from Taizheng Yimeng Wei Fa Lu. One is Taizheng Yiyou Spirit Calling Hundred Ghosts, and the other is Taixuan Naive General Wu. These two kinds of magic have their own emphases. Calling Hundred Ghosts is not to recruit heaven and earth to generate ghosts, but to raise ancestors in its gate. Every ancestor has an extraordinary origin before his death. After being served by real people of the Dragon and Tiger Sect for many years, he can have great magic power.
These ancestors raised by the Dragon and Tiger Sect in Xixuanshan usually sleep in the Dragon and Tiger Xuantan built by Xixuanshan in all parts of the Central Plains, but when my brother came out of Xixuanshan, he was in danger and lit the door symbol. Recently, the sleeping ancestors in the Dragon and Tiger Xuantan were able to come to help in an instant.
However, this spell also has weaknesses to be refined. Just like this "Tai Zheng Yi You Ling Summons a Hundred Ghosts", Xi Xuanshan’s younger brother is still too far away from the nearest Dragon and Tiger Xuantan. Either the spell is ineffective and he can’t summon it, or the call has changed.
Therefore, the magic of "Tai Zheng Yi You Ling Summons a Hundred Ghosts" is lower in the Dragon and Tiger Sect than that of "Tai Xuan Tian Wu General", and the younger brothers of the West Xuanshan Dragon and Tiger Sect cultivate their younger brothers, such as Yang He, to a higher level. This magic is to refine the Dragon and Tiger Sect’s golden elixir, and then transform it into a small dragon and tiger Xuantan that you can take with you.
Although the magic of the Dragon and Tiger Sect is wonderful, it’s not to mention that Jiao Fei is now near overseas. Where is the Dragon and Tiger Xuantan? Even if he goes back to Middle-earth, he will summon the ancestral spirit with his Tianhe Sword Sect, but he won’t be commanded by him. The Dragon Nineteen is too afraid and eager to collect it. He won’t practice Jiao Fei as a whole. He knows that the East China Sea is a dragon, and Feng Er said that this Ryukyu sea city is a dragon, but he still didn’t expect to actually have a chance to meet the dragon middleman.
Outside, people came in noisily one after another, and twenty or thirty people were surrounded by the stars and the moon. This young man was very handsome, and his head was as red as coral, and his jaws were short and angular, and he even had a silver mustache. It seems that this 19-year-old Terran is really different, and a layer of water vapor rippled to keep everyone out of the body, and the dust was not stained, which set off the young man to be free from vulgarity.
Jiao Fei didn’t want to be mixed with these people, so he got up to go around and bumped into a reckless Han. In fact, Jiao Fei was able to avoid the fact that he was on the right path, but the Han didn’t look at it. If he wanted to avoid it, he had to shrink to the corner. Jiao Fei didn’t want to shrink so much, so he stretched out his hand and pushed the big fellow. It was his strength that he skillfully unloaded the area and two people passed by.
Jiao Fei planned to leave. Unexpectedly, the big fellow was angry and shouted, "Which little bastard dares to push the old man?"
If this big fellow scolds other words, it’s just Jiao Fei. When he hears his parents scold him, he reaches out and pinches the big fellow’s valve. Suddenly, that big fellow can utter a dumb word and can’t scold half a sentence to Jiao Fei. However, such a move is like blowing up a hornet’s nest. Three or four people immediately raise their hands and recruit instruments to swear, and as many as possible. These people are either overseas monsters or have no way to learn. They have been hanging around in this Ryukyu sea city for many years, knowing that the 19th century is too noble and they all want to show off in front of the nobles.
Jiao Fei hasn’t started work yet. Feng Er has smiled gently. "These people are annoying. I don’t know if this is a real Taoist temple in Huanglong." Actually, I have to do it! " Those children with tracts in their hands are somewhat willing to see these people making noise, but they didn’t speak for the sake of the 19th Taitai. Without the 19th Taitai, these people were not worthy of making noise in a real cabinet.
When a yellow-haired boy shouted, "If you make any more noise, a cabinet really invited you out!"
A monster who looks like Wang Chengjing got said, "We’d like to go out and argue with these two men and women for fear that they don’t have such a backbone." The yellow-haired boy refused to give up when he heard that the monster’s face sank, and when he pinched it with his five fingers, he flew out of the tree and cut it in half on the spot. Then when he drank low, he jumped to a fish demon and dragged the monster’s body away, and then a spell came to clean the ground before he jumped into the sea again.
Those monsters were shocked by the yellow-haired boy’s tough hand and immediately said nothing. A green-shirted boy next to him came to the 19th wife and said, "19th wife, are you too noisy and unconstrained?"
The 19-year-old was at a loss and said, "I’m here to play with Brother Wu. I didn’t expect that there would be many people here. I don’t know them!" The green boy’s eyebrows are wrinkly, which makes him white. He came over and drank a "cargo stick from overseas pimps!"! This place is really a pavilion, but where are you from? Now that you’re here, you don’t have to go. You just made dishes to feed the demon soldiers! "
The green-shirted boy asked out that these people were more difficult than the yellow-haired boy, and immediately caught them, called out more than a dozen domestic monsters, and arrested them all. Jiao Fei didn’t know what "overseas pimps pulled people’s goods sticks!" When Feng Er heard this, she suddenly blushed and said in a low voice, "These people have nothing to do, and they don’t have any goods themselves. They use their heads to help those buyers and sellers negotiate and profit from it. Sometimes it is a harm in this Ryukyu sea city that everyone is too lazy to take care of them at ordinary times. These people also have no vision to encourage Dragon Tai to come to a real pavilion. This courage is too big!"
Jiao Fei heard Feng Er explain that it was only a little clear that these people and those gangsters in the street are generally pointing to the wrong people to deceive people and help others. He didn’t expect to see this scene when he came overseas. "It seems that the demon race and people usually gather in large numbers and will gradually give birth to deceit."
The 19th Taitai went to other people around him, and he felt much relieved. He stepped forward and said, "Aozhen has just seen Mr. Wang wandering around, but the 19th Taitai brought evil guests to disturb Mr. Wang’s interest. This is my first time in Ryukyu. I wonder if Mr. Wang can be a guide?"
Jiao Fei is also quite interested in the dragon 19 Taitai. He couldn’t help laughing when he asked him to be a guide. "It’s my first time to come to Ryukyu Sea, which is the East China Sea. It’s also my first time to come to Mongolia, Aozhen, and I don’t give up chatting. It’s hard to guide. Jiaofei has met Aozhen Taitai in Xiaotianhe!"
"oh! So you are from Tianhe Sword School, so this sister around you is also from Tianhe Sword School? It’s said that Tianhe Sword Sect is one of the nine sects of Daomen. In China, it’s just like our nine overseas ancestors, but it’s the first time I’ve met Daomen’s big brother! "
Ao Zhen speaks innocently and Jiao Fei answers a few words slightly. Somehow, he actually gives birth to a chill in his heart. Somehow, he just feels too strange about this dragon. It seems that the other party can be transformed into an ancient and fierce beast at any time. Even though Ao Zhen laughs and Yan Yan’s eyes are very pure, Jiao Fei is still a little wary of him. Feng Er seems to be not interested in the conversation between the two people. He walks to the last child and casually asks two sentences, and Jiao Fei has never asked what this child has said.
Thanks to this method, the child is the one who just shot the green shirt. Obviously, here he has just said that it is this child who will dispose of those idle monsters. His eyesight is one hundred times higher than that of those idle monsters. He can see that Laifeng and Jiao Fei’s identities are extraordinary and busy. He explained a few words that made Jiao Fei greatly attracted.
The child in the green shirt said, "This tactic is more precious than the thing that deserves it is gone, so it can be sold. Otherwise, this tactic is treasured in the most secret treasure house of our real cabinet, which means that my younger brother can’t see it, let alone the guests outside."
Regardless of what is in his hand, the green shirt boy will render it first. However, everyone can’t help but want to listen to Jiao Fei. Although he guesses that this tactic is not his own, he can’t help but want to hear what this boy has to say.
Chapter III Hulu of Yin and Yang
The green shirt boy smiled and said, "The three origins are all good. When you know the ancient ten treasures,"
Jiao Fei also hesitated and didn’t know what the origin of the top ten ancient treasures was. Nineteen Tai Aozhen had already rushed to say, "I know that it is the most famous ten pure Yang series magic weapons of Daomo. It takes a thousand years to achieve success. Although there are more than ten days, it is the biggest title in this decade. Do you think this Daomo tactic is related to one of them?"

Lucan gathered strength to swing a powerful blow directly in the left hand shield. The sword in his hand was very sharp. Cut it on the shoulder, cut the stone wolf armor and cut a big mouth.

When the attack takes effect
Hang Yu clearly felt that the rune on the surface of the blade lit up, and a shape force entered the body and instantly permeated every inch of the body. The whole body lost consciousness, and even the abnormal resistance increase caused by bloodthirsty rage could not resist this erosion.
What a paralyzing effect!
The weapon in the other hand is also a blue weapon.
Blue weapons are not only very powerful, but also often have additional special effects or skills. Now it seems that the sword in Luken’s hand is a sword that can paralyze the target.
This paralyzing effect is too strong!
Hang Yu feels like a petrified skill of a spiritual person.
He was almost incapacitated and unable to resist the incoming attack.
As soon as Luken Jianfeng did harm to Hangyu, the left shield burst into a hot flame and then hit Hangyu in the face like a meteorite.
Third-order skills!
Luoyan shield!
If this blow hits the forehead firmly, Hangyu will not only lose half his life, but also be knocked out again, and then there is no doubt that he will be knocked out by the third attack of Luken.
Hang Yu reacts quickly.
I hardly even thought about it.
There is a blood-red air jet from Hangyu, which is so powerful that it repels air, land, paralysis and shield flame.
The shield is still on Hangyu.
How much power is left after being weak by quarrelling?
Hangyu’s quarrelling not only weakened the attack, repelled and dispelled the paralysis, but also hit Luken and knocked him out several meters, causing a lot of damage.
He is busy drinking a bottle of powerful recovery medicine.
It takes life to release violent quarrelling.
Bloodthirsty and violent maintenance also needs to consume vitality.
Hang Yu’s vitality is not weak and she can’t stand such squeezing!
He has a general understanding of Luken’s strength. This guy has both offensive and defensive abilities, high attributes and excellent equipment. His strength is stronger than that of deputy leader Onu!
Like the most basic speed power.
Lucan doesn’t have Berserker, but his speed and strength are stronger than that of Kai’s bloodthirsty and violent Hangyu. Hangyu must reduce her vitality to about 5% to barely keep pace with the other side … but it’s too dangerous to do so!
He has many skills and powerful equipment, and is one level higher than Hangyu.
On the advantages in all aspects.
Luken also tested Hangyu’s strength.
He is much more sure.
This alien is inferior to himself in all aspects, and at most it is similar to Aonu’s strength. Without the skill of bloodthirsty and violent, it is difficult for him to attack the rhythm with himself.
Luke’s defense is extremely high, and he can resist both attack and defense.
If you don’t give each other a chance to hurt.
His bloodthirsty and violent roots are hard to sustain.
Luken decides the state.
First, the shield condenses blue ice crystals, so that the shield is covered in cold frost. Then the body armor generates high temperature, and then it burns, filling the hot liquid like lava flowing.
Finally, weapons.
The gray-green grain of the blade is lost, and it radiates curse light.
Luken moved three skills.
One is the third-order bearing skill "Frost Shield". Every time the shield resists an attack, the target will be hurt by frost and slow down.
The other two are special skills.
One is the lava stone wolf suit skill "lava skin", which can make the target close to a certain range continue to be damaged by fire attributes.
One is that the blue weapon comes with the persistent skill "paralysis curse"
Every attack will have a paralyzing effect.
Luken also blessed himself with two warrior state skills.
His strength has been dominant since he came, and now Hangyugen can’t find a place to get his hands on.
Hang Yu can just be positive with him.
Thanks to the super increase in bloodthirsty rage.
However, it will continue to lose vitality because of this. If you get close to your side, you will continue to suffer additional damage, which can be described as snow and frost for Hang Yu.
The opponent’s shield has been blessed with skills.
Frost bite will hurt Hangyu and slow down!
The opponent’s weapon comes with an anesthetic curse.

Facing the one-inch siege of Wei to save Zhao, the white tiger beast jumped up instantly and then jumped over that inch, then suddenly roared and suddenly the dark wind surged, and the ancient inch was dizzy by this strong sound wave.

Dragon from the cloud tiger from the wind, the white tiger roared, and suddenly a foul wind blew up the ancient one-inch instantaneous shot out of the range of the wind.
Jade Duxiu moved the palm of his hand, and the light flashed endlessly. He looked at the round of jade disc in the glass. "If this beast can fight, it is a natural Tao. Compared with the beast, it believes in its own teeth and blood."
"Who wins and who loses if the avatar demon clan really fights?" Jade Duxiu turned to look at the rest of the people.
The whirlwind smell speech shook his head. "If the so-called outcome is close, the godfather will also be hanged. If it is not called close, the godfather will hang the demon god."
Jade Duxiu’s eyes sparkled with light, but he moved his eyes and then slowly picked up a few dishes. "Snake and Tiger Fighting is really wonderful, not the kui is a great struggle. I don’t know when it was not put in my eyes. At this time, it was suddenly a thousand miles ago that Gao Lang was not seen in my eyes, but he didn’t bother to take a reason. I didn’t expect that it was only a few years ago that this Gao Lang Xiu had come to this point. It was really incredible."
Look at Yu Duxiu’s eyes and smile gently. "What is this? You haven’t met the kind of new generation to exchange old people. If that’s the time, you will find out what is called real world change."
Talking kung fu that white tiger one inch atrix has reached the most critical moment, but he saw that the white tiger roared upwards and instantly evaded the one inch bite. After that, his tail suddenly changed. Strafe smoked the one inch and flew it out. Although a tiger did not pounce on the one inch, there was a strong wind that caught the one inch and seven inches, but he saw Gao Lang throwing up and showing his body in the middle, which was caught by the distant Terran monks.
"Gao Lang, who is worthy of fate, is not weaker than this white tiger. It’s a pity that the white tiger is a natural fighting race. In the wild, he followed the tiger god’s experience and struggled for several times, wandering around the edge of life and death. Is it more experienced than ordinary people? Maybe this Gao Lang can fight for the length of the white tiger after exercise?" He whispered softly next to Yu Duxiu.
"Hum Terran Tianjiao is nothing more than that, but it can’t stop the king’s blow." The white tiger upturned his head and despised the field, but his heart was dark and lucky. This time it was really a fluke. It’s hard to say who won or lost this time if it wasn’t for his rich combat experience.
Chapter 97 Memory bears the brunt of extinction.
The white tiger’s experience in fighting made him cheat, but Gao Lang beat him with an instant tail.
This is also the carelessness of Gao Lang to win this white tiger black hand.
It should be noted that this white tiger is a tiger spirit in the wild, and often participates in actual combat when the tiger family expands its territory and fights for the surrounding races. This white tiger is more experienced in combat effectiveness than its Terran peers, even more than those ancient monsters.
On the contrary, nearly one million Terrans are in a period of peace and stability. Although there are many wild tribes eyeing up from outside, there is no real conflict. It is because all terrans are pampered. Although they are powerful and magical, they may not be able to give full play to their own strength when they really fight.
At this time, the white tiger’s face flashed proudly in the eyes of the field, but he looked at the people around him with disdain. "Hum is just a group of sheep. If I am a wild animal, I dare to laugh at me. If I am a wild animal, you are an animal."
This sentence is worse than immediately calling all the people present to smell speech and get angry. They glared at the white tiger, but Gao Lang looked at the white tiger with a red face and could not speak.
"This white tiger is not only a powerful means, but also a few people." Jade Duxiu flashed mocking light in one side of her eyes and casually looked at the situation in the field without any intention of selling.
As soon as this was said, the arrogance of all walks of life in Terran was embarrassed, and there was anger in his eyes. The white tiger was about to make a high score when he suddenly heard a overbearing remark from the sky, "What a crazy sick cat! Before my Terran used a magic weapon, you didn’t make a real move. Since you dare to underestimate my Terran, let your seat weigh your weight."
When I was talking, I saw a streamer across the sky in the distance, and then I saw a black millstone the size of a house grinding around in the void, freezing everything in the world, vitality and vitality, which was instantly crushed by this millstone and turned into a mysterious gas to return to the chaos of heaven and earth
Someone exclaimed in the distance, "The Great Mill of Extinction"
"It’s the original king of East Kunlun" and someone shouted at one side.
The big mill rolled and ran over the empty place, and everything ended up in the purest place. The vitality of heaven and earth was scattered in the world. A strong domineering horse came to crush the white tiger and wanted to instantly crush it into the purest aura of heaven and earth and grind it to death by refining.
When the white tiger roars, its hair explodes, only to see that at this time, the white tiger is dyed with a layer of metallic luster, and in heaven and earth, it exudes a horse with a sharp edge and qi deficiency, in which it constantly splits and trembles.
Jade Duxiu’s eyes flashed, but she moved her eyes to one side and said to several people, "You can’t see the details of this great grinding base. Do you know the heel of this great grinding base?"
They smell speech slightly silent while The Hunger eyes moved and turned to look at the surrounding people and then looked back and whispered, "I’ve heard something about it in this extinct bodhi old zu, and I don’t know if it’s true."
"Oh, the bodhi old zu is quick to ask the bodhi old zu to say it. We may see something in the details." Jade Duxiu said
Looking at The Hunger while soaring in the air is also curious in his eyes.
That The Hunger touched the bar and said, "When the bodhi old zu was born, at that time, the bodhi old zu had just realized that the avenue of heaven and earth was not clear about this practice. It was even more obvious that the practice of heaven and earth had not yet formed a godfather, a demon god and a dragon king, but suddenly one day the world shook, and a strange black gas suddenly gushed out from the void. This black gas was full of the laws of heaven and earth that destroyed the forces of the heavens and the earth, and everything in heaven and the earth collapsed immediately."
Speaking of which, I saw The Hunger’s bodhi old zu saying, "In the face of this black gas law of heaven and earth, I should know that the power of heaven and earth is equal to Weili. The black gas has been continuously compressed and compressed, and it is said that it has formed a millstone-shaped thing, so it has destroyed the law of heaven and earth, shattered Gankun’s reversal of Yin and Yang, and it can be like a millstone to erase heaven and earth. Everything makes heaven and earth aura return to chaos, which is called the extinction mill."
"Can destroy the laws of heaven and earth? True or false? " While looking at The Hunger with suspicion.
The Hunger smell speech shook his head, "I don’t believe this world is such a great power. How can it be erased?"
Jade Duxiu’s eyes glistened with streamers, and she looked at the millstone across the sky. The endless flow of mysterious runes revealed the mystery. Obviously, it is incredible and can be attributed to the innate genus.
"This thing how to look a bit familiar? This rune also looks familiar. I seem to have seen it somewhere. "Jade Duxiu frowned and stroked the eyebrows gently with one hand, but for a moment, there was an incredible light in his eyes." This is the Zulong thing. "
Yu Duxiu’s mind seems to be limited to lengthen the chaos at this time when Gan Kun flips, but he sees that the divine light in Zulong’s eyes passes through the chaos as if two big light bulbs were shining on this lonely and boring chaos.
There is a shining black streamer bead in the jaw of the Zulong, which exudes a mysterious and extremely fluctuating place. All chaotic forces instantly make the road afraid to approach.


The butcher’s shop next to No.1 Hospital was chatting with Xiang Xiang sitting in the counter when the strong man who beat floret came in drunk again that day.
Several women in the room frowned when they saw the goods.
"Big flowers … you hurry to get me some money from my building. I lost more than one hundred dollars." The strong man shouted at the door with a hiccup.
Xiang Xiang hid in the counter, her eyes were scared and angry, and she looked at the strong man unconsciously holding up a small fist.
Chapter one hundred and forty-four Life in a small shop
When Qin Yu was away from this period, the big tooth base seemed to grow in floret. Usually, except going home to sleep late, it was almost here during the day, and floret had a good impression of the big tooth child, because although he didn’t have a good mouth, he was quite diligent. At ordinary times, he could also help floret clean up the shop and the health clinic. floret allowed him to stay here and brought him a bite to eat every day, which was a part-time job.
In addition to these superficial reasons, floret is actually a little selfish, that is, he knows that Qin Yu is a superintendent and she should be able to take care of this child at ordinary times. Then once there is something in the store, maybe Qin Yu can take care of her. After all, this favor is mutual.
Daya has seen this strong man beating floret many times during his stay in the store, but he rarely discusses it with Xiang Xiang privately.
Because Daya knows things early, although he is small.
This strong man surnamed Zhang is a neighboring street, and Lai usually follows a few friends around him. He doesn’t have a regular job for whatever money he comes, but because he is fierce and has a good style of work, most people don’t want to provoke him.
Floret and Lao Zhang are concubines, and they often discuss life in the small building, which makes a noise, but they are not very pure. Because Lao Zhang is idle and has nothing to do, he also patronizes other female friends in the store, but never gives money to Bai Piao.
Some people wonder that if floret doesn’t pay for this, isn’t it a blood loss? What’s more, even if she doesn’t accept money, the sisters can’t make money. What else can people do here?
In fact, there is a deeper reason, that is, this store in floret is not taken care of by officials or people on the ground. Generally, it is floret who looks for Lao Zhang, plus floret. Although she is a little obsessed with money at ordinary times, these sisters across the street are very generous, and everyone thinks that she really needs a "friend" like Lao Zhang in this line of work. After all, in stable times, there is such a thing as drinking a little wine, and it’s even worse now.
After understanding these complicated interpersonal relationships, all the little fangs carefully avoided discussing this matter in front of Xiangxiang because he knows more about self-esteem than most children.
Recently, this Lao Zhang has been drinking more and more, and every time he loses everything, he comes to the store to ask floret for money. He not only wants Bai Piao people but also wants to earn some fucking money, so he has been depressed and often hides in the yard and cries.
In the small living room of the store, Lao Zhang yelled a few times before floret came wearing clothes. "What are you doing again?"
"Get me 200 yuan," Lao Zhang replied, rubbing Hu Shuang’s snow and sticking out his rhubarb teeth.
Floret grinded her teeth and endured anger in her heart and walked back and forth from the building. "I didn’t have anyone today. How can I give you two hundred dollars?"
"Don’t dawdle. I’ll pay you back if you win."
"I really didn’t" floret angrily sat down in the chair.
"If I don’t talk back to you, why do you have to let me shut up?" Lao Zhang threw his coat on the sofa and stepped to the front of the counter and said with a frown, "Give me money quickly and there is still waiting for me to go back."
Floret slammed the drawer and pointed to dozens of dollars inside and said, "Do you think I have 200 here?"
Lao Zhang paused for a moment and reached into the drawer across the counter to grab the money inside and "scrape together again"
"I can’t get it together," floret replied with a wave. "You took the money and let’s go."
"Do you think I am a stinking beggar?" Lao Zhang patted the table and glared and roared, "Without me to take care of your store, you just want to come out and sell it. It’s also untenable here. I don’t care if you want two money. Why? This is what you should give. "
"Lao Zhang, you are too tall. Why do you talk so dirty?" A shop sister got up and said, "Do you think it’s easy for us to earn two dollars a day?"? Who is willing to do this if there is a way? Don’t go too far in life! "
"What’s the matter with you?" Lao Zhang pushed a woman back.
"Lao Zhang, if you want to do this whole thing, you just don’t want me to do it." floret waved his hand to the woman next to him and looked at Lao Zhang and said, "I asked you to take care of it so that you can earn some money to eat. Sisters can also raise children, but I can’t afford it if you want it so much!"
"Ok, I won’t argue with you." Lao Zhang buttoned his nose and replied, "I don’t care what happened in your store after you bring me two hundred again today."
"Back to you to say so"
"Mom a smelly b how do you talk so much nonsense? !” Lao Zhang was in a hurry and reached out and grabbed floret’s hair and scolded, "Will you give it to me or not? I’ll let you in today."
"Lao Zhang, are you a little human? !”
"I have your mother!" Lao Zhang’s right hand was covered with floret’s hair and his left arm was placed sideways on the counter, willing to sweep away in the opposite direction.
The counter was instantly hit by something. Lao Zhang followed by a leg lift and a foot kick to turn over the chair. "His mother wants two money, so I smashed your store, believe it or not?" !”
"You are too mixed up."
Floret gritted his teeth in short breath and tore it up with Lao Zhang, but how can a woman be as strong as a mature man?
Lao Zhang’s left hand pinched floret’s neck and right hand fanned her face N times in a row. "Do you still dare to strike back? Do you have no number in your heart? You can ask around here who dares to fight with me? !”
"Lao Zhang, you’ve had enough."
"loosen your hands"
Five or six sisters can’t even look at it, but they stretch out their hands and pull.
Lao Zhang turned around and knocked several people to the ground with a fist and a kick, and shouted with his eyes wide open, "I don’t want two hundred today. I want two thousand. If I can’t get it out, let people come and smash the shop."
The fangs beside the wall looked at Lao Zhang coldly. After a long silence, they turned and ran outside.
Although he is young, he has a unique life experience. He knows that outsiders had better not interrupt this kind of confusing thing.
Stepping to the door, Daya stretched out his hand and pushed the door. He just wanted to turn around and shout a fragrant fragrance when suddenly he heard a crunchy bang behind him.
"I killed you!"
Xiang Xiang suddenly hit Lao Zhang’s head with a glass bottle. His face was full of tears and he shouted with hatred, "I said I’ll kill you if you hit my mother again."
Lao Zhang’s forehead was bleeding and he looked back at Xiang Xiang callously.
All the people in the house were stuck.
Xiang Xiang ran to Lao Zhang’s chest with half a bottle and his eyes closed.
Chapter one hundred and forty-five Broad back little boy
Xiang Xiang’s anger is irrational. When Lao Zhang beat her mother again, she had forgotten all the possible consequences and wanted to take the wine bottle and kill her.
However, Lao Zhang is an adult at worst, and he has been eating and drinking with others all the year round. He has a lot of experience in street fighting. When he saw Xiang Xiang stabbing himself, he took two steps back, lifted his legs and pushed him.