
1. **强筋健骨**:杜仲味甘、性温,归肝、肾经,具有补肝肾、强筋骨的作用。对于腰脊酸疼、筋骨无力等症状有很好的缓解效果。


2. **补肾养肝**:杜仲能够补益肝肾,对于肾虚腰痛、遗精、滑精等症有显著的治疗作用。

3. **安胎**:对于孕妇来说,杜仲有安胎的功效,可以用于治疗妊娠漏血、胎动不安等症。

4. **降血压**:杜仲含有的多种有效成分能够降低血压,对于高血压患者有辅助治疗作用。

5. **降血糖、降血脂**:杜仲能够改善血糖、血脂水平,对于糖尿病、高血脂症有一定的辅助治疗作用。

6. **减肥**:连续服用杜仲可以降低人体皮下及内脏周围的中性脂肪含量,有助于减肥。

7. **通便利尿**:杜仲茶中的桃叶珊瑚甙具有利尿、通便、增强肠道蠕动作用,能够有效清除体内垃圾,分解胆固醇和固性脂肪。


8. **增强免疫功能**:杜仲具有一定的抗病毒功能,能够增强机体非特异性免疫功能。


9. **调节心血管功能**:杜仲有助于调节心血管功能,参与心血管系统的调节。

10. **抗炎、抗病毒**:杜仲具有一定的抗炎、抗病毒作用,可以提高垂体-肾上腺皮质系统的功能。

11. **保护肝脏**:杜仲雄花中的桃叶珊瑚甙具有护肝活性,能促进肝细胞再生,抑制乙型肝炎病毒DNA的复制。

12. **补肾壮阳**:杜仲雄花能增加吞噬细胞活性,促进免疫、兴奋垂体肾上腺皮质系统,增强肾上腺皮质功能。




1. **活血行气**:川芎具有活血行气的功效,能够促进血液循环,对于血瘀气滞引起的多种症状有缓解作用。

2. **祛风止痛**:川芎辛散温通,能够祛风止痛,对于头痛、风湿痹痛等病症有很好的疗效。

3. **开郁燥湿**:川芎具有开郁燥湿的作用,对于因湿气郁结引起的胸闷、恶心等症状有一定的改善作用。

4. **调经**:川芎对于女性月经不调、痛经、闭经等妇科疾病有很好的疗效。


5. **其他功效**:川芎还具有抗血栓形成、抗炎、抗菌、平滑肌解痉等作用,对于心血管疾病、脑梗死等血栓性疾病有预防作用。



1. **中医药发展**:川芎作为中医药的重要组成部分,其丰富的疗效和广泛的应用,对中医药的发展产生了积极影响。

2. **道地药材**:川芎被誉为“川药首药”,四川等地种植川芎的历史悠久,丰富的地理、气候条件及种植传统保证了川芎的道地品质。

3. **国际交流**:川芎的国际标准化,如ISO发布的《中医药—川芎》国际标准,为川芎药材国际贸易取得了规则上的主动权,促进了中医药的国际交流。

4. **现代药理学研究**:现代药理学研究发现,川芎中的川芎嗪、阿魏酸纳等成分具有多种药理作用,为川芎的深入研究提供了科学依据。

5. **保健食品**:川芎被原卫生部纳入保健食品目录,其应用范围得到进一步拓展。



1. **利水消肿**:黄根具有利水消肿的作用,对于治疗小便不利、水肿、浮肿等症状有一定的效果。

2. **利湿退黄**:它能够利湿退黄,对于黄疸的治疗有一定的帮助。

3. **散瘀强筋**:黄根还有散瘀强筋的功效,可用于治疗跌打损伤、风湿性关节炎等。


4. **凉血作用**:黄根能够凉血,适用于治疗衄血、呕血、便血、崩漏等出血症状。


5. **促进乳汁分泌**:对于哺乳期妇女,黄根还有助于疏通经络,促进乳汁的分泌。

6. **抗菌作用**:黄根具有很强的抗菌作用,对金黄色葡萄球菌、炭疽杆菌等都有抑制作用,对于一些细菌感染性疾病有治疗作用。

7. **治疗矽肺**:通过动物实验和临床试验,黄根对矽肺有治疗作用,可抗石英、石棉等。


8. **对心脏的作用**:黄根能够降低离体大鼠心脏的心肌收缩力、冠脉流量和心率,并能削弱离体大鼠心脏对缺氧的耐受力。

9. **对呼吸系统的作用**:黄根对呼吸系统有一定的保护作用,具有祛痰效果,并且对动物的药物性引喘具有保护作用。

10. **治疗白血病、再生障碍性贫血等**:黄根对于白血病、再生障碍性贫血等血液系统疾病也有一定的治疗效果。



1. **清热燥湿**:黄苓具有清热燥湿的功效,可以用于治疗湿温、暑温等热病,以及胸闷、呕恶、湿热痞满等症状。

2. **泻火解毒**:黄苓能泻火解毒,适用于治疗高热烦渴、肺热咳嗽、热毒疮疡等热毒病症。


3. **抗菌抗炎**:黄苓具有较强的抗菌和抗炎作用,对革兰阳性菌、致病性皮肤真菌以及流感病毒、乙型肝炎病毒等有抑制作用,可用于治疗急性感染性疾病。


4. **对血液系统的作用**:黄苓可以抑制血小板的聚集,抗凝血,同时具有抗变态反应的作用,对于血热妄行等血液系统疾病有治疗作用。

5. **镇静解热**:黄苓具有一定的镇静和解热作用,可以缓解紧张不安、精神过敏、神经衰弱等症状。

6. **保肝利胆**:黄苓对肝脏有一定的保护作用,可以用于治疗急性胆道感染等疾病。

7. **安胎**:黄苓可以用于治疗胎动不安,常与白术、竹茹等药材配伍使用。

8. **治疗其他病症**:黄苓还可以用于治疗肺炎、痢疾、咳血、目赤、高血压、痈肿疖疮等症。


– **禁忌**:脾胃虚寒或久咳患者不宜使用黄苓,且不宜长期服用,以免影响身体健康。

– **配伍**:黄苓常与其他药材配伍使用,以增强疗效,如与黄连、栀子等配伍治疗热病,与知母、桑白皮等配伍治疗肺热咳嗽。

– **用法用量**:黄苓的用量和服用方法应根据个人体质和病情进行调整,建议在医生指导下使用。


"I didn’t expect you to fight for so long today. The protector of the seven-nation alliance and the fierce sword of the Warring States period are really not as famous as meeting each other!"

Lu Li’s words are full of provocation and ridicule. In such cases, he is still mocking the other party. No one can see his true thoughts.
After putting away the double swords, he looked at several people with his head held high. In an instant, the blood evil force in his left palm condensed into a bloody lotus. The lotus brilliance flashed impressively and became seven blood lotus flowers at a distance of 30 feet away from home. They were connected by blood lines, and the blood evil force had turned pale, which made people puzzled.
But then, it was a speech that said, "The seven-nation alliance likes to threaten me, so I will learn from your methods. From now on, if one person crosses this blood line, I will kill 10 thousand Warring States soldiers. If you don’t believe it, you can try!"
The custodian of Xuanwu smells the words and sneers repeatedly. His three Warring States gas refiners are already deployed to seal up Fiona Fang’s thousand feet. At the same time, the custodian of Xuanwu throws out a charm whose brilliance flashes with a butterfly imprint. This unique charm of the custodian of Xuanwu has this blessing in this seal enchantment. He believes that land separation is definitely the way to escape.
After leaving the land, he didn’t show weakness, but he was still provocative, which puzzled everyone. At the same time, he seemed to say a problem. This white-haired boy is definitely no longer the man he used to be. This time, he really rose and was able to enter the ranks of masters.
The power of the curse of the left palm turned into a dark face, and the lotus flower in the right palm flashed with evil spirits, which was manipulated by him, so that he was like an evil incarnate and fought alone.
Chapter two hundred and fifteen Sacrifice and kill
Closed enchantment exhibition moment Qinglong dharma keeper and White Tiger dharma keeper attack at the same time. The two of them cooperated tacitly and were experienced. They once jointly killed and killed the masters of various countries.
Tsing lung dharma took the lead in challenging him. He was extremely light and boiled like a dragon. He appeared outside the land in half a flash and directly crossed the blood line. Tsing lung dharma looked at the land away from the white tiger with grim eyes. It was also in no particular order. He even made seven fingers and made seven efforts to turn the land away into the seven bloody lotus flowers. At the same time, the clouds filled the air and held the white tiger dharma body behind him, which directly broke the land away and formed a double-edged potential.
It seems that this attack is not enough for the threat of land separation, and there are 12 gas refiners who come in through the seal enchantment. The only reason they can come in is because the Xuanwu dharma keeper controls the land separation and wants to wear it directly.
There are strong enemies before and after, and the twelve gas refining experts who joined the war are by no means ordinary people. They are the masters of the pioneer camp, and soon they are laying a six-ding, six-jia array outside the body. Sixteen people have the same breath, and the strength of twelve people is superimposed together. After the increase of the array, it is faintly possible to compete with each other. Such forces converge into a stream and condense into a dark enchantment with a diameter of 16 feet.
These gas refiners are what ordinary gas refiners call evil ones. They are taking an evil road, not an ordinary gas refiner. There are many ghosts flashing on the surface of this barrier, and the eyes seem a little scary. The barrier is also instantly divided into several forces. Its twelve tentacles of light and shadow directly come out like ghost hands, but it seems to be illusory. The light and shadow are extinguished, which makes people unable to judge clearly. Its trajectory is madly rushing towards the land as if to tie him up.
In this situation, instead of retreating, the whole person is also a sudden increase in pathogens. On that day, the anger of the left palm disappeared and the soul symbol came to the fore. One of the tentacles touched each other. When the squeal and evil ghost hand met this unmelted soul symbol, it was judged that the ghost hand would be sluggish in an instant, and one of the twelve refined gas men was also suddenly injured with one mouthful blood.
From the unpredictable angle of the three ghost hands, I suddenly attacked from behind, but I saw the black mans flashing cloak behind me. The evil light flash was actually played, and the three ghost hands were directly swallowed up and refined.
It’s three evil men whose mouths are full of blood, but they are all hurt by the self-destructive force of this move. They are all evil men who came from evil backgrounds and murdered several gas refining men, but they didn’t expect to suffer losses in the hands of the land today.
The war was as fierce as thunder and angry. "You wait for the sacrifice to kill the land!"
Twelve evil scholars smell speech without the slightest hesitation, and the first six-six-six-six-six-six array was completely disintegrated by them in an instant, but the breath of these people was weakened in an instant, and their aura dissipated crazily, their eyes were distracted and their expression was depressed. At the same time, there was a crack in the sky, and even the so-called dark cloud world was hit with a gap, as if there was a statue of a peerless strong arrival.
This will be a big conspiracy. If he doesn’t guess wrong, including the Xuanwu dharma cloth to defend the Qinglong and the White Tiger, the front and back attacks of the two dharma protectors are all empty shakes. One shot belongs to feint, and the attack of these twelve evil men is really aimed at their own things.
The great protectors of the fierce battles are all schemers, and people will not be hurt by the death of the land. In this case, the so-called sacrifice tactics of these twelve evil men should be extremely horrible!
Lu Li thought about it and decided to use the soul-breaking knife when necessary. His eyes are not familiar with the cultivation of knife tactic, and he failed to reach the position of self-confidence. If he hastily cast his knife and broke his life, it would be equivalent to ruining his last chance.
If you want to display the magical power that the night rain burns your heart, you need to destroy the flesh, so there is no chance of change. He doesn’t believe that several dharma protectors will have no means of self-protection
At the end, the twelve evil men were all twisted and twitching, and at the same time, the sky shot a ray of light. Suddenly, they looked up and saw at the top of the sky that there seemed to be a virtual shadow of a magic soldier, but it was very vague, but its breath was as strong as a mountain soldier. The virtual shadow alone could emit such coercion across the poor and high sky, which made the pressure on the land increase greatly. He had to resolve the deadlock in the shortest time or face the sacrifice of the other party.
At this moment, we must decide immediately.
His eyes swept the twelve evil men, and his eyes changed slightly. Because he was fond of detaining monks, Yuan Shen was very sensitive to the soul. He clearly judged that these twelve evil men were actually going to sacrifice their own souls, including their physical bodies, and turned them into a powerful force, which seemed to be in exchange for a virtual blow from the magic soldier.
Judging from the eyes of the magic soldier, the virtual shadow has the strength of the strong in the late fairy period, which is somewhat similar to that of the strong in the early Lingxu period, but it is not weak compared with the protector of Qinglong. Such a virtual shadow can’t be picked up by itself.
At present, he can play against the strong in the middle and late period of fairy tales, but it is absolutely not enough to see the strength gap in the face of Ling Xu’s master.
When the body shakes, the shadow of flowers diffuses to leave the body, and the move is to conjure up several figures, and their respective brilliance flashes and fades. This move is not a drunken flower, but a separation of twelve people to interrupt each other’s sacrifice and thus resolve each other’s attack.
Because the sacrifice of these twelve people is too sudden, it is also necessary to display their long-hidden busy and ever-changing strategies here.
This ever-changing tactic is a combination of self-dharma tactic and master Chu Yun’s magic avatar tactic, so as to blend one dharma tactic. At the same time, each avatar exerts a different trick, and each avatar force can burst into 30-story real power in an instant due to the reversal of the Heart Sutra. It can be described as a very tough dharma tactic.
Immediately is Guanghua bright figure all over the sky and launched a strong counterattack.
Chapter two hundred and sixteen Gas refined silk
It is very common for the twelve avatars to attack the land in one fell swoop. However, due to their cultivation method, each avatar can burst into a very strong practice.
Moreover, what Lu Li has learned is more complicated than his tactics, which are strange and unpredictable. The deification of the cultivation of immortals can be said to complement each other. Twelve figures roared out and rushed to those twelve evil men who were about to sacrifice themselves to resolve everything.
The protector of the white tiger hurriedly moves to his protector of Qinglong to create opportunities for the twelve evil scholars.
This kind of sacrifice is very strange and cruel. Twelve evil men must sacrifice their bodies and souls, and sacrifice everything to exhaust all their vitality. But its explosive power is also terrible. Even the protector of Qinglong is not 100% sure that he can meet them. They believe that if this blow is successful, even if it is immortal, it will take off a layer of skin, which is much better than blind siege.
Protecting the White Tiger is a malicious move. He rushes forward and flies out with a statue of a light tiger, which contains strong qi and tears. This is the true qi that condenses the killing move. There is no falsehood, but it is hard to touch.
And the blow of the white tiger protector is accompanied by a roar that shocks the mind like a Buddhist lion’s roar. If it is a little careless, it will hurt the mind. If there is no real collar, it will be a rotten bone.
The land in vitro is not far from the central area. If it rushes out blindly, it is hard to imagine that the white tiger protector will attack him. He also dare not despise the five heart sutras and at the same time urge the Taiji heart sutra to be rigid and flexible, which can resolve all kinds of qi and strength and be transported out by him. The remaining reversal of the Heart Sutra, the source of transport capacity, and the real yuan are constantly surging, and the worries flow like a clear spring in the mind. The tiger Pao Wei is suddenly dissolved, and the remaining killing heart Sutra is distributed like a sword outside his body, counting the killing gas and condensing the other side. If you want to kill the land, you must taste the killing knife.
In addition, the fifth heart sutra is what I learned from my own practice, and it has never been named. I summed it up in the sad stone forest and turned it into some obscure feelings, which seemed to be a state of mind and a kind of control that he remembered in his heart.
The more contact techniques are, the more I feel that his own perception is unusual. But if I call it a singularity, I can’t say for sure, but when the cursing power of the body is ready to move, I will leave and move. This unknown heart sutra can actually control the wrath of heaven, evil thoughts and evil flowers in turn.
The five heart sutras unite into a colorful nebula outside the land, and five forces with different natures rotate with its source at a high speed, which makes the land like an extremely strong person, and the five heart sutras finally merge into an enchantment like an iron wall, which will kill the white tiger protector and resist and block its offensive steps.
The twelve detached avatars attack in various ways, such as sword, fist and palm force, but when they bombard the bodies of the twelve men, they are like mud cows entering the sea, and even the phantom of the twelve detached avatars is torn, which makes the twelve masters who are in sacrifice seem to be absorbed into the void at the last end without any force.
Tsing lung dharma keeper looked at the change of landing separation in amazement. At this point, LiXiaoYi in his mouth was already ejected, and his body followed the example of landing separation, constantly releasing true elements while rotating at high speed.
This time, the dharma master of Qinglong used a set of subtle and abnormal fists, which was several times more than that of the land-based Qinglong fist, and every punch blasted out the true qi and strength, which was divided into several filaments. Its meaning was very obvious, that is, to explore and find the landing flaw in every punch. Once there was a flaw in the land-based Qinglong dharma master would be hit hard by the land-based Qinglong.
Tsing lung dharma practice is an anomaly of the earth, which is not inferior to that of Taikoo Men’s venerable figure. Even if the proud arrow comes here, it is roughly the same. He has already cut his own true qi into it with every blow, and constantly doped it into the colorful nebula.
This is a very deep method among the gas refiners. It is called gas refining soft silk, which will generally dope itself into the defense barrier or attack of the other side. When the time is ripe, it will bite back and ask the other side to survive. It is precisely this way that it is quietly attacking and landing away from the colorful nebula.
Lu Li knows the enemy’s way, and there are several layers of thoughts outside him. The waves are constantly escaping. How can he not know about Qinglong’s dharma?
However, Lu Li chose to ignore the five heart sutras, which prompted Lu Li’s mind to move, and turned Confucianism into a flaming lotus. Its burning power wrapped itself in the sacrifice of the twelve evil men, which must have a shocking evil.
Lu Li-yan is the unity of good and evil. On evil, he has a black cloak transformed by evil flowers and a curse of evil heart. If he is upright and upright, he will not be easily suppressed by evil.
He didn’t give up after the twelve places at once were torn apart, and the twelve places at once scattered out. This time, he chose a long-range attack, but a whirlpool emerged outside the figure of the twelve evil men. The whirlpools of red, brown, gold, cyan, green, black, purple and other colors shone in unison and rotated at a very high frequency to form twelve rounds of extremely strong defense masks, which prevented the land attack from falling again.
At the same time, the souls of the twelve evil spirits suddenly soared into the sky, and this scene clearly indicates that the sacrifice is already limited to completing the virtual shadow attack on the sky and may fall at any time!
When the two dharma protectors, Qinglong and Baihu, saw that the sacrifice was almost completed, they also changed their strategy immediately. Among them, the dharma protector of Baihu turned his eyes very alert and retreated. His body suddenly disappeared into the air and repeatedly retreated to the safe range. The dharma protectors of Qinglong and Xuanwu joined hands again.
Qinglong dharma protector Xuanwu dharma protector is waiting for the signal of White Tiger dharma protector, so the three people directly join hands with the closed enchantment in the three refined gods, and suddenly they suddenly shrink wildly, and several brilliance meet in one place to condense into a bright ball of light, which will envelop the three refined gas giants, and the ball of light will immediately tremble and shrink crazily to squeeze and trap the land.
Chapter two hundred and seventeen In danger
The three masters joined hands to exert such a crazy force, which is by no means acceptable to one person. If there is a breakthrough in the realm of Lu Li Xiu, it may be able to fight hard, but the eye situation is closely calculated by the other party, which makes Lu Li fall into an extremely unfavorable situation.
The fierce figure of the war flashes and disappears in the air. Obviously, the occult technique hides the figure, and it is necessary to launch a strong blow to personally slay the enemy when the land is the weakest.
The first world war shook Tianyu’s virtual shadow in the sky. On that day, the soldiers flashed around Guanghua. After absorbing the sacrificial power of twelve evil men, they suddenly turned a fierce knife into a sharp cut from the sky. This sharp knife is much stronger than all kinds of swords in the land. Unless it is the method of cutting the sky or the knife breaks the first type, it is extremely difficult to pick up the land.
The northern battlefield of Yan was far away from the Warring States and the four masters fought against each other. There was no specific name for this area, which was called northern Yuan Ye, but at this time, it was already devastated when ten thousand people were buried here and a few masters fought.
Half-dressed in black, filled with wind, roaring, roaring and knotting, the explosion at the edge of the knot converged into one body, and with a shocking evil spirit, it was almost distorted where several masters were, and the rest of them all retreated and suffered waves.

This decision goes against the order of the king of Yuanzuo County, and he will be severely punished.

But if we keep any more reservations, all of them will die here
This world war I has ordered face and dignity to be life and death.
Only the winner can leave alive!
As soon as Stone’s voice fell on the battlefield, there was a burst of strong fluctuations in gods.
Twenty-two of the remaining prisoners were glued to Su Mo’s eyebrows, flashing light, and almost at the same time, Yuan Shen’s occult skills broke out!
Su Mo looked afraid.
After the Six Teeth Divine Power, the root of his divine power is not weaker than that of the Nine Terraces Fairy!
A Long Lin emerged in the middle, filled with a heart-rending smell.
Many gods know the occult sciences, and this Long Lin collides together quietly, but the whole world seems to be still!
There is a valley water curtain shaking slightly, and there is a wave on it.
Watching the Panlong Mountains, millions of monks followed their hearts throbbing slightly, staring at the battlefield and looking nervous.
The most dangerous thing is for Yuan Shen to fight for the front. A little carelessness may be the death of the body!
Four fairy mind followed up.
They knew before that Sumo Yuanshen had a high realm, but it was still run against them to kill 22 Weiyuan Yuanshen in secret arts.
When this Long Lin emerged, a carriage in the crowd, plain clothes, suddenly blurted out, "lamella!"
The carriage girl’s mind almost didn’t hear clearly on the battlefield.
Plain clothes woman whispered, "I’m going to die."
At the same time
The Long Lin, which was floating in the middle of the valley, appeared a series of cracks and then broke with a bang!
And twenty-two punishments kill Weiyuan God’s occult sciences, and only twelve are broken.
There are still ten ways left to impact Su Mo!
it’s over
Seeing this scene, Panlong Mountain came to a sigh.
"I didn’t expect this person to escape the punishment and defend the final punishment."
"The Six Terraces Immortal Immortal Immortals entangled this and killed so many executioners. He was proud even if he died."
"Even if he can live in the future, it will not be better than the death of Yuan Shen, which is a good result for him."
It has been discussed in the crowd.
However, the four immortals in the middle school, the king of Yuanzuo County, the lone star and other people with high eyesight did not speak. They were still looking at the battlefield, and the shock became more and more obvious!
Plop! Plop!
On the battlefield, there are 12 executioners with dim eyes and flat faces. The breath of life has passed quickly and they have fallen!

Zhenyige occupies the largest six reefs in Ryukyu Sea City, and there are 13 golden bridges connecting each other. There are palaces and pavilions on the surface, which is a secluded place in the southeast corner of Ryukyu Sea City, but it gives birth to a charming charm of fairy home.

Jiao Fei and Feng Er arrived at Zhenyige by the sea urchin, and immediately there was a head with feathers like snow, and Shen Jun was very white. Ying Ge flew out and spread his wings. He said, "Welcome to Zhenyige from afar. Please invite two straight pavilions to take care of this ship!"
Jiao Fei chuckled and didn’t despise his hands because the other party was a bird. He said, "It’s so troublesome for you." He thought to himself that he had released the dark clouds into a ball of three or four feet before flying in the daytime. Fiona Fang’s dark clouds held himself together with Feng Er. This dark cloud bag was put in the largest size of five or six acres after being remolded, but it can be smaller if it is not all over.
Chicken son saw this multiplier and smiled gently. "Mr. Jiao Fei doesn’t refine the multiplier into a cloud. It’s dark and ugly." Chicken son’s tone is relaxed. It’s obviously a joke. It’s a joke to practice the cloud-dodging spell in the door. Ziyun once again has a colorful white cloud as a foil to the Taoist identity. On the contrary, those monsters are all riding the wind and accidentally realized that the cloud-dodging door can’t be changed. Therefore, nine and a half monsters who are proficient in the cloud-dodging method are driving dark clouds.
Jiao Fei couldn’t say that his dark cloud pocket was a good one. He laughed. "When I sacrificed this thing, I always thought that I would sacrifice more mana in a thunderstorm. By the way, after I collected the essence of thunder, it was such a color, but the multiplier was just as good as the external object."
Chicken son a pair of bright eyes bent up and couldn’t say how charming and pleasing she pursed her lips. "It’s better for you to send a good Tianhe sword. I want to make a unique multiplier, so many people say it’s not good, so it’s not a rule of the founder. It’s bound to be like this. It’s not a mistake."
Jiao Fei laughed. "That’s the love of your elders. The maximum number of monks is to sacrifice one or two instruments. Wouldn’t it be a lot of work if the sacrifice is wrong?"
Chicken son some dissatisfaction said, "if you want to refine the Yuan God, no matter how powerful the multiplier is, there is nothing wrong with it. Isn’t it the same? Isn’t it a wave of kung fu to practice the magic power of the Yuan God a hundred times higher than before? "
Jiao Fei kept silent. Feng Er’s tone was so straight that he regarded the avenue of immortality as a smooth road, but it didn’t make people feel that he was raving. Obviously, he was born in a very great family. The knowledgeable personage had more mana and heart, which was enough to make her feel that it was right. Jiao Fei sighed in her heart. "People in the door don’t know that it is easier to build a sacrifice and refine the multiplier than before, but who can say that they will be able to refine the Yuan God?" Gas refining has not been used for hundreds of years? This everyone can’t be better than me, even if I have full confidence, I can’t dare to say such words. "
When Feng Er saw Jiao Fei suddenly silent, her little hand gently pulled Jiao Fei’s sleeve, as if it were very natural to say, "The real pavilion is divided into six floors, and everything on each floor is different. This floor is all instruments. There is nothing to see. Let’s go to the first floor!"
Jiao Fei looked around and found that there were swords, musical instruments, handkerchief jewelry and so on hanging around this rocky mountain pavilion, but each piece had some mana fluctuations. Obviously, every piece was a sacrifice-refined instrument, but Jiao Fei also saw that none of these instruments was suitable for him, but it was too much for him to sacrifice three or four times, and it was mostly a demon’s prohibition. It was more a side door and a dirty instrument, which made Jiao Fei look at it.
"What did you say just now? These fears are that the refined waste utensils are not suitable for sale. If something is repaired here or one or two things can be selected, although I am incompetent, there are still dark clouds in my hand. Even Brother Su Zhen gave me a sword bag, which is higher than most utensils here. "
Jiao Fei didn’t think there was something wrong with Feng Er’s speech, but the brother on duty in this floor heard Feng Er’s speech with a big breath, but he was a little angry. A child with a pair of temples sneered, "We really don’t have a cabinet to collect instruments, but we don’t have to end up with a sentence. I have an instrument here. I wonder if you two can be interested!"
There are more than a dozen Taoist children in the real pavilion. Everyone holds a white jade plate covered with a layer of white silk. I don’t know what these children do, but when the speaker reaches out and uncovers the white jade plate, silk handkerchief and twenty-four bull’s-eye blue beads roll back and forth, releasing a layer of treasure to make Jiao Fei look. The child’s attitude is even more arrogant and lightly says, "I wonder if you two can recognize what this is?"
Feng ‘er chuckled, "It’s just a few thunder beads. I don’t recognize Mr. Jiao Fei. Do you recognize him?" Jiao Fei laughed. "I don’t know if this Lei Zhu smells like a dragon god. I wonder if it has anything to do with this kind of evil spirit!" The boy suddenly shook his face with disbelief. He replied in a low voice, "This is the first way to practice. I don’t know how many people have never recognized the two Li Jinhu who actually know me."
Jiao Fei ha ha smiled at the bottom of my heart, but he was ashamed of himself. "Thanks to Lao Wang’s uniting with the evil spirit of heaven, snake, yin and dragon, the evil spirit of dragon is refined, and the evil spirit of dragon, snake and phoenix wake up again. These 24 blue beads are a kind of thunder beads, or I don’t know what special instrument it is to return." Jiao Fei’s three years of exposure to Tianhe Sword School is very profound, although he can’t consciously recognize it, but in talking with people, these daily Chen Taizhen and Su Zhen are very knowledgeable.
Even Feng Er secretly admired her heart and thought, "Tianhe Sword School is really worthy of being tied with my family. This Jiaofei vision is also extraordinary."
In fact, it takes some practice to condense the elixir after the two levels of kung fu, such as the combination of the evil spirit and the gas coagulation of the thunder beads. However, these simple steps are not considered as refining the gas. When Lao Wang got Jiao Fei’s grant of the dragon god’s gang, he could practice the combination of the dragon god’s gang and the snake’s yin evil spirit into the dragon snake’s gang evil spirit. For one thing, he has a good talent, and for another, he got a set of formulas. Naturally, he wants to coagulate the gas overnight.
Today, when I saw this dragon snake, Lei Gang Zhu Jiao Fei suddenly gave birth to a state of mind and asked, "This boy doesn’t know that these Lei Zhu are refined by people?" Can I have the honor to see it? " When the boy named Li Jinhu saw Jiao Fei talking kindly and admiring his knowledge, he honestly replied, "These red beads are made by a senior, and he is the master of Daizhen Pavilion. It is not difficult for the two to see them until the last floor."
Jiao Fei thanked her hand and went to another reef with Feng Er. This is really a pavilion. Each floor is not like a castle, but it goes to another reef through Jinqiao. Generally, the second floor and the first floor are decorated with some broken pieces and a layer of gauze cage, which makes people unable to see these broken pieces clearly. However, there is a note before these broken pieces. Although it is only a few strokes, it can also make people know at a glance what the broken pieces of gauze are.
Jiao Fei was interested in these tactics, so he walked around in it, but there was also a book "Making God Tactics", which was slightly interested. This book is a kind of spell that can ban spells in the spirit beast, demon insect soul and drive it away. Jiao Fei read the commentary and said that this method did not have half a piece to exchange things and a four-fold plough to ban the instrument, but he lost interest.
With the experience on the first floor of Zhenyige, Jiao Fei knew which children holding white jade plates were the good things, so he smiled with Feng Er. "This floor is interesting. I have a sword tactic. I’ve always wanted to see if there is any chance." Feng Er smiled with Ying Ying and followed Jiao Fei to the first children’s place. The child smiled slightly. "I have a jade plate in my hand, but the lady next to me may like it!"
Jiao Fei heard that it was such a thing, so he stopped to look back at Feng Er, a girl in white, and smiled and shook his head. "I don’t like to wear it so luxuriantly." Jiao Fei saw Feng Er twice, and she was dressed in plain white. At most, it was a gold ring with her hair tied. Other jewelry must be a girl who advocates nature and simplicity. After listening to Feng Er, he was more and more sure that this section laughed. "It’s natural to be naive! Fenger, even if you are dressed in a plain clothes, you are as beautiful as a fairy daughter! "
Chicken son Ying Ying smiled and pulled Jiao Fei’s sleeve and went to the second children’s place. These children’s hands held tracts without any comments. Naturally, Jiao Fei even asked six or seven places or didn’t see an interested one. He laughed. "If it’s so easy, you can find half of the gourd sword. I’m really lucky. If I find it, I won’t change the Taoist method or just go to the next floor."
Chapter II Dragon and Tiger Xuantan
Jiao Fei hasn’t finished reading this layer of children’s hands holding a jade plate when she hears someone shouting, "This is it." I have seen a piece of "Tai Zheng Yi You Ling Zhao Bai Gui Zhu" for the first time. Isn’t it the most joyful spell to exchange a baby without value? This is the magic of the West Xuanshan Dragon and Tiger Sect, which somehow ended up here. "
Jiao Fei was also one leng when he heard it. He happened to move in front of the child and let him come to the West Xuanshan Dragon and Tiger School. The Authentic Taoist Record of the Taizheng League is unique among the nine schools of Daomen, unlike the Tianhe Sword School, which has three methods and four tactics, and the Lijiang Sword School, which has three Taoist methods. Everyone practices the general Taoist method and the West Xuanshan Dragon and Tiger School pays attention to the bloodline.
There are two kinds of magic streams derived from Taizheng Yimeng Wei Fa Lu. One is Taizheng Yiyou Spirit Calling Hundred Ghosts, and the other is Taixuan Naive General Wu. These two kinds of magic have their own emphases. Calling Hundred Ghosts is not to recruit heaven and earth to generate ghosts, but to raise ancestors in its gate. Every ancestor has an extraordinary origin before his death. After being served by real people of the Dragon and Tiger Sect for many years, he can have great magic power.
These ancestors raised by the Dragon and Tiger Sect in Xixuanshan usually sleep in the Dragon and Tiger Xuantan built by Xixuanshan in all parts of the Central Plains, but when my brother came out of Xixuanshan, he was in danger and lit the door symbol. Recently, the sleeping ancestors in the Dragon and Tiger Xuantan were able to come to help in an instant.
However, this spell also has weaknesses to be refined. Just like this "Tai Zheng Yi You Ling Summons a Hundred Ghosts", Xi Xuanshan’s younger brother is still too far away from the nearest Dragon and Tiger Xuantan. Either the spell is ineffective and he can’t summon it, or the call has changed.
Therefore, the magic of "Tai Zheng Yi You Ling Summons a Hundred Ghosts" is lower in the Dragon and Tiger Sect than that of "Tai Xuan Tian Wu General", and the younger brothers of the West Xuanshan Dragon and Tiger Sect cultivate their younger brothers, such as Yang He, to a higher level. This magic is to refine the Dragon and Tiger Sect’s golden elixir, and then transform it into a small dragon and tiger Xuantan that you can take with you.
Although the magic of the Dragon and Tiger Sect is wonderful, it’s not to mention that Jiao Fei is now near overseas. Where is the Dragon and Tiger Xuantan? Even if he goes back to Middle-earth, he will summon the ancestral spirit with his Tianhe Sword Sect, but he won’t be commanded by him. The Dragon Nineteen is too afraid and eager to collect it. He won’t practice Jiao Fei as a whole. He knows that the East China Sea is a dragon, and Feng Er said that this Ryukyu sea city is a dragon, but he still didn’t expect to actually have a chance to meet the dragon middleman.
Outside, people came in noisily one after another, and twenty or thirty people were surrounded by the stars and the moon. This young man was very handsome, and his head was as red as coral, and his jaws were short and angular, and he even had a silver mustache. It seems that this 19-year-old Terran is really different, and a layer of water vapor rippled to keep everyone out of the body, and the dust was not stained, which set off the young man to be free from vulgarity.
Jiao Fei didn’t want to be mixed with these people, so he got up to go around and bumped into a reckless Han. In fact, Jiao Fei was able to avoid the fact that he was on the right path, but the Han didn’t look at it. If he wanted to avoid it, he had to shrink to the corner. Jiao Fei didn’t want to shrink so much, so he stretched out his hand and pushed the big fellow. It was his strength that he skillfully unloaded the area and two people passed by.
Jiao Fei planned to leave. Unexpectedly, the big fellow was angry and shouted, "Which little bastard dares to push the old man?"
If this big fellow scolds other words, it’s just Jiao Fei. When he hears his parents scold him, he reaches out and pinches the big fellow’s valve. Suddenly, that big fellow can utter a dumb word and can’t scold half a sentence to Jiao Fei. However, such a move is like blowing up a hornet’s nest. Three or four people immediately raise their hands and recruit instruments to swear, and as many as possible. These people are either overseas monsters or have no way to learn. They have been hanging around in this Ryukyu sea city for many years, knowing that the 19th century is too noble and they all want to show off in front of the nobles.
Jiao Fei hasn’t started work yet. Feng Er has smiled gently. "These people are annoying. I don’t know if this is a real Taoist temple in Huanglong." Actually, I have to do it! " Those children with tracts in their hands are somewhat willing to see these people making noise, but they didn’t speak for the sake of the 19th Taitai. Without the 19th Taitai, these people were not worthy of making noise in a real cabinet.
When a yellow-haired boy shouted, "If you make any more noise, a cabinet really invited you out!"
A monster who looks like Wang Chengjing got said, "We’d like to go out and argue with these two men and women for fear that they don’t have such a backbone." The yellow-haired boy refused to give up when he heard that the monster’s face sank, and when he pinched it with his five fingers, he flew out of the tree and cut it in half on the spot. Then when he drank low, he jumped to a fish demon and dragged the monster’s body away, and then a spell came to clean the ground before he jumped into the sea again.
Those monsters were shocked by the yellow-haired boy’s tough hand and immediately said nothing. A green-shirted boy next to him came to the 19th wife and said, "19th wife, are you too noisy and unconstrained?"
The 19-year-old was at a loss and said, "I’m here to play with Brother Wu. I didn’t expect that there would be many people here. I don’t know them!" The green boy’s eyebrows are wrinkly, which makes him white. He came over and drank a "cargo stick from overseas pimps!"! This place is really a pavilion, but where are you from? Now that you’re here, you don’t have to go. You just made dishes to feed the demon soldiers! "
The green-shirted boy asked out that these people were more difficult than the yellow-haired boy, and immediately caught them, called out more than a dozen domestic monsters, and arrested them all. Jiao Fei didn’t know what "overseas pimps pulled people’s goods sticks!" When Feng Er heard this, she suddenly blushed and said in a low voice, "These people have nothing to do, and they don’t have any goods themselves. They use their heads to help those buyers and sellers negotiate and profit from it. Sometimes it is a harm in this Ryukyu sea city that everyone is too lazy to take care of them at ordinary times. These people also have no vision to encourage Dragon Tai to come to a real pavilion. This courage is too big!"
Jiao Fei heard Feng Er explain that it was only a little clear that these people and those gangsters in the street are generally pointing to the wrong people to deceive people and help others. He didn’t expect to see this scene when he came overseas. "It seems that the demon race and people usually gather in large numbers and will gradually give birth to deceit."
The 19th Taitai went to other people around him, and he felt much relieved. He stepped forward and said, "Aozhen has just seen Mr. Wang wandering around, but the 19th Taitai brought evil guests to disturb Mr. Wang’s interest. This is my first time in Ryukyu. I wonder if Mr. Wang can be a guide?"
Jiao Fei is also quite interested in the dragon 19 Taitai. He couldn’t help laughing when he asked him to be a guide. "It’s my first time to come to Ryukyu Sea, which is the East China Sea. It’s also my first time to come to Mongolia, Aozhen, and I don’t give up chatting. It’s hard to guide. Jiaofei has met Aozhen Taitai in Xiaotianhe!"
"oh! So you are from Tianhe Sword School, so this sister around you is also from Tianhe Sword School? It’s said that Tianhe Sword Sect is one of the nine sects of Daomen. In China, it’s just like our nine overseas ancestors, but it’s the first time I’ve met Daomen’s big brother! "
Ao Zhen speaks innocently and Jiao Fei answers a few words slightly. Somehow, he actually gives birth to a chill in his heart. Somehow, he just feels too strange about this dragon. It seems that the other party can be transformed into an ancient and fierce beast at any time. Even though Ao Zhen laughs and Yan Yan’s eyes are very pure, Jiao Fei is still a little wary of him. Feng Er seems to be not interested in the conversation between the two people. He walks to the last child and casually asks two sentences, and Jiao Fei has never asked what this child has said.
Thanks to this method, the child is the one who just shot the green shirt. Obviously, here he has just said that it is this child who will dispose of those idle monsters. His eyesight is one hundred times higher than that of those idle monsters. He can see that Laifeng and Jiao Fei’s identities are extraordinary and busy. He explained a few words that made Jiao Fei greatly attracted.
The child in the green shirt said, "This tactic is more precious than the thing that deserves it is gone, so it can be sold. Otherwise, this tactic is treasured in the most secret treasure house of our real cabinet, which means that my younger brother can’t see it, let alone the guests outside."
Regardless of what is in his hand, the green shirt boy will render it first. However, everyone can’t help but want to listen to Jiao Fei. Although he guesses that this tactic is not his own, he can’t help but want to hear what this boy has to say.
Chapter III Hulu of Yin and Yang
The green shirt boy smiled and said, "The three origins are all good. When you know the ancient ten treasures,"
Jiao Fei also hesitated and didn’t know what the origin of the top ten ancient treasures was. Nineteen Tai Aozhen had already rushed to say, "I know that it is the most famous ten pure Yang series magic weapons of Daomo. It takes a thousand years to achieve success. Although there are more than ten days, it is the biggest title in this decade. Do you think this Daomo tactic is related to one of them?"

Everyone looked around.

See Sue ink palm holding a huge mana ball Ye Tiancheng yuan god trapped in it could not move panic.
"Sumo let people go!"
Road flyover Yuan Zong return to virtual reaction to come over and shouted.
Ye Tiancheng Yuan Shen can crush it in the palm of Su Mo’s hand.
He dared not make a move when he was fishing for the boat.
Lan Yue Dao Jun took a deep breath and slowly got up and sank. "Su Mo, since the outcome has been divided, you will let people go."
"Ah …"
Su Mo’s eyes flashed a trace of mockery, turned around and looked at Tao Jun, who was high in Lan Yue, and asked, "If I were in the other place, would the Lan Yue patriarch plead with me?"
Lan Yue Dao Jun’s face sank.
Ye Tiancheng Su Mo although the first world war has been said to be personal, she has thousands of cranes and how much contact.
But if you can save Ye Tiancheng’s life, it will be sold to Yuan Zong as a favor.
In the heart of Lan Yue Dao Jun, if Su Mo puts it in another place, she will never intercede with Su Mo to offend Yuan Zong and other super clansmen!
Lanyue Daojun suppressed his anger and said, "I’ve been there before, junior, and I advise you that you are too sharp-edged to worry about being killed in the future!"
"fatal disaster?"
Su Mo smiled indifferently. "I have a lot of disasters and I don’t care about one more!"
"Su Mo, you and I have no vendetta, but it’s the first true gentleman’s name. I’ll give it to you! You don’t have to kill me! "
Ye Tiancheng has been terrified, begging for mercy, and his voice trembled slightly with fear.
Group repair sigh
It’s really embarrassing that the first true gentleman in Zhongzhou at the top of the list is reduced to this step.
Not many people can calm down before death.
"If Ye Tiancheng competes for the first true gentleman, I’m too lazy to make moves."
Su Mo’s eyes turned and stared at Yuan Shen in the palm of his hand and said faintly, "But you shouldn’t be cold and soft!"
Hearing this, Ye Tiancheng felt a chill in his heart.
Su Mo has raised his head and looked at all the people in Yuan Zong coldly. "Since Emperor Yin wants to lead me out, I will give him a big gift today!"
Su Mo holds the palm of his hand.
Ye Tiancheng Yuan Shen was crushed and died on the spot!
Chapter nine hundred and sixty God knowledge attack
Tongxuan courtyard instantly fell into silence.
Looking at this scene, everyone opened their mouths slightly and looked complicated. The mood could not be calmed for a long time.
The top of the open vision was praised as the first true gentleman in Zhongzhou, and Ye Tiancheng died in front of everyone!
In addition to shock, everyone’s heart also gives birth to some sighs and regrets.
This is the fix true boundary.
What about tianjiao?
So what about Uber?
There is still a danger of being strangled at the peak of the wild mainland!
The arrogance of death will eventually be forgotten.
It won’t take too long. I’m afraid not many people still remember Ye Tiancheng.
He is too young.
It’s only a few decades since I rose like a comet, but I didn’t expect to meet a more terrible Uber, which ended like a flash in the pan.

Perhaps the birds saw Su Mo and others crawling up, and they didn’t want to continue with Xiao Pang’s three people, flapping their wings violently and whistling in the wind.

Xiao pang couldn’t bear to fall from the middle first, and the shield was blown away and disappeared.
"Ah ah ah!"
Xiao pang was so scared that his face was livid and his teeth bared. He shouted and said at once after seeing Su Mo, "Big Brother, there is a big bird on the run!"
Xiao Pang’s falling direction is not far from Sumo.
Su Mo had a good impression of Xiao Pang, so he couldn’t from ruin, so he moved his body and stuck it on the mountain wall and moved it continuously, dragging Xiao Pang from the middle school.
Xiao pang rolled his eyes and drooled at the corner of his mouth, which seemed to frighten him into fainting.
Sue ink frowned.
He has climbed halfway up the mountain, and it will take some trouble to let Xiao Pang go.
Xiao Pang is heavy, but Su Mo’s waist and cold moon are nothing compared with the blood crystal bow on the back of the knife.
On this, Su Mo dragged Xiao Pang with one hand and continued to climb with two feet and one hand, with almost no reduction in speed.
Su Mo didn’t see clearly until he was close.
This is a crane. It looks young and still in its infancy. Its eyes are full of agility and excitement.
It seems that shooting down all the climbers is the most interesting game for it.
The crane dived and leaned out, and its paws landed on the ice cover of the white-shirted woman.
The broken ice cover was easily scratched by the crane.
The wind blew through the white woman and fell from the flying sword. Her eyes were dim but she didn’t say anything. In an instant, rolling in the deep.
The aloof man followed closely in the crane offensive, but after three breaths, he fell from the middle and looked unwilling.
The crane looked up and sang softly, and his eyes were full of pride.
Chapter sixty-six A monkey
See even the arrogant man and the white-shirted woman fall into the abyss. Su Mo doubts again in his heart.
People in rolling in the deep will definitely not die.
The two men have variation spirit root has alarmed dimly discernible peak first how can die so easily.
However, it is not known what Sumo will experience in rolling in the deep.
Su Mo continuously moved horizontally to avoid the sight of the crane and quickly fled to the top of the mountain.
Although he has one hand, Su Mo’s five toes are flexible and his fingers dig into the mountain wall after taking off his shoes. Climb quickly in the room
Crane induction is very keen. In the middle, he made a turn and came to Su Mo’s head to sing. His eyes were full of banter and he seemed to laugh at Su Mo Xiaocong.
One man and one crane are finally right
On the other side, on the top of an aura mountain, there are two elegant middle-aged Taoist priests sitting opposite each other, both dressed in white robes, but one has a flying sword tattooed on his cuff and the other has a hexagonal logo tattooed on his cuff.
Two people carefully tea look carefree.
Beside two middle-aged Taoist priests, a thin Taoist boy looked excited and said something.
"hmm? Mutant spirit root? Or two? "
One of the middle-aged Taoist priests looked slightly different and raised eyebrows with a teacup.
Thin child nodded.
Another middle-aged Taoist asked, "What are the spiritual roots?"
The thin Taoist replied, "One is Fenglinggen and the other is Binglinggen."
I heard that two middle-aged Taoist priests smiled at each other and seemed very satisfied.
"Wenxuan, you Lingfeng will have two geniuses again."
There are six peaks in the dimly discernible peak. The highest peak is the truly dimly discernible peak seen outside.
There are five peaks around the misty peak, namely Lingfeng, Danfeng, Fufeng, Array Peak and Device Peak.
Calling Taoist Wenxuan is the man with the flying sword logo tattooed on his cuff, but it is the first place in Lingfeng.
Another name, Xuan Yi, is the first one of the array peaks.
Those who can sit in the first seat of the Five Peaks must be then real people.
Although the five peaks have their own strengths, Lingfeng has the most brothers. What Lingfeng has learned from rebuilding the realm is the fight of the true.

Chapter one thousand six hundred and thirty-seven Tit for tat

"What do you mean by the dark wizard?"
The God Emperor frowned and asked, "Do you really believe what this junior said?"
The ghost witch emperor and others were unmoved by their expressions.
The God Emperor took a deep breath and said, "The Archaean War was all the work of my protoss ancestors. They are old and they did make a big mistake, but we!"
"The protoss has grown and developed in the wild mainland over the years and has long regarded itself as a wild man. Isn’t our friendship for so many years better than this junior in a few words?"
"We’ve been friends for so many years and you’ve never told us the truth."
The Sun Fire Emperor said coldly, "If it weren’t for today’s events, our five fierce families would be kept in the dark even if they were held at gunpoint!"
"Hey hey!"
Ghost witch emperor also strange smile without a word.
No one in the presence of the emperor is stupid.
Now that we know the truth of the Taikoo War, the origin of the protoss is naturally guarded against the protoss.
The Blood Emperor also sneered, "If the God Emperor is in a scuffle, his strength will be weakened, and then the mainland of God will invade and occupy the famine, will you still call us brothers?"
In a blink of an eye, the situation of this national conference has changed dramatically!
Originally, the six fierce families joined forces to be extremely aggressive.
Terran has almost no way out.
But now Su Mo wakes up and tells the truth of the ancient war, directly disintegrating the alliance of the six fierce families and isolating the protoss!
"In this case, our fierce clan should join hands today to suppress the protoss and avenge the ancestors of Archaean times!"
Barbarian said homicidal.
"I agree!"
Kun Huang also looked cold.
In Archaean times, the taboo of Kunpeng’s death was actually calculated by protoss, which made Kunhuang feel furious!
Emperor Kun said, "The protoss is a huge hidden danger in the wild mainland, and it should be eradicated as soon as possible!"
Chen dragon emperor didn’t speak.
He has lived so long that he can see the present situation more thoroughly.
He knows very well that even if he knows the truth about the Taikoo War, it will not be so simple because people’s hearts are complicated.
Ghost Wu Huang smiled and said, "That’s true. At the beginning, the protoss was the culprit in the tragic deaths of Dragon Phoenix and Kunpeng, two taboos in Taikoo."
"You dragons, Kun clan and barbarians have joined hands to destroy the protoss."
The barbarian frowned. "What do you mean?"
Ghost Wu Huang laughed. "Don’t worry, you will kill the protoss. I will never help the protoss."
"I, the sun clan, will not come forward."
The sun fire emperor followed said
The blood vine clan, Luo Cha clan, and Emperor Eye clan also expressed their views.
The abacus of these five emperors is easy to guess.
They just want to stay out of it and look on coldly and let the dragon, Kun and barbarian protoss fight and fight to the death!
Kun Huang Shen said, "We, the great fierce clan, can kill the protoss at the least cost. What does this mean now?"
The Ghost Witch Emperor waved his hand and said, "After all, the Protoss was an alliance before us, and it’s really unethical that I can’t help it."
The God Emperor looks gloomy.
He knows very well that if it weren’t for his strong fighting power, he would pose a great threat to the ghost witch emperor and others, and the protoss would probably be destroyed today!
Eye situation has evolved into a dragon, Kun, barbarians in one side.
Wu, Sun, Blood-vine, Eye-Eye, Luo Cha, five fierce clans joined hands.
Protoss isolation
The three camps have scruples about each other, and no one is willing to make moves.
Dragon, Kun and barbarian have a great possibility to destroy the protoss.
But the three fierce families in the first world war must be weakened, and the dragon emperor Shou Yuan is likely to fall on the spot!
Who can protect this dragon phoenix then?
The five fierce families, such as the Wu clan, are afraid of the God Emperor, and naturally they will not easily make moves. It is best to take advantage of the fishermen.
Yu protoss is not stupid enough to take the initiative to challenge the fierce clan.
The three camps faintly form a delicate balance.
Chen Dragon Emperor coughed a few times and said slowly, "In this case, let’s all sit down and talk about it in this meeting of all ethnic groups. The mainland is eager to invade at any time. The most favorable pattern for the famine is that all ethnic groups should not ignite the war again!"